I’m feeling a bit bummed today. A few months ago, I fell in the Dollar Tree parking lot and wore a knee-high boot for over three weeks. Then, after another three weeks out of the boot, my ankle felt off, so I visited my foot doctor today, and now I’m in an ankle support brace until September 6th. Not cool. . .
The challenge now is finding shoes that work with this brace because, as much as I adore my high heels, they are not exactly brace-friendly. I can almost hear my Bible study friends gently reminding me, “Patti, we did say high heels might not be the best choice at your age!” In response to my slight frustration, I indulged in some old-fashioned retail therapy. Sorry, Amazon. I bought ten pairs of colorful Care Bear socks to brighten my mood and a colorful blouse to make myself feel better! Sometimes, we need a splash of color to lift our spirits!
We all encounter moments of spiritual low points too. And, when we are bummed out, it’s important to take action. Praise God, listen to uplifting worship music, read your Bible, pray, and connect with other believers. And, even if immediate relief isn’t evident, remember that God is always there, listening and loving you. So, keep on going.
Just as wearing this brace might be inconvenient for me, it’s necessary for healing. Similarly, even when it feels tough to engage with God, it’s the best thing for our spiritual well-being. He is here for us.
As for shoe advice, any tips on finding the perfect pair of shoes that accommodate an ankle brace would be greatly appreciated! I prefer ones with heels. However, if that’s not possible, I am up to limping around for more retail therapy shopping.
“Watch the path of your feet
And all your ways will be established.” Proverbs 4:26
“The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.” Psalm 121:8
Feel free to share, repost, and/or comment. I would love to hear from you.
[Reprinted from The Baptist Standard.]The same article is printed below. If you are anything like my dad, he would not click on any links! So, I posted the article below.
Aging does not have to mean reducing our service to the Lord.
As I recently filled out my health history at my new heart specialist’s office, I reminded myself I have gray hair and crepey skin, and my weight loss program is not cutting it anymore.
Richard Stefanacci defines aging in the Merck Manual as “a gradual, continuous process of natural change that begins in early adulthood.” He believes becoming old is answered by looking at our chronological, biological and psychological age.
But nothing is mentioned about our spiritual age, which I think is a significant matter.
Let’s consider why some believers discontinue working for the Lord as they age, and the importance of renewing a relationship with the Lord until one’s body or cognition completely disappears.
Multiple factors influence why aging folks cease working heartily, grow weary or drop out of church altogether. Some are physical limitations, such as driving restrictions or change in living location. In other cases, medical reasons such as eyesight, hearing and mobility issues affect one’s ability to serve.
However, some offer frivolous “reasons” for spiritual inactivity. They may believe the pastor isn’t “feeding” them anymore or feel worthless or left out at church. Others lose focus and fall away from the one true path, instead enjoying a sinful lifestyle or becoming distracted by golfing, lake houses and stock investments.
These circumstances and interferences can make serving the Lord challenging. This is understandable.
Fortunately, many still can experience a godly presence where they are.
If you fit into the category of one who has lost the joy of your salvation but wants to experience God again, there is hope.
In Experiencing the Presence of God, the late pastor A.W. Tozer states, “When we lift our inward eyes to gaze upon God, we are sure to meet friendly eyes gazing back at us” (p. 58).
Praise God if you have served him faithfully your entire Christian life and continue to do so by serving, studying the Bible, meditating and seeking him.
But if you have been a “pew sitter” for most of your Christian life, or one who has strayed or drifted from the Lord, understand there is no age limit where you can’t seek God again.
Death is inevitable. One never knows when that final day will come upon us.
A few years ago, on the day a new season was to start in my life, I fell headfirst down 13 wooden stairs. A trip to the emergency room confirmed a concussion. I had read enough to know many such falls are fatal.
Deep in my spirit during my recovery period, the Lord revealed the experience was to show me he was not finished with me yet. I needed that word to keep going and not waste my life on triviality.
God is not through with you, either.
You may have messed up. However, the Lord wants you to kindle afresh your life, and it can be done. He will come along and pick you up right where you are. And he can and wants to do it today. It is not too late. Your age is irrelevant to God. He wants you to return to the fold.
Decide, today, you want your life to be pleasing in his sight. Surrender as completely as you can to the Lord. Decide to live righteously. Repent and confess specifically the sins you have committed.
Avoid things that seek to take God’s place in your heart. Pursue God in all areas of your life.
Ask God to give you a hunger for his word. Read your Bible, seek his will, and pray daily.
Allow the Lord to speak to you through his word and his Holy Spirit. Thank the Lord for a second, third or fourth chance for allowing his presence in your life.
The prophet Isaiah said to the Lord: “Here am I. Send me” (Isaiah 6:8 NASB).
The Lord used Isaiah powerfully, pleading for repentance and a restored life for the people of Judah.
If God could use Isaiah during a time of profound sinning among the people, he also can use you.
As a restored believer, you may be surprised at the circumstances God may place in your life. Ask God to show them to you, and then act upon his direction.
In my life, I have seen how one act of obedience leads me to the next experience or training I need from him, and the process snowballs year after year. Gradually, you will notice the fruits of the Spirit emerging in your life (Galatians 5:22-23 NASB).
Paul wrote: “Brothers and sisters, I do not regard myself as having taken hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14-15 NASB).
As for me, I will continue using my age-renewing crepe-corrector body lotion, because the tube says it will visibly improve my skin, but that is for the external “me.” But I am more concerned with the internal, and I pray you will be, too.
Patti Greene is a graduate of Baylor University and Dallas Baptist University, a member of Second Baptist Church in Houston, and the author of seven books. The views are those of the author.
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Have you ever been challenged to ponder a spiritual question?
I have! The question was, “Why do believers know so little about the Bible?” My semi-short answer and thoughts follow.
I have been a Bible teacher in church, homes, and outside venues, and I have been astonished (sort of) encountering people, even long-time believers, who know so little about the Bible.
When this occurs, I silently ask myself questions like…
– Does the Word go in one ear and out the other?
– Do they not ever look at their Bible outside of Sundays?
– Do they have selective memories?
– Does Satan wipe out what they have heard or learned?
– Does a person have medical memory problems?
– Is some sin blocking them from being involved in the Bible?
– Why don’t they take the Bible seriously?
– Are they really believers?
It baffles me that “so many know so little about the Bible” because since I accepted Jesus Christ 50 years ago, I have taken the Bible seriously from the get-go. I say that with as much humility as I can muster because I do not want it to come out prideful. “Lord, please forgive me if it is.” That is not my intent. I am not perfect—far from it, believe me. But what happened that was different?
To be effective in ministry, we should have a good handle on God’s Word. We should desire to read the Bible and learn what God wants us to do and what His will is. If we are disciples of Christ, we should not neglect the Word, and I mean the entire Word, including the Old and the New Testaments.
I believe the church should be used to lead people to Christ and then see them being transformed into Christ-like individuals.
While the church should be an instrument in one’s transformation, people make choices. They choose not to open their Bible. They choose not to read or study their Bible. And they choose not to attend church, Bible studies, or discipleship classes.
People must make the Bible a priority in their lives.
For a solid Bible believer, one act of kindness is to pray fervently for those who do not take the Bible seriously. Find out if they have a personal relationship with the Lord, encourage them to grow, and then stand by their side as they start the exciting life of knowing God through His Word and His Spirit.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2 NASB).
God Bless.
Voices: Choose to follow God’s path of life
God has a path of life for believers in Jesus. Are you on that path of following Jesus or heading down a different one?
8-28-2023 – By Patti Greene
Do you feel you are on the right path of life, following your Lord as closely as you know how? Or are you slipping slowly down the wrong path?
God has a path for believers in Jesus Christ. The Bible calls it the path of life.
As a child, I used to grab 10 to 15 Little Golden Books at a time and read one after another. One that always attracted me is Scuffy the Tugboat by Gertrude Crampton.
Scuffy was an adventurous little tugboat who believed he was meant for bigger things. He leaves his home, the man with the polka-dot tie, and the little boy who cared for him and sets off to explore the world. After his daring and treacherous adventure down a brook and then a raging river, Scuffy realizes home is where he’d rather be.
Twice during his adventure, Scuffy said, “This is the life for me.” The first time, he was leaving the reasonable, sensible path of his prior life to seek adventure. The second time was when he realized he already had been right where he needed to be all along—at home, safe in the arms of the man and boy who loved him.
Our goal should be to reach the point where we say right where we are, “This is the life for me.”
God wants us to understand we can know our path. Hopefully, it is the one he has set apart for us, but we must choose it.
In Psalms 16, King David declares he wants refuge in the Lord. In his communion with the Lord, he writes:
“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy: at your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11 ESV).
In his Tyndale Old Testament Commentary on Psalms 1–72, Derek Kidner defines a person on the right path of life asone whose affections are centered on God. This person finds satisfaction in God’s ways and does not pursue other gods. God’s protection and instruction bless him.
We have two choices we can make in life: (1) accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and (2) follow God’s path for us leading to total joy in his presence.
We know we have eternal life, but sometimes we experience spiritual struggles. David trusted the Lord would show him the righteous path of life.
As believers, we continually must choose between righteousness and unrighteousness. We want to walk in victory, but sometimes we find ourselves desiring things God has proclaimed unsuitable for us. We have that struggle between our flesh and the spirit, so we must ponder the path our feet are on.
We cannot experience God’s true purpose for life when we travel the destructive path. We may find ourselves in a continuous cycle of repeatedly sinning and confessing. To break that cycle, we must deny ourselves, take up Jesus’ cross and follow him.
“And he was saying to them all, ‘If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me’” (Luke 9:23 NASB95).
“In the way of righteousness is life, and in its pathway, there is no death …” (Proverbs 10:28 Amplified Bible).
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous, so that he will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9 NASB).
A navigation system is an instrument that determines the position of a vehicle and the route to a particular place. The car’s navigation system tells the driver to turn left or right at a specific junction. The navigation system uses GPS signals to determine the vehicle’s location and direction.
It is a valuable tool with many benefits, such as helping people reach their destination, guiding drivers through congested areas, tracking packages, locating vehicles and more.
It is similar to the way God directs us in our lives. He shows us which way to turn, signals us on which way to proceed, helps us reach the destination and call of our lives, and guides us continually through the rough times in our lives.
Our navigation system must take its orders from the Lord. He will reroute and redirect our thoughts or actions if we genuinely want to follow his path.
Scuffy’s path of life allowed him to travel in a way that was not good for him. In the process, he enjoyed some of life’s simple pleasures, but as he kept traveling along the river, he was jammed with logs and became scared of the river moving faster and faster. Then the flood waters came, and the little tugboat desired the warmth and safety of home.
God can do the same for us as we travel our path of life.
Just like the man with the polka-dot tie who scooped Scuffy out of the water after his journey away and brought him home, God will do the same for us when we choose to live for him, decide against following unrighteous living, and allow him to reroute us when we stumble.
Let’s live victoriously in his presence along the path he has prepared for us.
Patti Greene is a graduate of Baylor University and Dallas Baptist University, a member of Second Baptist Church in Houston, and the author of seven books. The views are those of the author.
Welcome back.
To read Spiritual Gifts, Part 1, click here.
To read Spiritual Gifts, Part 2, click here.
In the Old Testament, God’s children would receive a direct revelation of God through the agency of God’s Spirit. When this revelatory facet occurred, it became a central feature of the late Second Temple Jewish understanding of God’s Spirit. In the New Testament, God’s Spirit is seen in the ministry of Jesus Christ. Then proceeds when the Holy Spirit is sent to the disciples at Pentecost. While this Spirit helps in conversion, it is also this same Spirit that helps to discern what spiritual gifts the Lord has given to individuals. The Lord is the one who distributes the gifts. Often it takes some experimentation with various ministries to find the fit that the Lord has called a person to do. Not knowing one’s gift should not excuse a lack of ministry involvement. People can recognize their gifts by trying out assorted opportunities, receiving input from others, or taking spiritual gift inventory and survey tests, which can be found online, in churches, or multiple books. Contrarily, DeVries does not like spiritual gift inventory assessments as much as he uses the Bible to discover your spiritual gifts. He believes the Bible gives two testing criteria for discovering one’s spiritual gifts: The fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23 and the spiritual qualities of godliness noted in 2 Peter 1. Either way, one should take responsibility and pursue one’s spiritual gifts, leaving the results in the Holy Spirit’s direction.
Confusion, conflicts, and questions arise when evaluating spiritual gifts. The primary topic causing the most confusion involves charismatic gifts, including the gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues. Charismatic gifts (sign gifts) include tongues, interpretation of tongues, healing, miracles, and prophecy. Some charismatic groups also consider laying on hands, fasting, faith, and prayer in this category.
The Book of Acts deals with the custom of speaking in and interpreting tongues in three places. When the disciples were baptized in the Spirit at Pentecost, they began to speak in tongues. In Acts 10, Simon was preaching. When the Spirit fell upon the assembly, the Gentiles spoke in tongues showing the Jews that they had received the Holy Spirit. Lastly, when Paul encountered some disciples of John, they began to speak in other languages and to prophesy. Scholars use the word glossolalia when referring to tongues. In each of these instances, tongues are introduced to a different group of people: Jews, Samaritans (possibly), and Gentiles. Brand says, “[Paul] also noted that unless tongues speech is interpreted, it ought not to be employed in public worship since the purpose of spiritual gifts is the edification of the body” (1 Cor. 14:3, 6).
The question is whether the sign gifts (including tongues) were delegated to the early church or does it continue today. The terms coined are cessationists and continuationist. Most cessationists believe that God can heal and do miracles, but they reject the idea that Christians can heal, prophesy, and speak in tongues. Cessationist Thomas R. Schreiner says, “As a cessationist, I believe God still heals and does miracles today, though I think such events are relatively rare. Still, I pray for the healing of the sick and believe God can do so miraculously. My argument is not that miracles and healings never occur. Instead, I claim that believers today [do not] have the gifts of doing miracles and healing.” Conrsely, a continuationist believes all the sign gifts are valid and operable today. As one can see, sign gifts can cause confusion, misunderstanding, and divisiveness in a church. C. Douglas Weaver says, “A growing number [of] Baptists are also continuationists. . . But plenty of Baptists also contend that some or all of the miraculous gifts [sign] are invalid for today, or they differ considerably from continuationists’ understanding of those gifts.” There has also been plenty of Baptist-continuationist rivalries since the first wave of Pentecostals began speaking in tongues and prophesying in the opening years of the twentieth century.
Conflicts also occur when discussing the Holy Spirit and its role in our lives, including the holiness movement, gender, and racial egalitarianism. There is difficulty separating other issues from one another when speaking of the Holy Spirit, including how spiritual gifts are used.
God’s Holy Spirit has been functioning in lives for over six thousand years—through the Old Testament and New Testament times and even today. The Holy Spirit guided Jesus’s ministry and likewise in our ministry.
First, God designed us to be used for Him. Psalm 139:13-16 states, “For Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to Thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Thy works, and my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from Thee, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth. Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance and in Thy book they were all written, all the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them. God ordained our days. Moreover, He wants to equip us to use us for His service.”
Second, John 16:13 mentions that the Spirit of truth will guide us into all the truth, and when He does, he wants to equip us for His service as mentioned in 1 Peter 4:10-11, which says, “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Whoever speaks, let him speak, as it were, the utterances of God; whoever serves, let him do so as by the strength which God supplies. so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to who belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.”
Third, the Lord wants us to meet the needs of others. One of the ways He accomplishes this purpose is by providing believers with spiritual gifts to be used powerfully for His intentions. Christians possess gifts to be used locally and universally within the body of Christ to serve others. In other words, we can be the hands and feet of Jesus (1 Cor. 12).
Ephesians 4:11-14 speaks of our privilege to build up the body of Christ—for unity and to grow to become more Christlike. We should strive for the whole body to fit together, where every person is involved in the building up the church in love.
Charles Stanley sums it up best when he says, “Time is a gift from God, and He has allotted each of us a measure in which to live and accomplish His purposes. We have only two options—to spend it temporally on our own interests or invest it eternally. Since time can never be retrieved or reversed, it’s critical that we make the most of every opportunity the Lord provides.” Just like the fudge cake mentioned earlier, where all the ingredients combine for the best results, we need all members of the body of Christ to employ their best selves. This can occur when one uses their spiritual gifts, in the supernatural power of Christ, within the body of Christ in love and unity.
God bless.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, I love you and desire to know and use the gifts you have given me. Confirm what they are in my mind. May others see them in me. Lord, you are my God, and I give my entire life to you and desire Your presence every moment. Keep me from temptation and deliver me from evil. In Your blessed name, Amen,
This article may not be reproduced except for written permission from the author.
Sources not included.
Books by Patti
Today marks two years since my dear mom passed away—August 27, 2020. I wrote the following letter four months after my mom died, recollecting the time my husband John and I spent living with her for four years in her home. I mailed this note to a few very close friends at the time, but today, I feel like posting this in her honor and sharing that I am still sad about a lot of things, but I know moving on would be what she would want for me.
First, I want to thank all of you who have prayed for John and me over the past few years. We were in a unique season of life—a life we never expected to be in. It was challenging and rewarding at the same time.
Most of you know that in January 2016, I moved into my parent’s home when my dad was ill with leukemia and dementia. John was working overseas at the time. Dad died in February 2016.
Being concerned about mom, I stayed with her after Dad’s passing. The idea of her alone in the house made me want to stay with her. Unfortunately, 2016 brought a diagnosis of Stage 4 lung cancer to mom on top of all her other ailments, so I continued to stay at mom’s house. John came home from his overseas assignment shortly after mom’s diagnosis and moved into mom’s house with me.
We locked up our house, and our life became different—more different than we ever expected. John retired after completing his overseas assignment but found a little part-time work, and life moved on. We settled into our life with mom in west Houston, trying to adjust to not being in our own home. I did fine for the first two years. But, the last two years were physically and emotionally tough on me. As mom progressively needed more care and attention, I became more nervous and anxious. I was not my usual self. I had a hard time coping, although I was able to conceal it from others for the most part.
John saw and experienced my constant exhaustion, my need for respite, and my emotional stress worsening daily. He was my rock. I cannot imagine any other person being so kind and generous as giving up his home and life to partner with me in caretaking my mother – his mother-in-law. John occupied my mom with mind-boggling conversations and debates. He made dinner most days, and towards the end, his help and love truly inspired me as he provided nursing duties way beyond his pay grade. Christ-like love was indeed in action!
God knew my fragile mental state. And I hate to say it, but COVID was the lifeline I needed to be able to move back home. It had become apparent that I was not doing well with our 24/7 living arrangement at mom’s house. When COVID hit: Mom’s housekeeper was able to move in with her even though we were back towards the end of mom’s life. John, me, and mom all sleeping in the same bedroom, available for whatever.
Even being home was highly stressful, with daily visits to mom’s house, more doctor’s appointments than ever, and issues relating to mom’s declining health.
If you have not guessed by now, two thousand twenty has been the roughest ride of my life!
I am omitting many “specifics” so I do not get bogged down and miss the point I am trying to share with you.
The fact is, a good friend said, “God has positioned people who can take our hands and help us find our way through the fog and storms.” You are those people!!! Your prayers helped me to pray and not lose my heart. Your prayers helped me to pursue seeking the Highest God, your prayers helped me to stay strong in the Word of God, and your prayers reminded me that challenges are for our spiritual growth. This journey was not anything I had ever imagined, but God knew I had to go through it. This season was sent to accomplish things in me that could not have been accomplished any other way.
Some of you have been where I was. Some of you have not. However, I want you to know that when we experience tears and disappointment, it does not have to dimmish our relationship with the Lord. He allows each new experience to make us aware that we need to trust Him so solidly that we can tell Him the down and dirty of all we think and encounter. When I had questions, God was there. When I cried, He was there. When I could not handle it anymore, God was still there. Even though there were times I could not feel His presence, you kept me hanging on to Him. That was possible due to your prayers. Thank you!
Mom died on August 27, 2020. John and I received a call at 1:50 a.m. from my older brother to come home. I had my cuddle time with mom; then, at 3:50 p.m. that afternoon, she took her final breath.
It has only been a few months since we left that season of our lives. Still, thankfully God is showing me why the experiences I encountered were essential. I do not understand many things that came about during that season. But God always pointed me back to Him—calling me to trust Him when I couldn’t see the whys of the past or the wonders of the future. During my caregiving time, I encountered burnout, compassion fatigue, taxing emotions, and the perps of spending time with my dear mom. I knew the challenges were in His hands. Thanks for your prayers!
Life is an adventure. I wailed many times during this period, “Lord, I can’t handle it anymore!” But He knew and knows when it is time to step in for relief. God moved when I reached the pinnacle of my despair in August. These years are now part of my life story. I recognize that “being out of our comfort zone” is usually the only way we can grow, and I thank God for it. I experienced many sweet times with mom that would not have been possible any other way, but it was still strenuous and tough on me. So, thanks again for your prayers!
Each day, I feel a little more rested and restored. I know that the Lord will use this experience for His glory. There are so many Biblical principles that I had read in Scripture but not experienced before. I encountered so many aspects during these 4+ years: love, forgiveness, gratitude, and boundaries—to mention the positive ones. Sometimes it is hard to see circumstances clearly when living under stress or in a bleak period. Still, when the light is slowly restored, we can feel God’s peace and presence in extraordinary ways—even supernaturally. We start understanding the why, the why not, the how much longer questions of life. In these times, we must depend on the prayers of our friends like you. And for that, thanks again for your prayers!
My takeaway is to encourage you to look at your circumstances through the eyes of our heavenly Father. Commit to renewing your mind daily with prayer and Bible study. Remember that darkness does not stay forever in whatever situation you face. Even through hard times, He is close by—guiding us, building our faith, and waiting to meet our needs. He has a purpose for everything we experience in life, to prepare us for His assignments here on earth or for our heavenly home.
Yes, John and I have moved on; that is a long story. Still, one thing we both know is that God directed and allowed us to spend time with mom. However, I encountered difficult times caregiving at points along the way. If you are caregiving, hang on! Memories are being formed that will be cherished more with time. The emotional journey has a purpose that God will use in your life ministries.
While living with my mom, I wrote a book titled Christian Caregiving: Practical Advice for a Happy Ending. I wrote it during the first two years of living with mom. If I had waited until later, the book would probably never have been written. I left out the hard part, the biography of my experiences as time passed, because I hadn’t experienced that. However, it is a good book for those starting on the journey of caregiving with lots of Scripture references. I am not posting this as a sales pitch for my book, but I wanted you to know good things come from caregiving. Our strength in Him and knowing that He always has His best for us in mind keeps us going.
Mom, I love you, and I always will. Thanks for loving me. I still miss you two years later.
God Bless.
Verses from Christian Caregiving: Practical Advice for a Happy Ending [9780692115381-Available on Amazon.com. Only $7.44 today.
Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28).
Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you (Ephesians 4:32).
Commit your works to the LORD, and your plans will be established (Proverbs 16:3)
Books by Patti Greene
You look okay on the outside. Everything looks great to others, but privately you feel threats, encounter significant problems, or experience suffering that people can’t see. The Bible calls these tests and trials.
When people start seeing through you, it’s tough. You don’t want to feel weak in front of other people. You don’t want them to see the difficulties you might be facing, the threats you might be encountering, or the internal turmoil you are going through. However, you know they are there.
One day, I opened my blog website and discovered it was no longer there. Panic engulfed me. Also, emails were being sent to my blog subscribers, which I did not send. I panicked–fearful some obscene image or article might show up on my site sent by an intruder. I tried to fix the problem on my own. But the backend software (the hidden infrastructure of the website) was in complete disarray. I went to my paid subscription sources and hosting site and got partial help. But internally, the data inside my blog was corrupt. There were severe problems–five, to be exact. “Hacked” was a word I never wanted to hear, but hackers were precisely who infiltrated my site. [However, if you are reading this now, no worries, it has all been fixed, my dear friends.]
In our lives today, personal pressures and problems consume our thoughts, and nobody but us know they are there. They destroy our thinking. We even go to trusted websites or self-help books to help to no avail. When we face inner struggles, our heavenly Father is the one to approach first. He knows what is going on in our minds, personal ruminations, and physical selves. God is there not only to help us with these difficulties but to walk alongside us until the time is right for Him to show us His purposes.
Children, take your intimate struggles to the Lord and ask Jesus to plead with your heavenly Father to show His purpose.
The Bible says we will have struggles and trials. Being a believer does not alleviate living in this fallen world. Before reaching out to friends, family, or Internet sources, go first to God, sit before him, rest, and ask Him to handle your threats, problems, struggles, and concealed thoughts. He is there for you.
James 1: 2-5 says, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of our faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”
Then wait in prayer, meditation, and Bible reading for an answer. Sometimes God answers quickly, but oftentimes, we are left waiting, yearning, and seeking His response for even years. As we wait, let us be growing in an abundance of love for our Lord and Savior. Live in joy and service until the time comes when we have “been approved” for our dedication and undefiled obedience, whether in this life or the next.
James says, “Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial, for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him” (James 1:12).
Just as it took time to fix my website, commit to journeying with the Lord during your wait time and love Him with your entire being, no matter what!
God Bless,
Books by Patti Greene
The airplane pilot calmly addressed the passengers.
“We are experiencing trouble with the left engine. We are currently talking to Chicago about the problem. Maintenance will be arriving soon. We will try to start the plane again, wait for a period of time, and try to start the engine again. Please sit tight while we address this problem.”
I sat in seat 14F on the tarmac for two and a half hours when the pilot addressed the issue. I wondered why they did not get all the passengers off this plane and onto another plane. Why stress us all out wondering if it were our last day on earth or whether angels intervened to make us safe? At this juncture, all the passengers and I could do was trust the pilot.
But why all the concern with the left engine? I get it now that I am off the plane and can indulge in mindless research. The left engine is the engine that, if it fails, will have the most adverse effect on the control and performance of the aircraft. To understand why the left engine is critical, one must also understand the right engine. The right engine’s slipstream does not strike the rudder and does not affect the aircraft’s control. Still, if the right engine were to fail, the left engine’s slipstream would counteract the airplane’s instability and deviation toward the dead engine, assisting in aircraft control. [1] However, this same positive counteraction does not occur if the left engine encounters trouble.
I compare the left engine to our spiritual life. In life, we sometimes have trust issues—some rational, some not! Regardless of our problems and issues, we have a heavenly Father to support us in our time of need. When Jesus’ disciples thought they would perish in the storm, Jesus came to the rescue calming the storm. He can do the same for us today because sometimes we veer off in the wrong direction (Mark 4:35-41).
On that day, when evening came, He said to them, “Let’s go over to the other side.” After dismissing the crowd, they took Him along with them in the boat, just as He was; and other boats were with Him. And a fierce gale of wind developed, and the waves were breaking over the boat so much that the boat was already filling with water. And yet Jesus Himself was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” And He got up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Hush, be still.” And the wind died down and it became perfectly calm. And He said to them, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” They became very much afraid and said to one another, “Who, then, is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?”
So, how is your “left engine?” Just like how the pilot kept reassuring us that all would be okay, God, the creator of heaven and earth, reassures us continually that He has everything under control.
Let us all be diligent in maintaining our spiritual life—our left engine. We must keep our leverage firmly planted in Jesus Christ, His Word, and in prayer because it will be critical if our left engine fails!
God bless.
They rose early in the morning and went out to the wilderness of Tekoa; and when they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Listen to me, Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem: Put your trust in the Lord your God and you will endure. Put your trust in His prophets, and succeed” (2 Chronicles 20:20).
Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, And trust in the Lord (Psalm 4:5).
I will raise my eyes to the mountains; From where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; He who watches over you will not slumber (Psalm 121:1-3).
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Trust in the Lord forever, For in God the Lord, we have an everlasting Rock (Isaiah 26:4).
Lord, give me your guidance at all times. Let Your Holy Spirit lead me through conviction, other people, the Bible, and prayer. Allow me to see where I am veering away from You, so that I may fix it before my left engine—my spiritual compass— gets off track. Gently allow me to recognize Your plan for my life and give me the trust I need in You to believe wholeheartedly that You are where my trust needs to be—always. Amen.
[1] “The Critical Engine.” Accessed May 26, 2022. www.thebackseatpilot/critical engine
All verses are taken from the NASB.
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A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by W. Phillip Keller is a beautifully written book with enriching insights into this Old Testament chapter. Using the New International Version, the author takes the six verses in the chapter and describes his “shepherd insights” so his audience can revel in the spiritual truths of seeing the Lord as mankind’s shepherd, restorer of soul, comforter, and more.
Phillip Keller (1920-1997), author of this one-hundred thirty-one-page compact book, gained widespread accolades for his authorship of this book. Being born in East Africa, the son of missionaries, Keller became familiar with the open air, nature, and shepherding. Subsequently, Keller traveled the world as a nature photographer and an expert in the science of soil management and crop production. These life experiences prepared Keller to author this book and his other thirty-five Christian books.
A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 is written by someone who valued his early life being raised in the outdoors, while David wrote Psalm 23 when he was fleeing and wandering from place to place to avoid King Saul. David was exposed and defenseless., “Today, this is not the case. Many who either read or study the Scriptures in this twenty-first century come from an urban, manufactured environment. They miss the truth because they are not familiar with such things as sheep, wheat, soil, or grapes.” Keller compares how shepherding sheep calls for attention and care to how he desires man to come under the shepherding of our tender and gentle Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Keller achieves his goal by taking each of the six verses in Psalm 23 and explaining that “One of the outstanding marks of a Christian should be a serene sense of gentle contentment.”
Keller’s purpose is to lead people to transformation and behavior change by yearning for Jesus’ presence in their lives. Like the sheep have their shepherd’s presence, one’s behavior will change to follow Jesus’ will for their life. Transformation is an important goal that Keller wants his audience to understand. He wants the Lord to be our shepherd and live by the Holy Spirit’s direction in our life. Keller shows how this purpose is obtainable by explaining the necessary requirements to lie down and trust the shepherd, Jesus. For example, the book states, “Instead of loving myself most, I am willing to love Christ best and others more than myself” and “Instead of exercising and asserting my will, I am willing to learn to cooperate with His wishes and comply with His will.”
Some will find Keller’s thesis clearly stated at the end of the book, although its presence is noted throughout its twelve chapters. Keller sums up his thesis when he states, “For when all is said and done on the subject of a successful Christian walk, it can be summed up on one general sentence, “Live ever aware of God’s presence” through Keller’s analogies, similes, and metaphors throughout the book—comparing sheep and shepherds to man and Jesus Christ, an accomplished book was birthed.
We see this thesis in many illustrations throughout the book. In Chapter Eight, titled “Your Rod and Your Staff, They Comfort Me,” the shepherd’s staff primarily guides sheep, whereas, in our walk with God, God’s Holy Spirit will guide us to lead us into all truth (John 16:13). Another comparison between the sheep and man can be seen when young David leads his flock of sheep by keeping them safe whereas one’s “Good Shepherd” goes ahead of us, anticipating danger and praying that one might not depart from the Lord or perish.
Keller’s main points that accomplish his thesis and purpose are displayed in each Bible verse he mentions throughout the book. He wonderfully blends the culture of the day within this psalm. The psalm communicates the sheep’s transformation and humanity’s purpose to transform and lie in God’s holy presence.
A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 did not explicitly state its purpose and thesis until later in the book. However, it was apparent that the author’s underlying approach was to show a parallel between the shepherds and sheep and man to God while calling for a transformation and life in His presence.
Keller’s claims and arguments are well-supported. One illustration the author used came from Chapter 10 when he talked about how sheep are troubled by nose flies and fly around a sheep’s head, then hatch to form larvae. Eventually, irritation and severe inflammation occur. He proceeds to compare how applying an antidote to their heads changed their behavior upon many applications. In the same way, Keller tells us that we must continually come to Him for our daily anointing of God’s presence. Illustrations like this are a powerful testimony to what is needed to get back on the right and productive track.
The strengths in Keller’s book abound. He was raised in a rural area, a Christian home, contributing to this book’s strength. From the gorgeous cover on the gift edition to the beautiful well-placed photographs in the book to the elegant, simple language used. Keller had a comprehensive view of shepherding as he shepherded a flock for many years. His perspective allowed him to have a unique view on the topic. Another positive in Keller’s book includes insightful Biblical principles from each chapter, which coexists with Keller’s shepherding approach, as shown below.
Chapter 1: God is our shepherd. One needs to deny themselves and belong to Him.
Chapter 2: When depending on Christ, contentment comes.
Chapter 3: By having God in one’s life, behavior changes.
Chapter 4: Being in Christ’s presence guides life’s directions.
Chapter 5: God is our shepherd. He knows what He is doing.
Chapter 6: Willingness to do what God wants is beneficial.
Chapter 7: Thank God for difficulties in life.
Chapter 8: Reading the Bible gives spiritual understanding.
Chapter 9: God knows all our circumstances—good and evil.
Chapter 10: People should have Christ and the Holy Spirit in their lives.
Chapter 11: Trust in God’s goodness and mercy.
Chapter 12: Live in God’s presence.
The disadvantage some see in this book revolves around Keller’s lack of formal education. However, when one reads Acts 4:13, we see how uneducated and untrained men can be used in ministry equally. When the rulers, elders, and scribes were gathered together in Jerusalem, “they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus (Acts 4:13 NIV). A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 is read by people from various backgrounds and social statuses. Many proficient authors educate themselves through their life experiences and personal Bible study. Another disadvantage is that Keller does not connect the chapter title with its corresponding Bible verse in the Contents or for each chapter. Additionally, the book could have included both an index and a glossary, which would help the reader.
All people could benefit from this book—those who rejoice in the Lord and those with affliction, Bible teachers, and more. Being so awed by this book, I immediately bought a copy for my friend, who is reading it one chapter at a time, and following up her reading with intentional meditation and contemplation. This is the type of book I would love to read or reread wrapped up in a blanket, on a cold, snowy day, with the fireplace aglow.
I do value this book tremendously. One reason is that I have a blog titled “Greene Pastures” located at GreenePastures.org. There is an “e” at the end of Greene because that is how I spell my last name, plus GreenPastures was already taken as a domain name. Second, I love reading innovative ideas and commentaries. A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 falls under that category.
Keller’s writings contain a plethora of common sense and easy-to-understand Biblical principles. I have not read his other books, but I will choose a few to read in the future—The High Cost of Holiness and Elijah: Prophet of Power. Keller is a man who has been used mightily by God to encourage transformation and living in God’s presence. His influence spans the globe, and I wholeheartedly recommend A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23.
God Bless.
Works Cited
Keller, W. Phillip. A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2015.
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