Tag Archives: Christian blog

A Book Review: NKJV Ultra Thinline Bible by Patti Greene

A Book Review by Patti Greene

Thomas Nelson Ultra Thinline Bible

NKJV Ultra Thinline Bible. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2024.


I received a teal-colored softcover copy of the 1st edition of the NKJV Ultra Thinline Version from Thomas Nelson because I agreed to give an honest review of this Bible.


This publication is an updated version of the Bible’s original King James Version (KJV). Its update includes using today’s language for better readability for the times we live in. This teal version was published on February 13, 2024.


First, after the copyright page, we find the Contents page. What I saw, which I liked, was that on the Contents page was the name of each book of the Old and New Testaments coupled with the page number of each book. This much-needed information benefits those unfamiliar with the order of the books of the Bible.

Second, the next page includes a list of the Abbreviations to all sixty-six books of the Bible with clarification as to whether the book is in the Old or New Testament.

Third, the Preface comes next. This is quite an advantage in helping the reader understand more about the original King James Version and why this new version was deemed necessary.

Fourth, Jesus’s words stand out in red lettering, which is always a good feature in a Bible.

Finally, the back of the internal Bible has eight pages for Notes and eight colored Maps from the world of the patriarchs through Jerusalem at the time of Jesus.

This NKJV Ultrathin Value Bible is an excellent choice for those who have enjoyed the original KJV version or feel comfortable using a derivative of the original version.


“Simple” is what I would call this Bible. There is nothing within the text that is fancy or extra special.

The print is tiny, using an 8-point font. Made of imitation leather, it is not especially useful for long-term use. Within the Bible text, there is a chapter title for each chapter of the book, with some including subtitles. Its cover size is approximately 5 ½  x 8 ¾  x ¾,” which makes it perfect to include in a mid-size purse or backpack.

Pros and Cons — Not Mentioned Previously


This ultrathin version of the Bible is simply an attractive Bible, which, in my opinion, makes it desirable to give as a gift. Many would appreciate a Bible like this for special occasions such as salvation, baptism, a wedding gift, or even to lay in a casket before burial. It would also be ideal for church presentations.

Its Presentation page makes it extra unique.

Its simple wheat cover design surrounds the words Holy Bible. There are other colored covers with different designs that would be appropriate for either males or females, but this teal edition was the one I received.

I would also think this Bible would be a great one to use if you are a public speaker or pastor—to hold when speaking for confidence or to hide one’s notes. Of course,  one should choose the color that best suits your style and preference because teal might not be appropriate.

The satin ribbon marker is always a plus in any Bible.


This Bible is not suitable for everyone. It does not have concordances, cross-references, or study notes, and there is limited ability for taking margin notes. Therefore, if you’re looking for a study Bible or one with extraneous notes, tips, and help, this might not be your best option.

Before Purchasing

In conclusion, as with all books, the reader should evaluate the Bible thoroughly and decide if it meets their needs. The Bible is an excellent option for people who prefer a lightweight, simple design, can read small print, and want to use it for gift-giving.

Please feel free to share, forward, or distribute as you’d like.

God bless.


Sacred Snippet: Nature at its finest!

I should have known that when my husband John left his suit and tie job, he would retreat to his roots. Yes, he majored in agriculture—a field I knew nothing about and still don’t.
Gratefully, John has found enjoyment in volunteering at the Coastal Prairie Conservancy for the past two years. This conservancy was formerly known as The Katy Prairie Conservancy. This group’s claim to fame is to sustain “a resilient Texas by preserving coastal prairies, wetlands, farms, and ranches to benefit people and wildlife forever.”¹
Today, I finally joined John to see what it was all about and to be his “personal assistant,” by pushing a computer key to advance the teaching slides while he taught a class. I passed with flying colors, and John was extremely happy!
I observed where he spends his Tuesdays and Fridays! And I took some pics while I was out there and matched them up with Bible verses. Yes, I am geeky that way.
However, as John says, “You can take a city girl to the country, but you can’t take the city out of the girl.” So true.
After today, I think I am ready for a church job in IT since I now feel qualified to push computer keys efficiently! I need to use my new DBU theological degree somewhere.
Is anyone hiring?
Have a blessed day.


¹ Coastal Prairie Conservancy, 21 October 2023, Coastal Prairie Conservancy.

Bible Verses

This, I command you, that you love one another.”
John 15:17
Love your spouse, your friends, the brethren, and others.
“For to a person who is good in his sight, he has given wisdom and knowledge and joy.”
Ecclesiastes 2:26
Share what God has taught you with others.
“You will go out, enjoy, and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”
Isaiah 55:12
It was peaceful and beautiful out in nature. I should do it more often.
“Brothers and sisters, be patient until the Lord comes again. A farmer patiently waits for his valuable crop to grow from the earth, and for it to receive the autumn and spring rains. You, too must be patient….” 
James 5:7-8
God uses the times we “have to be patient” to grow us and get us ready for His next assignment. I can’t wait to see what that will be. 
I do have some hopes and desires.
“One gives freely, yet grows all the richer, another withhold what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing, will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.”
Proverbs 11:24-25
Be kind to others. We never know what kind of day, week, or life they have had.
“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD, be strong, and take heart and wait for the LORD.”
Psalm 27:13-14
Waiting is hard, but keep serving the Lord while waiting, even if it takes years and years.
“Flowers of your faithfulness are blooming on the Earth. Righteousness shines down from the sky”
Psalm 85:11
God knows the paths He has for us! Travel His paths to see the flowers.
“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”
1 Peter 3:15
I was really gentle with the computer keys!
“For the spirit, God gave us does not make us timid; it gives us power, love and self discipline.”
2 Timothy 1:7
Instead of going on the trails, I sat peacefully and with discipline to work on this post and study for Wednesday’s Bible study.
*Subtitles come from Galatians 5:22-23

This is the Life for Me!

If you receive this blog through an email subscription, you can click on the title to see the full version of this post.

A shorter article on the same topic can be found  in The Baptist Standard article titled, “Voices: Choose to follow God’s path of life.”


Do you feel that you are on the right path of life, following the Lord as closely as you know how? Or are you slowly slipping down the wrong path? 

God has a path for believers in Jesus Christ. The Bible calls it the Path of Life.

As a child, I used to grab 10 to 15 Little Golden Books at a time and read one after another. But one which always attracted me, and still draws me to this day, is Scuffy the Tugboat by Gertrude Crampton.

Amazon’s book description mentions that Scuffy was an adventurous little tugboat who believed he was meant for bigger things. He leaves his home, the man with the polka-dot tie, and the little boy who cared for him and sets off to explore the world. After his daring and treacherous adventure down a brook and then a raging river, Scuffy realizes that home is where he’d rather be.

After traveling through dangerous situations, his life became more complicated. Eventually, Scuffy arrives home to the man with the polka-dot tie and his little boy, and he proclaims, “This is the life for me.”

Our goal should be to reach the point where we say, “This is the life for me,” right where we are on the path God has provided us. Scuffy used the quoted phrase twice: once in leaving the reasonable, sensible path of his prior life to seek adventure, and again when he realized he had already been right where he needed to be all along—at home, safe in the arms of the man and boy who love him.

God wants us to understand that we can know our path. And hopefully, it is the one He has set apart for us, but we must choose it.

Life Choices

In Psalm 16, King David declares that he wants refuge in the Lord. In his communion with the Lord, he writes:

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.  (Ps. 16:11 ESV).

What path does God want us to be on for Him?

The late British Old Testament scholar Derek Kidner defined a person on the right path of life as “someone who takes refuge in God and knows life and joy.” This person finds satisfaction in God’s ways and does not pursue other gods. God’s protection and instruction bless him.

As believers, we have two major choices  to make in life:

  1. We must decide whether to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and then

2. We must follow God’s path, which leads us to joy in His presence.

We know we have eternal life, but sometimes we experience struggles. Jesus is the light of the world, but He always uses our struggles and sufferings for His good. There is a purpose for all He does. Suffering causes us to depend on Him in ways we never have done before. David trusted that the Lord would show him the righteous path of life.

Some call the path of life a journey or route. David knew that he would find total joy by following God’s directions. His suffering led him to heed God’s instruction. 

God’s Instructions for Us

  1. Stay in communication with our heavenly Father,
  2. Read His word daily and let His principles and examples saturate our minds,
  3. Be obedient to what you read in the Bible,
  4. Confess sins and ask the Lord to help you in both your thoughts and actions so that those sins will not have a stronghold in your life,
  5. Decide not to visit places that lead you into temptation,
  6. Believe the Lord will guide us to Biblical principles and Scripture so we can know the right things to do, and
  7. Seek His kingdom above all others.

Following the instructions above is easier said than done. I have been there, working through each and every instruction listed above. I also know it takes longer to heed God’s instructions than He or I would like sometimes. However, God has always been available to hear my concerns, thoughts, struggles, and desires. I have also learned it is best to converse with God about our plans before depending on or requesting guidance from others. It is in Him we must confide our deepest longings.

He is on the path of life who heeds instruction,
But he who ignores reproof goes astray (Prov. 10:17 NASB95).

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; (2 Tim. 3:16).

Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matt. 26:41).

If you obey the Lord your God and keep his commands and decrees that are written in this Book of the Law and turn to the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.  Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach (Deut. 30:10-11 NIV).

Righteousness and Unrighteousness

“Wrong”, “Right” and question marks, Canva.

We will encounter testing and temptation on our path, but when we saturate our lives with God’s word and principles, we can be satisfied that we are following the right track. Even as believers, though, we must continually choose between righteousness and unrighteousness.

We want to walk in victory, but sometimes, we desire things God has proclaimed unsuitable for us. We have that struggle between our flesh and the spirit, so we must ponder the path our feet are on.

We cannot experience God’s true purpose for life when we travel the destructive path. We may find ourselves in a continuous cycle of sinning and confessing. To break that cycle, we must deny ourselves, take up Jesus’ cross, and follow Him.

And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me (Luke 9:23).

The hope of the righteous is gladness,
But the expectation of the wicked perishes (Prov.10:28).

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

Results of Living Right—Joy and Heaven

Woman in poppy field, Canva.

Psalm 16:11 concludes by saying if we follow God’s path, we will have complete joy and pleasures forever.

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore (Ps.16:11 ESV).

When the temple restoration began in Jerusalem during the time of the prophet Ezra, we can understand the joy and what kind of joy God has in store for us. The builders had laid the foundation of the temple.

They sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the Lord, saying, For He is good, for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever toward Israel. And all the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid! Ezra 3:11 AMP).

When we lay a Godly foundation in our lives, we can experience joy in the presence of the LORD. God cares about the path of life we choose. And when we strive to be on his team, we can live joyfully in his presence. We can also experience everlasting pleasures in this life and the next as we lift our eyes to Jesus. 

It is a beautiful gift from the Lord that we can experience pleasures forever when our lives are over here. Living with our Lord and Savior in heaven is a deep gratification and satisfaction we can look forward to.

In this earthly life, we fail often, but God is always willing to pick us up and reroute and redirect our path.

Reroute and Redirect

307 Redirect, Canva

What is the purpose of a navigation system? A navigation system is an instrument that determines the position of a vehicle and the route to a particular place. The car’s navigation system tells the driver to turn left or right at a specific junction. The navigation system uses GPS signals to determine the vehicle’s location and direction.

It is a valuable tool with many benefits, such as helping people reach their destination, tracking packages, locating vehicles, and more. It guides the cars by directing the drivers through congested areas.

It is similar to the way God directs us in our lives.

  1. He shows us which way to turn—to the right or the left.
  2. He signals us on which way to proceed or not proceed.
  3. He helps us to reach the destination and call of our lives, and
  4. God guides us continually through the rough times in our lives.

However, our navigation system must take its orders from the Lord. He will reroute and redirect our thoughts or actions if we genuinely want to follow His path.

I love the story about how God rerouted one young boy. In sharing with another, one older man said:


It’s true. I have had some terrible disappointments in my day, but none stands out like the one that came to me as a boy.

And what was that?

That was the night I crawled under a tent to see a circus—and found myself at a revival meeting!


God continually tries to woo us back to him.  Relief may be found in a Bible verse that comes alive to us. It may be a friend directing us back to a godly life. It may come about after agonizing prayers to remove wishes or desires that are not beneficial to our spiritual health. But, no matter how God chooses to get our attention, it is up to us to choose His path.

We need to listen and obey Him. Live in His righteousness. Get on the path he has prepared for us. And if surrendering areas of our lives to His will seems complicated, remember to talk to the Lord about everything. We can ask for His help and protection to rid ourselves of untimely thoughts or actions.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him,  and He will make your paths straight (Prov. 3:5-6 NASB95).

A person’s mind plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps (Prov. 16:9).

This is the Life for Me!

After Scuffy’s journey away from his home, he says, “I wish I could find the man with the polka dot tie and little boy.” And soon, the man with the polka-dot tie reached out, picked him up, and brought him safely home. Scuffy learned that the grass wasn’t greener on the other side of the fence.

Scuffy’s path in life allowed him to experience adventures he initially enjoyed but became dangerous. He enjoyed some of life’s simple pleasures, but as he kept traveling along the river, he was jammed with logs and became scared of the river moving faster and faster. Then, the flood waters came until the little tugboat desired the warmth and safety of home.

And just like the man with the polka-dot tie who scooped Scuffy out of the water after his journey away and brought him home, God does the same for us when we choose to live for Him, decide against following unrighteous living, and allow him to reroute us when we stumble or get ahead of His will.

Let us live victoriously in his presence, along the paths He has prepared for us, because “this is the life for us!”

God bless you.


Dear Jesus, thank you for loving me so much that I can be confident that You have a plan for my life. Thank you that I can trust that You will show me that plan in Your timing and in a way that honors You. Please give me the wisdom to acknowledge and follow Your plan quickly, without hesitation, so You can use me for Your glory before I meet You face-to-face. Why? Because Your way is the only life for me. Amen.

Bible Verses are located within this article.



Bible verses come from the New American Standard Bible 95, The English Standard Version, The New International Version, and The Amplified Bible.

Barry, John D., et al., Faithful Study Bible, Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016.

Chinemerem, Barabas Iwuala. “How to Stop Navigation Using Google Assistant,  Feb. 3, 2023. https://techqlik.com/how-stop-navigation-using-google-assistant.

Crampton, Gertrude. Scuffy the Tugboat and His Adventures Down the River. New York: A Golden Book, 1946, 1983.

The Speaker’s Desk Book, ed. Lawrence Hembree and the staff of Quote. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1967.

All photos: Canva.com

Edited by E. Johnson


Books by Patti




Sacred Snippet: Lost But Found!

If you receive this blog through an email subscription, you can click on the title to see the full version of this snippet.

As a result of the February 2021 winter freeze, while my husband and I were out of town, our home was drastically damaged by an unattended pipe, which froze and burst. Movers had to come quickly to salvage what they could, resulting in things being thrown in any old box and brought to storage in whatever condition it was found.

Now that school is over for me, and it is two years later, I am finally trying to locate, unpack, and organize what wild and reckless packing looks like.

I thought I had lost everything in the picture above but I found disarrayed boxes in our new home’s garage. [Yes, we moved after seeing all our home’s destruction.]

In unpacking boxes, I found essential certificates, house deeds, my childhood stamp collection album, MANY articles I have written and published, blogs started but not finished, multiple rejection letters, and more that I have yet to discover.  But I rejoice because I thought I had lost all these things, but this week I found them.

Odds and Ends

Honestly, I have been distraught thinking I lost all my writing and compilations over forty years!!!

However, now that my most precious items (except for my wedding dress) have been found, the time has come to sort through, throw away, salvage, and/or reorganize what I have valued and sunk my heart into for years.

Going through these piles is NOT my cup of tea, but I am excited to see what I thought was lost is now found – maybe mildewed and torn but found.

Just like I found boxes of my stuff, Jesus Christ finds us—possibly finding us mildewed, torn, and disarrayed, and He wants us to become aware of His love for us and make us part of His kingdom. He will not disregard us or throw us away. He wants to salvage us and reorganize our lives.

God allows us to choose between Him and the world.

He truly loves us and wants us to call upon His son Jesus Christ by asking Him to forgive our sins and place our faith and trust in Him. That, my friend, is called salvation with the promise of the Holy Spirit’s presence coming to abide in us forever.

A parable in Luke 15:24 says, “This son of mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found. And they began to celebrate.”

Let’s celebrate your newfound salvation.

God bless.

Patti Greene is a Baylor University and Dallas Baptist University graduate, a Second Baptist Church -1463 member of Houston/Katy,  TX, and the author of seven books. The views expressed are those of the author.

A Book Review: NIV Student Bible, Updated 2023 by Zondervan

If you receive this blog through an email subscription, you can click on the title to see the full version of this review.

I received Zondervan’s updated 2023 NIV Student Bible with notes by Philip Yancey and Tim Stafford as a free gift as a Bible Gateway Blogger Grid member. I was tasked to give an honest review of this Bible. This beautiful 1,600-page Bible comes in hardcover with a jacket cover, a teal leather soft cover, and a brown leather soft cover—to meet personal tastes.


When I offered to review the book, I thought it might be a Bible like many others, with a few notes and illustrations slapped haphazardly in the Bible. However, I was pleasantly surprised as I perused this excellent Bible.

I first noticed the number of devotionals and applications that were well-written, easy to understand, and relatable to both students ages 14-18 AND ADULTS. For a serious Bible student, the extra resources treated teenagers as adults, with topics that dwell on higher-level Bible stories and explanations.

As I like to learn some of the more profound thoughts of the Bible, I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of the doctrinal and study notes included throughout the Bible.

I am a certified librarian, so  I look for location ease in non-fiction books I read and recommend. This Bible did not disappoint. It included various sections, which are listed below.

  1. An introduction to each book of the Bible,
  2. 100 people you should know,
  3. A glossary of people and places,
  4. Well-known Biblical events,
  5. An outline of the Testaments,
  6. A lineup of rulers,
  7. Notable Psalms,
  8. Life Questions, and
  9. An excellent subject guide.

What also impressed me was the inclusion of three different reading plans. This saves so much time for those looking for a quick resource in finding a plan to follow, thus, allowing more people to get right into reading the Bible without having to research multiple places and plans to find one.

There were also two different listings of the Books of the Bible, one alphabetical and one in the traditional order based on the Old and New Testament locations. The first listing is so much easier for someone just starting to read the Bible to locate the books of the Bible. No more do they have to scroll through both the Old Testament and New Testament in a mixed order to find Books of the Bible and page numbers.

The grand finale at the back of the Bible included eight maps starting with the Old Testament Patriarchs through Jerusalem in the time of Jesus. These two significant events are the Exodus and Conquest of Canaan, the Land of the Twelve Tribes, the Kingdom of David and Solomon, Jesus’ Ministry, and Paul’s Missionary Journeys.

One of my pet peeves in reading anything is looking up the definition when I don’t understand a term. While Bible dictionaries are great resources, I love how this NIV Student Bible defines many words along the way, i.e., plumb line, Golden rule.

Entire pages are dedicated to topics such as “Like an Angry Letter from Home” or “Who were the Gnostics?” These types of extras give such a valuable understanding of the Word of God.


The disadvantages of this Bible were two-fold. First, Jesus’ words were not noted in red letters. While it may not bother some, it is one of the essentials I always look for when purchasing a new Bible. Second is that this Bible is titled the NIV Student Bible. I believe this Bible should be classified as a Bible for all age groups. The title NIV Student Bible makes one think it is only for teenagers. However, because of all the extras included, this Bible could be used and valued by all age groups.

Excellence is my word for this Bible. I highly recommend it.

God bless.

This Bible can be purchased at

  1. FaithGateway Store — https://bit.ly/3ZOM2DM
  2. Amazon — https://amzn.to/3lhifos

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Voices: Four things help us find God’s call in our lives

Reprinted from The Baptist Standard


I hesitated for a few weeks about posting an article I wrote for The Baptist Standard on my blog, mainly because I didn’t want to draw attention to myself. However, today in my quiet time, the Lord impressed me to post it because it might just be what someone needs to read. My prayer is that it will touch someone’s heart today. God bless you.

After many years of working outside the home, I “retired.” With time to serve God more fully, I appealed to my heavenly Father and cried: “Lord, how can you use me? I don’t play the piano, and I don’t like hanging out at the gym.”

God said: “Patti, I have been preparing you all these years. I allowed you to grow up in a family that loved books. I surrounded you with books all the time. You have created your own library of prayer journals during 40-plus years. Now is the time to write a book and share with others what I have let you experience. This is your destiny.”

So, I penned my first prayer journal, and a new call in my life evolved, that of writing.

People all over the world ask the question, “Lord, how can you use me?”

Once we genuinely believe Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, we can ask God confidently what his will for our lives might be. Through our obedience in doing the small things, he will show us more ways we can serve him.

Four things help us find God’s call in our lives: (1) preparation, (2) practice, (3) prayer and (4) Bible reading.


I wanted to prepare myself for ministry. I needed God to direct my path and mold me to be used for his purpose. A series of books on spiritual maturity helped establish the foundation of my Christian beliefs. I also deepened my obedience to whatever God had in store.

All the while, I wondered how God could use someone like me—someone who failed my first English essay in college, was terrified of being called on in Bible study classes and was still learning sin had consequences. But God cared for me and was preparing me to be used for his glory, and I knew it.

The foundations of my faith grew through Christian books and my first two churches in the Baptist faith. God led me to University Baptist Church in Fort Worth, where I was baptized, and First Baptist Church in Houston, where my faith deepened beyond measure.

To know where God wants to use you, experiment in different gift areas, listen to what others think you do well, take a spiritual gifts inventory survey, read books that address the topic, and pray for God to show you where you fit in the body of Christ. Then practice what you have learned.

Everyone has at least one spiritual gift. Romans 12:6-8 gives us a partial list of spiritual gifts—prophecy (explaining Scripture), service, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading and mercy. You might consider these.

I read the Bible continually during my time of discernment, wanting to know more about God and how he could use me. I began to serve in little ways, such as writing notes, putting short Bible studies together and organizing biblical materials.

Reading materials written by solid Bible-believing authors opened the door to a deeper dependence on the Holy Spirit through prayer. The Bible and these books confirmed God loved me, and in his infinite wisdom, he had a spiritual plan for my life. God does for you, as well.


While I have read many books on prayer, it differs from carving out time daily to give praise and worship to our heavenly Father. God loves us as no one else can. He wants us to pay attention to him. Prayer gives a person time to think, meditate, confess sins and share burdens.

Sometimes we limit our call, believing only pastors and those in ministry can be used by God, but God wants everyone to seek his kingdom and to engage intimately in prayer with him.

Bible reading

The primary way God speaks to us occurs by reading the Bible. Through God’s word, we recognize what is right and wrong, what is honorable and what is not, and what he wants us to do or not do.

A new life of salvation, hope and trust opens for us when we continually read the word of God. God desires to show us his will and direction, and we can find that in his holy word.

Get Ready to be used by God

We are on a journey, and God has a purpose for us. Don’t allow fear, laziness or perfectionism to stop you from seeking God’s will.

While my passion for reading is what God uses to show me how he can use me, it may be different for you. God has given us all diverse backgrounds, passions, personalities, talents and quirks. Look at your experiences, hone your skills, prepare yourself, practice ministry, pray and read God’s word. Don’t expect to be good at everything at once. Wait for God’s timing.

When God revealed to me it was time to write a book, it occurred in my messy bedroom closet. Not only did he show me what to do, but he also confirmed it by prompting me to look at the top shelf to see my prayer journals.

That’s when he said: “Now is the time to write a book and share with others what I have let you experience. This is your destiny.”

What is your God-given destiny?

Patti Greene is a graduate of Baylor University and Dallas Baptist University, a member of Second Baptist Church in Houston, and the author of seven books. The views expressed are those of the author.

CHATGPT: Education and Church


The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a blog as “a website that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer.” My Christian blog, GreenePastures.org, is sometimes an emotional piece, an article, a sacred snippet, listings, quizzes, or more. It is just me sharing whatever I feel led to. It started with me wanting to practice my writing skills, so you may be horrified reading my early blogs. Personal blogs should not be looked at in the same light as professional articles. What follows is my opinion and the opinion of others that I have read about regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT. I am not sharing a bibliography or works cited page, but you might find a few indications of where quotes or materials come from along the way,

My Interests

As I mentioned in my previous blog, my two main interests regarding artificial intelligence revolve around two entities—education and the church, mainly because I was a high school librarian and I am a churchgoer. I recognize that this blog may be irrelevant and outdated with the changing pace of AI, maybe even by tomorrow.

With AI, there will be challenges with integrity in high schools and schools of higher education, just as there will be challenges in church uses of AI. The benefits and abuses of AI are moving fast, but I believe it is here to stay, and then we can wait for the next big thing—humanoids! Prototypes are already out there!

ChatGPT and Education

As my husband and I hung around the house today, I moaned that I had so much work to do, and he asked, “What?”

I told him about the papers and schoolwork I had to do, and I jokingly asked him if he would like to write my paper on “CRISIS” for me. He joked back and said, “Why? ChatGPT can write it for you.” You see, he had spent the morning on ChatGPT looking up information on 1 Corinthians 15, and he got a summary, paper, bibliography, and works cited, all in the same sitting. Impressive, right? Well, not so.

There are challenges with using AI, affecting the whole gamut of educational institutions, from preschool to professional academic papers and seminars. The significant deficiencies and/or comments I see are listed below.

  1. I see a problem with academic integrity. Dishonesty is already widespread, and educational institutions will be responsible for making new policies.
  2. There must be more time to make the necessary changes or policies because AI is moving rapidly. And who has the energy to accomplish all that needs to be done?
  3. A student’s temptation to cheat will increase. Yes, I will get into the Christian value system later, but let’s chat for now. No pun intended.
  4. Plagiarism will increase.
  5. Both educators and students might become less creative than they were designed to be.
  6. Laziness will occur.
  7. The value of higher education will decrease because information (whether credible or not) will be “more” accessible.
  8. Bias and possible brainwashing may occur because those inputting the information still come from human choices.
  9. There could be a problem with college admissions, because how would the admission office know who really wrote the applicants’ essays?
  10. Training on AI’s proper use is needed for faculty and students.
  11. Addressing the fear and injustice that honest students might experience, should be considered. They know that even if they are honest, they still compete with students using AI in their schoolwork.

ChatGPT and Church

There is also concern with ethical and moral principles in the church. I was reading an excellent article by Pastor Duke Taber. He said, “Church leaders must be careful to ensure that the use of ChatGPT complies with legal and regulatory requirements, is transparent, and considers privacy concerns.” In the article, Taber expresses his concern with the ethical and moral principles within the pastorate. He believed that pastors and ministry leaders should be transparent to their congregants about using AI in sermon preparation. His article was terrific until I read the Disclosure at the end. The Disclosure said, “This paper was written by ChatGPT with editorial oversight and guidance by Duke Taber.” I was duped as I read the article. So, I thought, “What if pastors were required to disclose that they used ChatGPT if they used artificial intelligence in sermon prep?

While many see benefits to using ChatGPT in ministry, I see some challenges, which are enumerated below.

  1. New policies and rules need to be written regarding using artificial intelligence of any sort in a sermon or Bible study prep.
  2. Training is needed on its acceptability or not to pastoral staff and volunteers.
  3. Pastors could rely more on artificial intelligence than the Bible or other credible Biblical materials.
  4. Busyness is part of our lives, and pastors could become more likely to depend on this time-reducing application rather than seeking out the Word of God through prayer and dependence upon the Holy Spirit.
  5. For the congregants, why bother to listen to a sermon that might have been written by AI? If I don’t sense the Holy Spirit’s part in my pastor’s prep, I would be tempted to avoid listening, and rightly so. I want to hear from God through my pastor. Many congregants might decide not to attend church at all.
  6. Using AI in any church form—blogs, devotionals, Bible studies, and more could create a distrust of church literature. This could even progress where people become distrustful of reading Christian books, magazines, articles, and listening to Christian podcasts, not knowing if the source is human. (I may be far-reaching on this statement, but if I write more books or materials, do I need to note that I wrote it and not some artificial intelligence source?)
  7. Pastors and staff could become lazy.
  8. Pastors should be reminded not to compare their sermons with others because following God’s principles are more important than how others plan their sermons.

The Associated Press recently published an article titled “ChatGPT AI Robots writing Church Sermons causing Hell for Pastors.” The report stated that using AI can cause both fascination and unease for pastors. It also said that ChatGPT “can’t replicate the passion of actual preaching” and “lazy preaching pastors might be tempted to use AI but not the great shepherds, the ones who love preaching, who love their people.”  [Quotes attributed to Herschel York.]

But here I am, wondering who wrote the main article as no author’s name was there. It just said Associated Press—who knows, maybe AI wrote the article. Okay, I best stop now. I am questioning everything I see, wondering if a real-life person wrote it or not.

Biblical Thoughts

Many believers do not have a solid handle on Biblical integrity. This must be taught. It is hard to do in secular education, but Christian institutions and churches must provide ways to instill integrity into their student base or church flock.

At our youngest son’s college, the first semester students were required to attend a seminar by the library staff on how to use the library and all its features. What would happen if Christian institutions required students to participate in a workshop on Christian integrity? While it might not stop all cheating or plagiarizing, the school would relieve itself of some of its responsibility.

The students would know what was expected of them as they continued their studies. It would also help in the case of any academic dishonesty retribution. Administrators could tell students and their parents they were notified of their expectations. Just a random thought!

As I was thinking about these topics, I was simultaneously working on my MasterLife, Bk 2, which plainly said, “Do God’s will.” Yes, that is an easy way of addressing these issues. If we just did God’s will regarding honesty, working hard, Christian character, discerning Godly behavior, yielding oneself to Christ, being honorable, having peace, being controlled by the Holy Spirit, renewing our minds daily, and living victoriously, that would help. So, maybe the solution to all this is to stop relying so much on technology and depend more on God’s Word to guide our writings and sermons.

When All is Said and Done

Folks, artificial intelligence is here to stay. The University of Texas offers a certification to gain industry-valued AI and machine learning skills. Certifications will turn into college courses in the future if they are not already official classes in some colleges.

While we may reminisce about the good old days—sitting on the front porch of our home, playing kickball outside, and listening to our 45 RPM records, this technology is here to stay. We must adjust and adapt to it. 

Personally, we must intentionally slow down, process our life, spend time in prayer, study God’s Word, and seek guidance from Him.

Maybe, even possibly, AI/ChatGPT is an opportunity for believers to build new character traits and become more Christ-like in their behavior and thoughts. That’s something to think about!

Now What?

Now that I spent my afternoon writing this blog, I must decide to either get back to my schoolwork or listen to my favorite 45s.

Two hours later . . .

Guess what won? Listening to a few of my favorite 60s songs! YouTube won over getting out my record player, though. Then, the thought hit me, I thought my record player was the best electrical invention of my junior high era, and maybe this generation will think AI is the best technological invention of their era. Sort of makes me sad.

And what about my poor “CRISIS” paper that was not worked on all day today? Maybe it will get the attention it needs tomorrow or the day after. But, if not soon, I WILL definitely have a CRISIS on my hands!

God bless. 

Bible Verses:

People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will be exposed. Proverbs 10:9 (NLT)

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.   Philippians 4:6-8 (NASB 1995)

Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. Acts 20:28 (NASB 1995)


My heavenly Father, please give me the wisdom to pursue Your will in all areas of my life. When I am tempted, shield my thoughts and actions. Let me always honor and obey You and Your commandments and principles. You are sovereign. Keep me humble and prayerful. Let me know Your will. Lead all I do and think to be guided by Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Challenging Question by Bellator Christi from “Taking up the Sword of Christian Theology and the Shield of Classic Apologetics”

In the 13th century, Thomas Aquinas researched and wrote thousands of pages without the amenities we hold today.

Christi asks, “Could we do the same?”


This article may not be reproduced except for written permission from the author. 


Books by Patti



A Book Review: Eternity Now: The New Testament Series

Eternity Now: The New Testament Series. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2022.

In August 2022, I received a complimentary copy of Eternity Now: The New Testament Series from Thomas Nelson publishers because I am a Bible Gateway Blogger Grid member who promised to read the books and publish an honest review of the series. My analysis is below.

The Series

This series consists of five books titled with a content description.

Volume 1: The Legacy—Matthew, Hebrews, James, Jude

Volume 2: No Going Back—Mark, 1-2 Peter

Volume 3: Grand Tour—Books of Luke: Luke, Acts

Volume 4: Death to Life—Books of Paul: Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, Galatians,

Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy,

Titus, Philemon.

Volume 5: Now But Not Yet—Books of John: John, 1-3 John, Revelation



The books are formatted presentations of the New Testament using the New English Translation. The editors describe the series as books that reveal “the history shaping story of how Jesus Christ changed the world and what that means to you. The reader-friendly format presents the New Testament books across five paperback volumes, making it easy to carry anywhere and read anytime.”

Design Décor Description

The books arrived in a beautiful display box—so attractive that one would be proud to place the boxed set on any bookshelf as a lovely décor addition. All five books have coordinated covers using blue, orange, black, and two shades of green. When put together, the spines of the books create an attractive design when placed in the series box. Each cover describes the book as coming “From the #1 Bestselling Book of All Times” (a.k.a. The Bible) along with a title, subtitle, quotation, and an acknowledgment that what is inside comes from the New English Translation Bible (NET). When I first received the books, I had no idea the publishers were using a unique concept in designing them to make them look like small fiction or non-fiction books—great to fit into one’s purse or briefcase.

The Positives

  1. The books are easy to pick up and browse through, easy enough for any late elementary or junior high student to read.
  2. The “ministry-first” concept is impressive, meaning there are no restrictions regarding quoting or sharing any of the Scriptures when using them in books, magazines, newspaper articles, and more. One does not have to gain permission to use as much of the translation as desired.
  3. Its simple format is excellent for seniors who might have problems holding a large, heavy Bible.
  4. I enjoyed how the layout shows the chapter headings and accurate subtopics.
  5. Another positive is that the books bold all prophecies from the Old Testament.
  6. This innovative approach to Bible reading seems accurate compared to my usually read Bible—the New American Standard Bible.

The Drawbacks

The drawbacks listed below are all due to “my personal preferences,” which may or may not affect other readers.

  1. All five books lack verse numbers while representing their story format. I understand that by not including verse numbers, one will experience more ease in reading. However for me, many times, as I was reading, I wanted to look up the Bible verse but could not find “the address” to do so.
  2. The books did not create that sacred feeling of reading the Bible. While the editor’s intent is to read each book like a novel, reading them as a novel was bothersome.
  3. Words referring to Jesus were in lowercase letters. My preference would have been to use the names of Jesus as He, Him, and Himself. Other words like scripture are also noted in lowercase.
  4. I missed the red lettering of Jesus’ words prevalent in many Bible versions.

Book’s Purpose

The book’s primary purpose is obvious. It is to get the Bible into the hands of those who might never pick up a Bible themselves, making this set a lovely gift for any occasion for boys, girls, men, and women. Not everyone will appreciate the novel format, but many will find it the most enjoyable way to read the Bible. Therefore I recommend this book series.

God Bless,

New English Translation Bible Verses:

Every scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16 NET

Jesus answered them, “You are deceived, because you don’t know the scriptures or the power of God. Matthew 22:29 NET

For these things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled, “Not a bone of his will be broken.” John 19:36 NET

Then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures. Luke 24:45 NET


Lord, give me wisdom as I approach my Bible reading. Lead me to Bible verses You want me to read and learn from. Allow me to obey all Your sacred principles, which You have made available through Your Holy Scriptures. You are a mighty God, and I love You. Amen

Books by Patti Greene



Two Years Ago Today, Mom Went to Heaven!

Initial Remarks

Today marks two years since my dear mom passed away—August 27, 2020. I wrote the following letter four months after my mom died, recollecting the time my husband John and I spent living with her for four years in her home. I mailed this note to a few very close friends at the time, but today, I feel like posting this in her honor and sharing that I am still sad about a lot of things, but I know moving on would be what she would want for me.

Dear Friends

First, I want to thank all of you who have prayed for John and me over the past few years. We were in a unique season of life—a life we never expected to be in. It was challenging and rewarding at the same time.

Most of you know that in January 2016, I moved into my parent’s home when my dad was ill with leukemia and dementia. John was working overseas at the time. Dad died in February 2016.

Being concerned about mom, I stayed with her after Dad’s passing. The idea of her alone in the house made me want to stay with her. Unfortunately, 2016 brought a diagnosis of Stage 4 lung cancer to mom on top of all her other ailments, so I continued to stay at mom’s house. John came home from his overseas assignment shortly after mom’s diagnosis and moved into mom’s house with me.

We locked up our house, and our life became different—more different than we ever expected. John retired after completing his overseas assignment but found a little part-time work, and life moved on. We settled into our life with mom in west Houston, trying to adjust to not being in our own home. I did fine for the first two years. But, the last two years were physically and emotionally tough on me. As mom progressively needed more care and attention, I became more nervous and anxious. I was not my usual self. I had a hard time coping, although I was able to conceal it from others for the most part.

John saw and experienced my constant exhaustion, my need for respite, and my emotional stress worsening daily. He was my rock. I cannot imagine any other person being so kind and generous as giving up his home and life to partner with me in caretaking my mother – his mother-in-law. John occupied my mom with mind-boggling conversations and debates. He made dinner most days, and towards the end, his help and love truly inspired me as he provided nursing duties way beyond his pay grade. Christ-like love was indeed in action!

God knew my fragile mental state. And I hate to say it, but COVID was the lifeline I needed to be able to move back home. It had become apparent that I was not doing well with our 24/7 living arrangement at mom’s house. When COVID hit: Mom’s housekeeper was able to move in with her even though we were back towards the end of mom’s life. John, me, and mom all sleeping in the same bedroom, available for whatever.

Even being home was highly stressful, with daily visits to mom’s house, more doctor’s appointments than ever, and issues relating to mom’s declining health.

If you have not guessed by now, two thousand twenty has been the roughest ride of my life!

I am omitting many “specifics” so I do not get bogged down and miss the point I am trying to share with you.

The fact is, a good friend said, “God has positioned people who can take our hands and help us find our way through the fog and storms.” You are those people!!! Your prayers helped me to pray and not lose my heart. Your prayers helped me to pursue seeking the Highest God, your prayers helped me to stay strong in the Word of God, and your prayers reminded me that challenges are for our spiritual growth. This journey was not anything I had ever imagined, but God knew I had to go through it. This season was sent to accomplish things in me that could not have been accomplished any other way.

Some of you have been where I was. Some of you have not. However, I want you to know that when we experience tears and disappointment, it does not have to dimmish our relationship with the Lord. He allows each new experience to make us aware that we need to trust Him so solidly that we can tell Him the down and dirty of all we think and encounter. When I had questions, God was there. When I cried, He was there. When I could not handle it anymore, God was still there. Even though there were times I could not feel His presence, you kept me hanging on to Him. That was possible due to your prayers. Thank you!

Mom died on August 27, 2020. John and I received a call at 1:50 a.m. from my older brother to come home. I had my cuddle time with mom; then, at 3:50 p.m. that afternoon, she took her final breath.

It has only been a few months since we left that season of our lives. Still, thankfully God is showing me why the experiences I encountered were essential. I do not understand many things that came about during that season. But God always pointed me back to Him—calling me to trust Him when I couldn’t see the whys of the past or the wonders of the future. During my caregiving time, I encountered burnout, compassion fatigue, taxing emotions, and the perps of spending time with my dear mom. I knew the challenges were in His hands. Thanks for your prayers!

Life is an adventure. I wailed many times during this period, “Lord, I can’t handle it anymore!” But He knew and knows when it is time to step in for relief. God moved when I reached the pinnacle of my despair in August. These years are now part of my life story. I recognize that “being out of our comfort zone” is usually the only way we can grow, and I thank God for it. I experienced many sweet times with mom that would not have been possible any other way, but it was still strenuous and tough on me. So, thanks again for your prayers!

Each day, I feel a little more rested and restored. I know that the Lord will use this experience for His glory. There are so many Biblical principles that I had read in Scripture but not experienced before. I encountered so many aspects during these 4+ years: love, forgiveness, gratitude, and boundaries—to mention the positive ones. Sometimes it is hard to see circumstances clearly when living under stress or in a bleak period. Still, when the light is slowly restored, we can feel God’s peace and presence in extraordinary ways—even supernaturally. We start understanding the why, the why not, the how much longer questions of life. In these times, we must depend on the prayers of our friends like you. And for that, thanks again for your prayers!

My takeaway is to encourage you to look at your circumstances through the eyes of our heavenly Father. Commit to renewing your mind daily with prayer and Bible study. Remember that darkness does not stay forever in whatever situation you face. Even through hard times, He is close by—guiding us, building our faith, and waiting to meet our needs. He has a purpose for everything we experience in life, to prepare us for His assignments here on earth or for our heavenly home.

Today—Two Years Later

Yes, John and I have moved on; that is a long story. Still, one thing we both know is that God directed and allowed us to spend time with mom. However, I encountered difficult times caregiving at points along the way. If you are caregiving, hang on! Memories are being formed that will be cherished more with time. The emotional journey has a purpose that God will use in your life ministries.

While living with my mom, I wrote a book titled Christian Caregiving: Practical Advice for a Happy Ending. I wrote it during the first two years of living with mom. If I had waited until later, the book would probably never have been written. I left out the hard part, the biography of my experiences as time passed, because I hadn’t experienced that. However, it is a good book for those starting on the journey of caregiving with lots of Scripture references. I am not posting this as a sales pitch for my book, but I wanted you to know good things come from caregiving. Our strength in Him and knowing that He always has His best for us in mind keeps us going.

Mom, I love you, and I always will. Thanks for loving me. I still miss you two years later.

God Bless.

Verses from Christian Caregiving:  Practical Advice for a Happy Ending [9780692115381-Available on Amazon.com. Only $7.44 today.

Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28).

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you (Ephesians 4:32).

Commit your works to the LORD, and your plans will be established (Proverbs 16:3)

Books by Patti Greene


Barnabas: Leadership in Action

[Email followers: Click the title to see this article in its web version.]


Following Christ involves denying ourselves to follow Him. Jesus said, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me (Luke 9:23 NASB1995).[1] This verse is crucial for Christian leaders to heed. Barnabas’ years in ministry possessed a heart intent on following Jesus. This goal was accomplished using Jesus’ style of leadership—servant leadership.


Barnabas was born and raised on the island of Cyprus. His training and upbringing stemmed from him being a Levite of Jewish descent. His name occurs twenty-three times in the Book of Acts and five times in the letters that the Apostle Paul wrote.[2] Before Jesus’ disciples called him Barnabas, Acts 4:36 says he was called Joseph (Joses) which means “Son of Encouragement.” Luke interprets Barnabas into the Greek words huios paraclete’s, which may well be translated as “son of encouragement,” “son of comfort,” or “Son of Exhortation.” Some say it could mean “son of a prophet,” but then doubts are cast why Luke calls him the “Son of Encouragement.” Some scholars question why Paul calls him the “son of encouragement in Acts.[3]

Barnabas’ central timeline includes selling property and giving the profits to the Jerusalem church, meeting and introducing Paul to the church in Jerusalem, being commissioned to travel to Syrian Antioch to evaluate what was happening with the preaching and Christianity there, leading the first missionary journey with Paul, set out on a missionary journey with his cousin John Mark, and an instrumental leader in Cyprus, Antioch, and Jerusalem.[4]

Barnabas’ Qualities, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Throughout the Book of Acts, one sees qualities of generosity, encouragement, leadership, loyalty, friendship, consistency in being a team player, and a love for God. His focus on the mission God had prepared for him is evident through his words and actions.

Godly character and behavior remained pivotal throughout Barnabas’ life. His strong personality was built by his love and dedication to his salvation and call upon his life. Due to this, Barnabas naturally had multiple strengths.

  1. Big-hearted: When Barnabas sold his land to give to the early Christian community, that behavior was rare then. Could it be that this was one of the first relief work missions that one sees from the New Testament?
  2. Persuasive: In Jerusalem, Barnabas received a cool reception because the disciples could not believe that Paul had changed from a persecutor to a follower of Jesus. Barnabas persuaded them, and they eventually thought he was a disciple of Christ.[5]
  3. Loyal: Barnabas was faithful to John Mark when he abandoned his work on the first missionary journey. He did not allow the disagreement when Paul refused to have John Mark participate in the second missionary journey to affect their relationship. Due to the encouragement of Barnabas, vital contributions from both Paul and Mark have been made to the Christian faith and the New Testament.
  4. Exceptional evangelist: Many souls were saved as he traveled from city to city, church to church
  5. Discerning: Barnabas discerned that Paul’s character had been transformed from a sinner to a believer in Jesus Christ.
  6. Humble: Barnabas followed wherever he was needed. He did not show one-upmanship or comparison to other people as he lived his life.
  7. Filled with the Holy Spirit: Barnabas would not have been able to minister as he did without the Holy Spirit leading and guiding him.
  8. Encourager: As an encourager, he could keep the peace with Paul through a lasting friendship and encourage those he met along his life journey.

Few weaknesses are evident in the Bible. However, one weakness found was hypocrisy. One can only assume that if one backslides and is not living for the Lord, the Holy Spirit’s evidence in their life would wane. It is unknown if Barnabas experienced a dip in his spiritual life, but there is no evidence in the Bible of any other faults. Regarding hypocrisy, Paul accused Peter and others (including Barnabas) of being hypocrites because they separated themselves and feared the circumcision party. Paul mentions that “even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy” (Gal. 2:13). Not knowing the heart of Barnabas on this matter, this weakness may or may not be accurate since we should never judge others primarily based on the word of only one person and this one incident.

Principles and Issues on Leadership

Many secular scholars over the years have tried to conceptualize and define leadership. Peter G. Northouse defines leadership: “Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.”[6] While that is a helpful definition, Jesus’ life and lifestyle would be more appropriate if one were to look for the Biblical description and qualities a leader should possess. C. Gene Wilkes discusses seven servant leadership principles. These principles are seen in one degree or another in Barnabas.

  1. Jesus humbled himself and allowed God to exalt him.
  2. Jesus followed his Father’s will rather than seek a position
  3. Jesus defined greatness as being a servant and being first as becoming a slave.
  4. Jesus risked serving others because he trusted that he was God’s Son
  5. Jesus left his place at the head table to serve the needs of others
  6. Jesus shared responsibility and authority with those he called to lead
  7. Jesus built a team to carry out a worldwide vision.[7]

Critical Analysis: Barnabas’ Servant Leadership Qualities

Barnabas’ leadership qualities are detected in various locations in the Bible that closely mimic the same leadership model Jesus portrayed.

  1. Barnabas’ humility and generosity are recognized in Acts 4:37 where he sold a tract of his land, brought the money, and laid it at the apostle’s feet to be appropriated as needed in the Jerusalem church.
  2. Barnabas’ belief that people can change for the good is noted in Acts 9:26-27 when the disciples were afraid of Paul. Barnabas described to the apostles that he had talked to Paul and that he had spoken out boldly for Jesus.
  3. In Acts 15:35, Barnabas is regarded as a leader proclaiming the word of the Lord. His leadership is also seen in his involvement with the Council of Jerusalem. It was there that Paul and Barnabas were given “the right hand of fellowship, that we might go to the Gentiles” to proclaim God’s message of salvation (Gal. 2:9).
  4. Barnabas continued in Jesus’ footsteps by being a risk taker. When Paul would not allow John Mark to accompany him on his second missionary journey, he took John Mark under his wing, and they proceeded to proclaim the Lord to the world, even though John Mark deserted them on the first missionary journey.
  5. Serving others through his preaching, teaching, and mentoring was everyday behavior for Barnabas. In Acts 13:42-43, the people in the synagogue begged Paul and Barnabas to continue to speak to them. Both these men served the Lord by encouraging them to continue in the grace of God.
  6. Barnabas loved God and recognized God’s authority over his life. In Jesus on Leadership, Wilkes says, “Barnabas’s relationship to God helped him see past the fear of others and come alongside Paul who would ultimately take the message of Jesus to all people groups.”[8] Last, Barnabas did build a close-knit team by mentoring Paul and John Mark. However, he also left the mark of Jesus upon all the churches and cities he traveled sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Synthesis: How Barnabas’ Leadership is Applied to Ministry Settings

Studying the life of Barnabas brings many principles that one can bring to a servant leadership style. Values arising from these principles may be valuable to any believer—those working in a secular or Christian environment.

Like Barnabas did, striving, desiring, and working toward a life of holiness is essential to one’s spiritual growth and ability to lead. His lifestyle was built on character, integrity, and submission to the Lord. His determination steered him to possess and retain God’s heart. He lived and served as Jesus did, and Jesus’ influence led him to behave and interact lovingly with others. Standing up for what is right and acknowledging God as our strength in our ministries creates a life that others will want to emulate. Honesty and honest work are vital, as well. Leading like Christ and behaving like Christ is how ministry workers should behave and lead. Just as Barnabas served people, so must those in ministry. However, how is that done? Author and Pastor C. G. Wilkes says, “Servant and leader stand together as a model for those entrusted with the well-being of a group. Leaders who follow the example and teachings of Jesus will lead first as servants.”[9] My personal goal for ministry leadership lines up with Wilkes’s beliefs, and that is to pray for humility, patience, a desire to put others before me, take risks, and equip others well.


Believers are all sinners—even Barnabas. The Apostle Paul writes a summation verse that encompasses how we can live in our fallen nature.

Brothers and sisters, I do not regard myself as having taken hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:13-14).

Pressing on toward the upward call of God in Christ Jesus is a worthy goal. When that goal is in the forefront of a believer’s mind, as it was with Barnabas, servant leadership will follow.

Legend says this Barnabas died a martyr’s death at Salamis in AD 61. He is remembered as being possibly one of the seventy mentioned in Luke 10:1 and the traditional founder of the Cypriot Church.[10] Most would agree with Norman Blackaby and Wilkes that, Barnabas’ leadership, and character “made a lasting difference in the lives of millions because he demonstrated the heart of God.”[11]

God bless,

Prayer: Heavenly Father, as we see Barnabas relating to others, let me have the same qualities as he had. I want to be more generous. I want to encourage others and be loyal to my friends and family. Help me, Jesus to continue to have a love for all things of God and to put others before myself. You are a good God and I love You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Books by Patti Greene



This article may not be reproduced except for written permission from the author. For the full annotated paper and bibliography, please get in touch with me through the comment section of this article. [This paper was written for a college academic research class by Patti Greene.]



Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble online!



Note: All linked Bible verses come from the NASB1995 version.

“Barnabas.” in Lexham Bible Dictionary. Logos Bible Software, accessed June 2, 2022. www.logos.com.

Brooks, James. “Barnabas.” Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary. revised ed. edited by Chad Brand, Eric Mitchell, and Holman Reference Editorial Staff.

Nashville: B&H Publishing, 2015.

Barnabas. (2002). In R. Brownrigg, Who’s who in the New Testament, Routledge (2nd ed.). Routledge. Credo Reference:


Blackaby Norman and Gene Wilkes. Character: The Pulse of a Disciple’s Heart. Birmingham: New Hope, 2012.

Cross, Frank and Elizabeth Livingstone, ed. “Barnabas.” Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. 3rd ed. accessed June 2, 2022.


Northouse, Peter G. Leadership: Theory & Practice. 9th ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2022.

Wilkes, C. Gene. Jesus on Leadership: Timeless Wisdom on Servant Leadership. Carol Stream: Tyndale, 1998.

Zodhiates, Spiros. ed. Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible: Key Insights into God’s Word, New

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