Sacred Snippet: Queen Mary’s Garden

Sacred Snippet: Queen Mary’s Garden by Patti Greene
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Twelve years ago, John and I traveled to London, and while he worked during the day, I had the wonderful opportunity to explore on my own. One day, I courageously took a bus (yes, all by myself) to Queen Mary’s Garden. After figuring out the bus route, I arrived and found myself enchanted by the charming shops lining the streets before locating the garden. As I wandered through the garden, admiring the vibrant flowers and beautiful greenery, I was drawn to a special bench.
I sat down and entered a deep prayer time, surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation. On that bench, I felt the Lord speak to me: “Patti, I will always give you the strength and courage you need whenever you need it.” That message has stayed with me, as vivid as the day I received it.
Since then, I’ve encountered similar benches in other places, like one in Canada, where I sat and was again reminded of God’s promise. Each time I see a bench like that, whether on TV or in a park, I am grateful for God’s unwavering love that gives me His strength and courage when I need it.
I hope you have found a special place where God has touched your heart. If you haven’t found one yet, I encourage you to pause, pray, and listen for His voice no matter where you are. He is always present and ready to speak with words meant just for you.
God Bless,



Ezekiel’s Trial

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I’ve been reading the Book of Ezekiel this week, and because suffering has been such a topic in my Bible study class, I zoned in on one of Ezekiel’s trials.

In Ezekiel 24, the story of suffering reminds us that in our moments of pain, we should strive to pray for God’s deeper purposes to be revealed. Otherwise, we will drive ourselves crazy trying to figure it all out.

Ezekiel’s wife was suddenly taken from him by God, even though he cherished her deeply. Despite his loss, God instructed him not to mourn for her openly. This might seem puzzling, but it serves as an example of what God expected from Israel.

Death of Ezekiel’s Wife Is a Sign

And the word of the Lord came to me saying, “Son of man, behold, I am about to take from you the desire of your eyes with a blow; but you shall not mourn and you shall not weep, and your tears shall not come.  Groan silently; make no mourning for the dead. Bind on your turban and put your shoes on your feet, and do not cover your mustache and do not eat the bread of men.”  So I spoke to the people in the morning, and in the evening my wife died. And in the morning I did as I was commanded (Ezekiel 24: 15-18).

The people were to face destruction and loss due to their sins, just as Ezekiel did, but they were not permitted to mourn openly. To clarify, Ezekiel’s suffering was not the result of any sin or wrongdoings. He was meant to show the people how to respond to their hardships.

God’s Deeper Purpose

Sometimes, God allows things to happen to us for a purpose, even if it’s difficult to accept. He often wants us to use those experiences for His purpose: to help others who are going through similar struggles.

I can relate to this on a smaller scale. For instance, during our home walk-through in 2021, the morning before we were scheduled to purchase a new home, I fell down fourteen wooden stairs headfirst! While in and out of consciousness, lying at the bottom of the stairs, I started declaring aloud over and over again, “God let this happen so I can help someone else who falls down the stairs.” The realtor must have thought I was a basket case. I haven’t helped anyone in the same situation yet, but I genuinely wanted to find God’s deeper purpose amid my scary time. It’s funny how the mind works!

Seek Him

God knows our situation and/or circumstance, and we should seek to understand His purposes. Life happens, and God desires us to trust Him in everything. And yes, I know it can be hard.

Praying, meditating on His Word, and fellowshipping with others are some of the activities that can help us find peace and move on.

Ezekiel’s experience reinforces my belief that in times of suffering, we should strive to pray for God’s deeper purposes to be revealed to us—no matter how long it takes!

I’m working on it! How about you?

Feel free to share this reflection with others. May it encourage hearts and remind us that we’re never alone on this path.

God Bless,


My heavenly Father, I love you. I know You are always looking out for me. However, there are some things I can’t get over, but I want to. Help me, Lord, to daily have the confidence to trust You for everything. You are the only one who can help me to understand my former and present trials, thoughts, hopes, and dreams. From this day forth, let me consider Your DEEPER PURPOSES for my life and not my own. Thank you for reminding me that You will give me an understanding of Your purpose(s) in my life. I will keep praying.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Bible Verse

“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6).

Trial of Ezekiel. Bible Study Resources. 30 Oct 2020. Accessed 27 Sept 2024.


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Many of us, especially as we grow older, carry the weight of significant trauma. I am no exception. These traumas often lead us through years of introspection and painful questioning: Why did that happen? What if I had acted differently? Why can’t I move past these memories?

It’s disheartening when these painful memories resurface unexpectedly, sometimes decades later. These recollections can intrude upon our thoughts startlingly, leaving us feeling helpless.

Some people and experiences we wish we could erase entirely, while others we yearn to reconnect with before our time is up.

It’s perplexing why these moments of pain reappear at the most inconvenient times, challenging our understanding. We might also wonder why such memories continue to haunt us.

While the reasons may remain elusive, one thing is sure: God understands the depth of our pain and the struggle these memories bring. But He is there to offer comfort and support against these relentless, intrusive thoughts.

The weight of these memories can lead to confusion, guilt, and a diminished spirit. We long to bury these painful experiences so that they never surface again, yearning for relief from the confusion and sorrow they bring.

Canva Photo

As I drove to a friend’s home today, I found solace in knowing that God is intimately aware of every hurt and thought I have now and have ever endured. He understands the impact of these past trials on us, even when they resurface unexpectedly.

But when the shadows of past traumas return, how should we respond?

In some cases, this is where spiritual warfare comes into play. When we’re overwhelmed by memories we’d rather forget or face heartaches and struggles we can’t share with others, we might be engaged in a spiritual battle. Discerning whether these challenges are from God, ourselves, or an evil force can be confusing.

In these moments, consider the following truths about spiritual warfare. Satan’s attacks are not new. As believers, we are engaged in a battle and must equip ourselves with spiritual armor. Understand that the righteous often face fiercer attacks because they are devoted to serving God and praying for others. We must sustain ourselves with prayer and daily immersion in God’s word. And obeying God’s guidance and will is crucial.

God’s work in our lives is ongoing until He calls us home. Progress can be difficult, but we must recognize our identity in Christ and trust that He will “help us” through every challenge. One of my favorite prayers in the Psalms, which I constantly pray, is, “Help me!”

Bible Verse

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeing whom he may devour; who resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. (1 Peter 5:8-9)


With faith and perseverance, please help me, Lord, to face what comes my way. You are my comforter when hard memories come into my life. Guide me to place my entire life, current and past, in your hands. I love you.


Continue reading Trauma

Sacred Snippet: Feeling Bummed

I’m feeling a bit bummed today. A few months ago, I fell in the Dollar Tree parking lot and wore a knee-high boot for over three weeks. Then, after another three weeks out of the boot, my ankle felt off, so I visited my foot doctor today, and now I’m in an ankle support brace until September 6th. Not cool. . .

The challenge now is finding shoes that work with this brace because, as much as I adore my high heels, they are not exactly brace-friendly. I can almost hear my Bible study friends gently reminding me, “Patti, we did say high heels might not be the best choice at your age!” In response to my slight frustration, I indulged in some old-fashioned retail therapy.  Sorry, Amazon. I bought ten pairs of colorful Care Bear socks to brighten my mood and a colorful blouse to make myself feel better! Sometimes, we need a splash of color to lift our spirits!

  Ankle Support

We all encounter moments of spiritual low points too. And, when we are bummed out, it’s important to take action. Praise God, listen to uplifting worship music, read your Bible, pray, and connect with other believers. And, even if immediate relief isn’t evident, remember that God is always there, listening and loving you. So, keep on going.

Just as wearing this brace might be inconvenient for me, it’s necessary for healing. Similarly, even when it feels tough to engage with God, it’s the best thing for our spiritual well-being. He is here for us.

As for shoe advice, any tips on finding the perfect pair of shoes that accommodate an ankle brace would be greatly appreciated! I prefer ones with heels. However, if that’s not possible, I am up to limping around for more retail therapy shopping.

Bible Verses

“Watch the path of your feet
And all your ways will be established.” Proverbs 4:26

“The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.” Psalm 121:8

A Book Review: NKJV Study Bible For Kids by Patti Greene

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I love seeing a package from Thomas Nelson on my doorstep. I know that is my next Bible to review. Viewing multiple Bibles throughout the year is an honor, privilege, and pleasure.

External Appeal

I recently received the NKJV Study Bible FOR KIDS. It arrived in an elegant box perfect for gifting! The Bible’s appealing blue leather soft cover attracted me immediately. The front cover would look extremely lovely with beautiful engraving imprinted on it. Its size makes it convenient to carry, and the tactile experience of this beautiful soft cover is pleasant to the touch. The shade of blue is appropriate for both girls and boys.

Two Concerns

Before delving into its contents, I must highlight two concerns I have about this Bible.

First, while this Bible is labeled “FOR KIDS,” there is a need for more clarity on the specific age group it targets. I seem to always be concerned when a Bible says it is for a particular audience; in this case, the box, the cover, and the title page all say it is for kids, but “kids” can encompass a broad spectrum from young children to adolescents, potentially affecting its long-term appeal. For those browsing a bookstore looking at this Bible in its boxed form, there would be no indication on the box for the purchaser regarding the Bible’s age or reading level.

Second, I strongly believe that promoting the Bible “FOR KIDS” may confuse a purchaser. If someone buys this Bible for an 11-year-old, it implies that as the child grows into a teenager, they may not want to use it due to the “FOR KIDS” inscription on the front cover.  As an alternative, I suggest it would have been better to keep the “FOR KIDS” on the title page but leave it off the front cover to not embarrass teenagers if they want to continue to use this Bible.


The book details on Amazon say this book is for grades four through six, which would most likely be ages nine through 11. However, customers rate the reading age as seven to 11, a discrepancy when deciding upon the book.

However, I understand that education has been dumbed down over the years, so defining who can read this Bible is difficult.

What’s Inside?

Setting aside these considerations, the NKJV Study Bible For Kids impresses with its comprehensive features and design. Although the font size could be slightly larger across its 1,582 pages, the layout is well-organized with ample half-inch margins and sturdy paper quality. A striking yellow ribbon bookmark adds a touch of elegance. The margins all around the text are 1/2.” The paper quality appears nice and sturdy.

Educationally, this Bible excels with distinctive features color-coded throughout, giving extra information kids (and adults) would enjoy.

Book Review: NKJV Study Bible For Kids
1. Action Feature (purple) covers topics such as Friendship and Giving to God.
2. Epic Ideas (blue) explores themes such as A Man of True Wisdom and Don’t Be Afraid.
3. Spotlights (red) illuminate subjects like God Watches Over You and Jesus is God.
4. In Focus (purple) provides insights on terms like Demon-Possession and Prophecy.
5. Timelines (yellow) trace historical events from Genesis to Revelation. The print size could be made more reader-friendly.
6. On Location (green) includes maps detailing journeys and locations crucial to biblical narratives.
7. Starring Roles (yellow) profiles key figures Biblical characters like Moses and Titus.

Extra Features

Additionally, this Bible concludes with valuable resources such as a dictionary—concordance, book abbreviations, and detailed lists facilitating more straightforward navigation through its supplemental materials.

This edition of the Bible is currently in pre-order status on Amazon. It is listed for $49.99. It is also available in paperback and hardback at lower prices.

Valuable Resources

Despite my initial reservations about its target audience labeling, the NKJV Study Bible For Kids is a valuable resource for children and parents dedicated to imparting Biblical truths – especially to homeschoolers. Beyond its “FOR KIDS” designation, its depth and educational richness make it a commendable choice for serious Bible study and spiritual growth at any age.

In fact, I can see myself using this Bible in my quiet time and for the Study Bible tips and information.

God bless.

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Trust the Journey

Have you ever pondered the Holy Spirit’s presence and calling in your life? Feeling lost or uncertain is easy, especially when life takes unexpected turns. But here’s what I’ve learned over the years.

Never Alone

God never abandons us. When we accept Christ, the Holy Spirit becomes our constant companion. Even in moments of doubt and desire, we’re not alone.

Testing Grounds

Sometimes, the Holy Spirit leads us to testing grounds. We stumble, but that’s okay. These trials refine us, shaping our purpose.

Silent Moments

Sometimes, we don’t feel God’s presence. Perhaps there is sin in our lives, or maybe God is testing us. But even in silence, He’s working behind the scenes.


Life can be tough. Criticism, misunderstandings, and unmet prayers weigh us down. Yet, we persevere. God’s timing is mysterious, but He’s always leading.


By surrendering our desires and hopes, we invite the Holy Spirit’s touch. He trusts us with His plans, even when they diverge from our expectations.

Stay Vigilant

The enemy seeks to distract us during life’s storms, but God remains steadfast. We may not always feel Him, but He’s there.

So, my friends, let’s trust the journey—even when it’s hard. God’s purpose unfolds, and we’re part of something greater.

Feel free to share this reflection with others. May it encourage hearts and remind us that we’re never alone on this path.

God Bless,


Dear Heavenly Father, Life can be rough sometimes. Allow me to trust You through all my ins and outs. Let me build into my Christian foundation the fact that You love me and will never leave me or forsake me.

Bible Verse

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Reverend Lawson Led Me to Jesus

First Published in The Baptist Standard, May 14, 2024

Reverend Bill Lawson, founder of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church in Houston, departed this earthly realm today, May 14, at age 95.

Although I never met him face-to-face, his impact on my life remains profound. Every Oct. 2, I pause to remember him, thank God and praise the Lord for his ministry.

I remember sending him a thank-you note on Oct. 2, 1996, to thank him personally for what he meant in my life. The date may not be significant to everyone, but I keep up with it every year.

Without Reverend Lawson, I may not have become a believer in Jesus Christ.

‘A speaker’

Rev. William Lawson and his wife Audrey (Screenshot, KTRK 13, Houston)

As a lone 16-year-old, non-Baptist student at Baylor University, I was drawn to a group meeting on the second floor of Baylor’s Student Union Building to listen to a band and “a speaker.” The speaker turned out to be a preacher.

I was at a crossroads. I remember standing in the middle of the literal road, with the Student Union Building on the left and a hippie-looking guy on the right enticing me to attend a “cool, fun and wild party.”

Fortunately, I turned to the left and entered the Student Union Building. I sat on the floor in the back of the room, listening to the music and this preacher. I don’t remember exactly what he said, but I can guess.

He most likely said: ‘You are a sinner, and you must place your faith in Jesus Christ, and Jesus will become your Lord and Savior.”

There was a “time of invitation,” which is when people walk forward to the front of the room to talk to a designated person about a decision or to pray. I had never heard that phrase before. So, I kept sitting on the floor in the back of the Student Union Building.

Sitting on the floor cross-legged, I made the most important decision of my entire life. I accepted Jesus Christ.

I can’t say I understood what I had done or what a profound moment had just occurred, but I knew something had changed, and I liked the new me.

Lawson shaped not only my life but also the lives of countless others. His “speech” at Baylor University on Oct. 2, 1971, was a turning point. Imagine if he hadn’t been invited. Countless students—like me—might have missed the opportunity to encounter Christ in that transformative moment.

A pastor

The ripple effect would have been immense had Lawson not taken his calling seriously. His powerful sermons and unwavering faith inspired hearts and transformed lives. Without his commitment, countless souls might have missed the opportunity to encounter Christ—including mine.

The decision to start Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church was pivotal. His first 13 members formed a community that grew, thrived and impacted generations. Without this church, countless spiritual journeys—like mine—might have taken different paths. This church now numbers 12,000 in membership.

Reverend Lawson collaborated with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which led to an invitation to join King’s efforts in Atlanta, Ga. Their joint efforts could have influenced civil rights, justice and equality beyond measure. But Lawson stayed committed to the 13 people at his church and decided to remain in Houston, where he first came as a 27-year-old man.

Reverend Lawson’s commitment to those 13 individuals mattered. Each soul he shepherded had a unique story. Without his dedication, those lives might have lacked spiritual guidance and community.

Houston owes much to Lawson. His presence shaped the city’s spiritual landscape. Without him, Houston might have missed a beacon of faith, compassion, and justice.

The Lord can use each of us, whether in formal ministry or everyday interactions, to impact lives. If you haven’t yet explored the message of Jesus Christ, consider seeking answers and discovering the profound love that awaits you. It’s a journey you won’t regret. I haven’t.

My tribute to a man I loved, but never met

Though I never met Reverend Lawson face-to-face, I loved him for leading me to Jesus. I offer Paul’s words to the Christians in Thessalonica in tribute to Reverend Lawson:

“For you yourselves know, brethren, that our coming to you was not in vain, but after we had already suffered and been mistreated in Philippi, as you know, we had the boldness in our God to speak to you the gospel of God amid much opposition.

“For our exhortation does not come from error or impurity or by way of deceit; but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who examines our hearts.

“For we never came with flattering speech, as you know, nor with a pretext for greed—God is witness—nor did we seek glory from men, either from you or others, even though as apostles of Christ we might have asserted our authority.

“But we proved to be gentle among you, as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children. Having so fond an affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us (1 Thessalonians 2:1-9, NASB).

Patti Greene is a Baylor University and Dallas Baptist University graduate, a member of Second Baptist Church in Houston, and the author of seven books. She obtained some information for this opinion article from KTRK 13 in Houston and KPRC 2 in Houston. The views expressed in this article are those of the author.

If you liked this article, I would love you to subscribe to my blog. You can do this from the top left block under “About the Author.” You enter your email address and then await an email to confirm your subscription. Thank you.

Works Cited

Ballard, Moriah. “Houston civil rights icon, founder of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church,Rev. William “Bill” Lawson, dies at 95.” Accessed May 14, 2004. KPRC 2, Houston.

“Rev. Bill Lawson, founder of Wh eeler Avenue Baptist Church and civil rights icon,” dies at 95. Accessed May 14, 2024. KTRK 13, Houston.

There are a few minor changes from The Baptist Standard article.

Photo Images:

Screenshot KTRK 13 Houston and UH.Edu.



Killing Time!

Chilling in the United Airlines Lounge (I got lucky this time), I realized how much the world has transformed.


First off, as I sit in the lounge — or club as some call it — phone chargers are like vines, everywhere you look. Folks are wheeling and dealing on calls, making the air buzz with business. And the restrooms? They’ve gone gender-neutral – “All-Gender” signs on all three restrooms. Then there’s the tech scene; video calls have taken over, with people chatting away as if they’re in their own private bubbles.

And let’s talk about the grub! I nibbled on some bread and veggies, waiting for my coffee to hit that perfect sipping temp. Meanwhile, the bar appears more expansive than the food spread.

Then, there were the overheard snippets from the tech crowd floating  around:

  • “It’s the team that matters!”
  • “He’s nailing it remotely, so this chat’s only fair.”
  • “Guess it boils down to how you juggle the tasks.”
  • “Got summoned to cool off a hot-headed new manager in Corpus – he’ll settle in a few weeks, no sweat!”
  • “If they pull it together, let’s seal the deal – doubt they’ll kick up a fuss.”
  • “Time to touch base with the stakeholders.”
  • “Just nod along, then we’ll switch it up, keep things smooth.”

Thankfully, the lounge is free from the harsh language that peppered the check-in zone.

Everyone’s on a mission to prove their worth, except yours truly. I’m here penning this blog, pondering its purpose, how to wrap it up, and wondering why I am even observing the scene. Soon, I’ll dive into my paperback books on the Holy Spirit and Sodom. Holding them up might ruffle some feathers – or not.

I’ve already soaked up some Bible verses this morning, but now, my focus is wavering. The buffet’s getting a refill, and I’m torn… More food? My snooze-inducing pill? Or my books? I opted for the latter – the pill can wait until I’m yearning for it on the flight. I’ll grab a bite just before boarding.

To pass the time, I’ll share some gems from my reads – the blog’s theme is “Killing Time!” And hey, sometimes that’s time well spent, like now.


“The Holy Spirit is the ultimate church growth expert. He is not a liability that needs limiting but the only one who can make an eternal impact. We need to let him run our ministries and churches.”

“Without the Holy Spirit, a church is just a club, our preaching is just motivation, and our outreaches are just temporary acts of charity.”

“Let’s say that you are like a mobile phone. You can be plugged into the power outlet and then charged to 100%, but the moment you unplug from the source you begin to lose power. Your charge begins to drop. In order to keep the phone at 100% charge, it has to be charged up and then remain plugged into the power source.” Think Holy Spirit.

“Preacher, what kind of a gospel have we to present to such a self-condemning people? If our message lacks ‘the power of God unto salvation,’ dare, we call it the gospel?” Hmm!

And that’s a wrap! Boarding’s up next…

Bible Verse:

“You will have to live with the consequences of everything you say. What you say can preserve life or destroy it; so you must accept the consequences of your words (Good News Translation).

Proverbs 18:20-21


Dear Lord, Please allow me to watch my tongue, both in what I say and in the attitude in which I say it. Let me honor You in all I say. In Jesus’ Name. Amen


I’m not saying, because some of you might think I’ve gone too charismatic for your liking! Ha.

What Does Home Mean to You? Guest Blogger – Jackie Trottmann

Dear Readers,
Today, my friend Jackie, who lost her husband recently, is graciously allowing me to share her thoughts. Jackie, in her blog, shared how losing her husband, makes her ponder her view of home.
While I haven’t experienced such loss, I know many who have, and I pray for them to find healing and purpose. In fact, I selfishly hope I never have to go through it, because I don’t want to be alone. However,  we can’t predict our future, but I believe God guides us through every challenge we must face,
I encourage you to read Jackie’s blog with an open heart and pray for her and those going through similar journeys. And if you are so inclined, feel free to join her site to receive more articles written by her. [Name and address are listed below.]
God bless you.

What Does Home Mean to You?
by Jackie Trottmann
Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. John 14:23

I’ve been going through a lot of old journals lately. This subject of home I had been kicking around in September of 2018. It was three months prior to moving into the new home Robert and I had built. 

The dictionary describes home as: 

  1. A place of residence
  2. The place in which one’s domestic affections are centered
  3. The native place or region of a thing
  4. Any place of refuge

And some home sayings are: At home – meaning at ease.

Home free – meaning safe, secure and settled. 

During this transition from one home to another, I was pondering what home really meant. 

Now that I am home without Robert, I’ve been pondering this meaning yet again.

A Place of Residence and the Native Place or Region of a Thing

These two definitions hold true for me. My residence and native place are both St. Louis, Missouri. I was born and raised here. This place has been home my entire life. 

My son lives here. Robert’s parents and my mother lived here. As our parents aged, we were grateful to be able to take care of their needs until they passed away. 

We have friends here and a strong faith community we are a part of through our church. 

The home I grew up in holds no sentimental value for me. In fact, it held a lot of pain. It was a broken home, hardly a place of refuge due to my father’s alcohol-induced violent outbursts. I couldn’t wait to leave home. 

Five homes followed. The sixth became my refuge where I finally came home to myself after a painful divorce. I found my joy there.

After Robert and I married, I moved into his home. It was a cozy little sanctuary for 14 years. But after Robert’s Parkinson’s diagnosis, that home would not be suitable for the growing needs we would require for his safety. Plus, we needed more space for hosting friends and family.

The Place in Which One’s Domestic Affections Are Centered – And a Place of Refuge

Now that Robert is gone, I once again find that I am coming home to myself. In this case, physically and spiritually.

I am so grateful that we built this home because it truly is a sanctuary and place of refuge. It’s extremely quiet. There is lots of what I call gracious space. While our prior home was cozy, it could easily become cluttered and cramped. 

Feeling Exiled from Home

There was a visiting pastor and therapist who gave a sermon called At Home Even in Exile

The passage used was Isaiah 51:1-6 where the Israelites were exiled from their homes. The promise was that God [would] never leave ]them and [would] deliver them. 

She shared her story of depression. It flares up like the bad disk in her back. Unlike the disk, which causes physical pain, depression will attack her emotionally. Left unchecked, it will question her existential truths: does God love me, does my husband love me, does what I do matter?

Her simple garden variety anxiety turns into a place where she no longer feels at home in her family, mind, or with God. She is in exile from meaning and purpose and in need of finding her joy in coming back home to her true self. 

Home – The Place That Never Goes Away

I believe home is the deepest part of ourselves. It’s our true essence, where we find our hearts and souls. 

Like a place of refuge and that phrase, home free meaning safe, secure, and settled, that’s where you find peace, purpose, and power, being settled in your own skin. 

You are at home, no longer walking in the wilderness searching outside of yourself for safety and security. It’s found when you come home to you – God’s Beloved.

Paul writes: Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? 1 Corinthians 6:19. 

The destruction of the physical temple in Jerusalem gives way to temple theology beyond a physical presence. It represents sacred space for the Sabbath and other ways of welcoming the presence of God within. 

While I will never come home to find Robert waiting for me, I continue to learn that wherever I am, I will find home within that place where I feel loved, safe, and secure. 

Because I know that God dwells within me. 

Jesus didn’t have a place to lay his head, but he had a Kingdom. That place was always with him and within him. 

May you be at home within, that place where you will find peace and refuge.

Do you have any thoughts on home? I’d love to hear them.  

May you find joy, peace, and rest for the journey,

Jackie Trottmann
Author and Spiritual Director

Sacred Snippet: Coffee

I think I’m a genius! Humbly Speaking! 

Yesterday morning, our coffee pot would not work, and I am a serious coffee drinker. I made some tea, but it didn’t hit the spot.

So this morning I was listening to a sermon about strategic and spiritual vision, and the idea struck me on how to make coffee when your coffee pot is broken. [Preachers, you never know how far-reaching your messages may be.]

Step #1: Fill up a filter with your coffee grains.

Coffee – Step 1

Step #2: Get a bowl and put it in the sink under the water spigot.

Coffee – Step  2

Step #3: Turn on the water from the spigot and let it run into the filter. push the button at the bottom and let the water drip through the filter into the bowl. Repeat to make as much coffee as you would like.

Coffee – Step 3

Step # 4: Pour the water from the bowl into a coffee cup and place it in the microwave for as long as needed to make it hot.

Coffee – Step 4

Step 5: When your coffee is hot, doctor your coffee with cream, sugar, sweetener, or whatever you like in your coffee.

Coffee – Step  5

Step 6: Sit down and enjoy your coffee.

Coffee – Step 6

Step #7: Refill your cup from the bowl and place it into the microwave as many times as needed.

I was desperate and I envisioned what to do. I don’t know if this was a strategic or spiritual vision, but either way, it worked. Thanks, Preacher!

How often, when we are desperate, do we turn to the Lord for His solution and vision? He should be the first place we turn!

Have a great day.