I’m feeling a bit bummed today. A few months ago, I fell in the Dollar Tree parking lot and wore a knee-high boot for over three weeks. Then, after another three weeks out of the boot, my ankle felt off, so I visited my foot doctor today, and now I’m in an ankle support brace until September 6th. Not cool. . .
The challenge now is finding shoes that work with this brace because, as much as I adore my high heels, they are not exactly brace-friendly. I can almost hear my Bible study friends gently reminding me, “Patti, we did say high heels might not be the best choice at your age!” In response to my slight frustration, I indulged in some old-fashioned retail therapy. Sorry, Amazon. I bought ten pairs of colorful Care Bear socks to brighten my mood and a colorful blouse to make myself feel better! Sometimes, we need a splash of color to lift our spirits!
We all encounter moments of spiritual low points too. And, when we are bummed out, it’s important to take action. Praise God, listen to uplifting worship music, read your Bible, pray, and connect with other believers. And, even if immediate relief isn’t evident, remember that God is always there, listening and loving you. So, keep on going.
Just as wearing this brace might be inconvenient for me, it’s necessary for healing. Similarly, even when it feels tough to engage with God, it’s the best thing for our spiritual well-being. He is here for us.
As for shoe advice, any tips on finding the perfect pair of shoes that accommodate an ankle brace would be greatly appreciated! I prefer ones with heels. However, if that’s not possible, I am up to limping around for more retail therapy shopping.
“Watch the path of your feet
And all your ways will be established.” Proverbs 4:26
“The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.” Psalm 121:8
I think I’m a genius! Humbly Speaking!
Yesterday morning, our coffee pot would not work, and I am a serious coffee drinker. I made some tea, but it didn’t hit the spot.
So this morning I was listening to a sermon about strategic and spiritual vision, and the idea struck me on how to make coffee when your coffee pot is broken. [Preachers, you never know how far-reaching your messages may be.]
Step #1: Fill up a filter with your coffee grains.
Step #2: Get a bowl and put it in the sink under the water spigot.
Step #3: Turn on the water from the spigot and let it run into the filter. push the button at the bottom and let the water drip through the filter into the bowl. Repeat to make as much coffee as you would like.
Step # 4: Pour the water from the bowl into a coffee cup and place it in the microwave for as long as needed to make it hot.
Step 5: When your coffee is hot, doctor your coffee with cream, sugar, sweetener, or whatever you like in your coffee.
Step 6: Sit down and enjoy your coffee.
Step #7: Refill your cup from the bowl and place it into the microwave as many times as needed.
I was desperate and I envisioned what to do. I don’t know if this was a strategic or spiritual vision, but either way, it worked. Thanks, Preacher!
How often, when we are desperate, do we turn to the Lord for His solution and vision? He should be the first place we turn!
Have a great day.
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Have you ever been challenged to ponder a spiritual question?
I have! The question was, “Why do believers know so little about the Bible?” My semi-short answer and thoughts follow.
I have been a Bible teacher in church, homes, and outside venues, and I have been astonished (sort of) encountering people, even long-time believers, who know so little about the Bible.
When this occurs, I silently ask myself questions like…
– Does the Word go in one ear and out the other?
– Do they not ever look at their Bible outside of Sundays?
– Do they have selective memories?
– Does Satan wipe out what they have heard or learned?
– Does a person have medical memory problems?
– Is some sin blocking them from being involved in the Bible?
– Why don’t they take the Bible seriously?
– Are they really believers?
It baffles me that “so many know so little about the Bible” because since I accepted Jesus Christ 50 years ago, I have taken the Bible seriously from the get-go. I say that with as much humility as I can muster because I do not want it to come out prideful. “Lord, please forgive me if it is.” That is not my intent. I am not perfect—far from it, believe me. But what happened that was different?
To be effective in ministry, we should have a good handle on God’s Word. We should desire to read the Bible and learn what God wants us to do and what His will is. If we are disciples of Christ, we should not neglect the Word, and I mean the entire Word, including the Old and the New Testaments.
I believe the church should be used to lead people to Christ and then see them being transformed into Christ-like individuals.
While the church should be an instrument in one’s transformation, people make choices. They choose not to open their Bible. They choose not to read or study their Bible. And they choose not to attend church, Bible studies, or discipleship classes.
People must make the Bible a priority in their lives.
For a solid Bible believer, one act of kindness is to pray fervently for those who do not take the Bible seriously. Find out if they have a personal relationship with the Lord, encourage them to grow, and then stand by their side as they start the exciting life of knowing God through His Word and His Spirit.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2 NASB).
God Bless.
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As a result of the February 2021 winter freeze, while my husband and I were out of town, our home was drastically damaged by an unattended pipe, which froze and burst. Movers had to come quickly to salvage what they could, resulting in things being thrown in any old box and brought to storage in whatever condition it was found.
Now that school is over for me, and it is two years later, I am finally trying to locate, unpack, and organize what wild and reckless packing looks like.
I thought I had lost everything in the picture above but I found disarrayed boxes in our new home’s garage. [Yes, we moved after seeing all our home’s destruction.]
In unpacking boxes, I found essential certificates, house deeds, my childhood stamp collection album, MANY articles I have written and published, blogs started but not finished, multiple rejection letters, and more that I have yet to discover. But I rejoice because I thought I had lost all these things, but this week I found them.
Honestly, I have been distraught thinking I lost all my writing and compilations over forty years!!!
However, now that my most precious items (except for my wedding dress) have been found, the time has come to sort through, throw away, salvage, and/or reorganize what I have valued and sunk my heart into for years.
Going through these piles is NOT my cup of tea, but I am excited to see what I thought was lost is now found – maybe mildewed and torn but found.
Just like I found boxes of my stuff, Jesus Christ finds us—possibly finding us mildewed, torn, and disarrayed, and He wants us to become aware of His love for us and make us part of His kingdom. He will not disregard us or throw us away. He wants to salvage us and reorganize our lives.
God allows us to choose between Him and the world.
He truly loves us and wants us to call upon His son Jesus Christ by asking Him to forgive our sins and place our faith and trust in Him. That, my friend, is called salvation with the promise of the Holy Spirit’s presence coming to abide in us forever.
A parable in Luke 15:24 says, “This son of mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found. And they began to celebrate.”
Let’s celebrate your newfound salvation.
God bless.
I started out yesterday with my list of things to do. My list consisted of a doctor’s appointment at 9:00 am, picking up my new eyeglasses, and meeting my retired teacher friends for lunch.
I arrived for my doctor’s appointment at 9:00 am, and it was over at 9:15, if you can believe that, so I had two hours to kill. I couldn’t go home because our home was 45 minutes away, and everything was in the same part of town as where I was for my doctor’s appointment.
So, I went to an HEB grocery store parking lot, sat in my car, and read for an hour. I like to read. A lot, actually! In fact, I was reading about how much illustrations add when preparing a message—little did I know an illustration opportunity was about to be bestowed on me.
When I got bored sitting in the HEB parking lot, I decided to go and sit in front of Visionworks until they opened. But God had different plans.
As I was leaving the HEB parking lot, I saw a Denny’s and decided to grab a takeout cup of coffee. While in Denny’s, I noticed an elderly lady with her walking cane propped up beside her. She was sitting alone. When my coffee was ready, I felt the holy nudge to talk to her, so I walked up to her table and said, “Are you alone? Would you like some company?” She graciously said, “Yes, of course.” Her name was Joanne.
We had a wonderful time chatting. I heard about her life, and she heard about mine. A lot of talking happened in 30 minutes. She was a widow. Her husband passed away about 15 years ago, and she comes to Denny’s about 2 or 3 times a week to get out. When I said goodbye, my heart was full! We were both blessed by this divine appointment.
And I still made it to Visionworks and lunch with my friends!
Today in Bible study, we were talking about how to hear God. We discussed the usual things—prayer, Bible reading, talking to wise counselors, and more. But, sometimes, you just know what to do at the moment.
Little did I know when I walked into Denny’s that God had an assignment for me. When I saw JoAnne all alone, my mind raced back to the many times I took my elderly mother and her friends to IHOP or Denny’s, and when I saw this lady alone, my heart knew what I was supposed to do.
God knew I needed to be out of my doctor’s appointment quickly; He knew I needed to sit in the HEB parking lot for precisely an hour; He knew I needed to leave the parking lot to see Denny’s right in front of me; He gave me the desire to go in and get some coffee. The rest is history.
And who knew that God would combine a doctor’s office visit, an HEB parking lot, a trip to Visionworks, and a glance-over to Denny’s to create a divine appointment?
As you go along your daily life, God may present small opportunities for service and kindness. Don’t pass them by. Today, if you feel that holy nudge, don’t be afraid. Act on it. It may be just what you and the other person need at that exact moment.
God bless.
Random Quote: “Kindness is more than a word; it is a choice to act with love, compassion, generosity,and service towards others and oneself.”
“We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9 (NLT)
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things, there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 (KJV)
Dear God, thanks for so much in my life. Thank You for giving me time to pray. Thank You for the pleasure of reading Your Word. And thank You for the small things You put in my life—the things that bless me and the revelations You show me. But, even thank You for the things You have not revealed to me yet, for I know Your plans are the best for me. Give me patience and contentment until Your timing is shown to me. I love You.
This article may not be reproduced except for written permission from the author.
You look okay on the outside. Everything looks great to others, but privately you feel threats, encounter significant problems, or experience suffering that people can’t see. The Bible calls these tests and trials.
When people start seeing through you, it’s tough. You don’t want to feel weak in front of other people. You don’t want them to see the difficulties you might be facing, the threats you might be encountering, or the internal turmoil you are going through. However, you know they are there.
One day, I opened my blog website and discovered it was no longer there. Panic engulfed me. Also, emails were being sent to my blog subscribers, which I did not send. I panicked–fearful some obscene image or article might show up on my site sent by an intruder. I tried to fix the problem on my own. But the backend software (the hidden infrastructure of the website) was in complete disarray. I went to my paid subscription sources and hosting site and got partial help. But internally, the data inside my blog was corrupt. There were severe problems–five, to be exact. “Hacked” was a word I never wanted to hear, but hackers were precisely who infiltrated my site. [However, if you are reading this now, no worries, it has all been fixed, my dear friends.]
In our lives today, personal pressures and problems consume our thoughts, and nobody but us know they are there. They destroy our thinking. We even go to trusted websites or self-help books to help to no avail. When we face inner struggles, our heavenly Father is the one to approach first. He knows what is going on in our minds, personal ruminations, and physical selves. God is there not only to help us with these difficulties but to walk alongside us until the time is right for Him to show us His purposes.
Children, take your intimate struggles to the Lord and ask Jesus to plead with your heavenly Father to show His purpose.
The Bible says we will have struggles and trials. Being a believer does not alleviate living in this fallen world. Before reaching out to friends, family, or Internet sources, go first to God, sit before him, rest, and ask Him to handle your threats, problems, struggles, and concealed thoughts. He is there for you.
James 1: 2-5 says, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of our faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”
Then wait in prayer, meditation, and Bible reading for an answer. Sometimes God answers quickly, but oftentimes, we are left waiting, yearning, and seeking His response for even years. As we wait, let us be growing in an abundance of love for our Lord and Savior. Live in joy and service until the time comes when we have “been approved” for our dedication and undefiled obedience, whether in this life or the next.
James says, “Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial, for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him” (James 1:12).
Just as it took time to fix my website, commit to journeying with the Lord during your wait time and love Him with your entire being, no matter what!
God Bless,
Books by Patti Greene
I love how God can take the simple things in life and turn them into a blessing.
This morning I stopped at CVS with the intent to purchase only some computer paper. However, I decided to check out the candy row to see if they had a bag of Tootsie Pops. I had searched two other stores previously to no avail. Lo and behold, I discovered CVS had my favorite low-calorie candy—three points per pop for those who know what I mean! ¹
As mostly what happens to us all, we go into a store with good intents and come out with more. I even added some colorful Post-it Page Markers to my other two items. As I left the drug store, I hit the red light under Houston’s Katy Freeway. There I saw a young man. His legs were so skinny—like they were diseased. All I had to give him was a Tootsie Pop. I cannot say I was extremely generous by giving him the entire bag, but I wanted to give him something sweet to eat. I wrestled opening the bag; finally, I had to use my teeth to open the bag. Not cool, but I was afraid the light was going to turn green.
Once the bag was open, I reached in and started to pull out an orange and red pop, but then stopped. It was like the Lord said, “Give him your best.” God knew that red and orange were not my favorites, but chocolate and purple were. So, I quickly reached in, opened my window, and gave him a chocolate and purple Tootsie Pop. It might not seem like a big sacrifice, but when you understand the last two bags of Tootsie Pops I bought had no purples in them, you can understand my “sacrifice” a little better.
Now, here is the best part. I handed this young man the two pops. He saw them and gave me a big old grin through his crooked yellow teeth, looked me straight in the eye, and said, “thank you.” Yes, it was a small gesture on my part, but it started me out on the right foot and started his day out with a little sweetness too!
When the coffee pot is empty, we refill the water, the grinds, and the filter.
When this year ends, let us refill our mind, heart, and soul with the love of God!
As we approach the new year and are thinking about our New Year resolutions, we tend to think like this . . .
If I am stressed, I need to unstress.
If I am frustrated, I need to be less frustrated.
If I lust, I need to stop lusting.
If I am addicted, I need to not be addicted.
If I am proud, I need to be humble.
If I lie, I need to stop lying, and
If I am overweight, I need to stop eating.
This list could go on and on and on!
As believers, we encounter the same challenges as unbelievers. The difference is we have the power through the Holy Spirit to confront these ordeals not just in our strength, but in His.
As we face the New Year, let us commit to asking the Lord to continually show us our shortcomings and sins, then evaluate and confess them. Let us renew our relationship with Christ through daily prayer and Bible reading. Let us lay our souls bare before Him and talk to Him about EVERYTHING. He is here to hear our concerns, our weaknesses, our upcoming decisions, our plans, and our spiritual concerns. He already knows them, but by expressing ourselves to Him in either quiet meditation or loud wailing, we are connecting to the source who wants to guide up to a deeper walk with Him in holiness “. . . For He knows the secrets of our heart” (Psalm 44:21).
Below is an example of sharing one’s heart with God from Psalm 139. I challenge you to read this Hebrew prayer from King David aloud and make this prayer your prayer as we approach this upcoming year!
Lord, You have searched me and known me.
You know when I sit down and when I get up;
You understand my thought from far away.
You scrutinize my path and my lying down,
And are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before there is a word on my tongue,
Behold, Lord, You know it all.
You have encircled me behind and in front,
And placed Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is too high, I cannot comprehend it.Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from Your presence?If I ascend to heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there.
If I take up the wings of the dawn,
If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea,
Even there Your hand will lead me,
And Your right hand will take hold of me.
If I say, “Surely the darkness will overwhelm me,
And the light around me will be night,”
Even darkness is not dark to You,
And the night is as bright as the day.
Darkness and light are alike to You.For You created my innermost parts;
You wove me in my mother’s womb.
I will give thanks to You, because I am awesomely and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from You
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully formed in the depths of the earth;
Your eyes have seen my formless substance;
And in Your book were written
All the days that were ordained for me,
When as yet there was not one of them.How precious also are Your thoughts for me, God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them, they would outnumber the sand.
When I awake, I am still with You.If only You would put the wicked to death, God;
Leave me, you men of bloodshed.
For they speak against You wickedly,
And Your enemies take Your name in vain.Do I not hate those who hate You, Lord?
And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?
I hate them with the utmost hatred;
They have become my enemies.Search me, God, and know my heart;
Put me to the test and know my anxious thoughts;And see if there be any hurtful way in me,
And see if there is any hurtful way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way.
Lord, let not anything interfere with my quiet times with You or my connection with Your church and community. Let me worship You with gratitude and live a life of perseverance in every direction You lead.
Bible Version: NASB