Category Archives: Devotionals

Trust the Journey

Have you ever pondered the Holy Spirit’s presence and calling in your life? Feeling lost or uncertain is easy, especially when life takes unexpected turns. But here’s what I’ve learned over the years.

Never Alone

God never abandons us. When we accept Christ, the Holy Spirit becomes our constant companion. Even in moments of doubt and desire, we’re not alone.

Testing Grounds

Sometimes, the Holy Spirit leads us to testing grounds. We stumble, but that’s okay. These trials refine us, shaping our purpose.

Silent Moments

Sometimes, we don’t feel God’s presence. Perhaps there is sin in our lives, or maybe God is testing us. But even in silence, He’s working behind the scenes.


Life can be tough. Criticism, misunderstandings, and unmet prayers weigh us down. Yet, we persevere. God’s timing is mysterious, but He’s always leading.


By surrendering our desires and hopes, we invite the Holy Spirit’s touch. He trusts us with His plans, even when they diverge from our expectations.

Stay Vigilant

The enemy seeks to distract us during life’s storms, but God remains steadfast. We may not always feel Him, but He’s there.

So, my friends, let’s trust the journey—even when it’s hard. God’s purpose unfolds, and we’re part of something greater.

Feel free to share this reflection with others. May it encourage hearts and remind us that we’re never alone on this path.

God Bless,


Dear Heavenly Father, Life can be rough sometimes. Allow me to trust You through all my ins and outs. Let me build into my Christian foundation the fact that You love me and will never leave me or forsake me.

Bible Verse

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Voices: The Power and Importance of Prayer

February 13, 2024-First Published in The Baptist Standard

In January, I had the privilege of discussing prayer with a group of wonderful women. During this session, I found myself pouring out my thoughts and insights, resulting in a talk that spanned about 3,000 words. In the aftermath of this talk, I felt compelled to put my reflections into a more concise form, aiming for an article of approximately 900 words. As I embarked on this endeavor, I couldn’t help but feel that as I was crossing out each word, fragments of my heart were being torn out. Nevertheless, I felt driven by a desire to share these reflections with a wider audience. It is my hope that this article will resonate with other women who yearn for deeper insights into prayer. Please feel free to share it with anyone whom you believe might benefit from its message and comment on the Baptist Standard link.

Click to read the article.


Voices: The power and importance of prayer

Psalm 51 Bible Study

Are you looking for a Bible study to teach or to work on yourself?

Below you will find a Bible study on Psalm 51 that can be worked on at any time. By studying straight from the Bible, my prayer is that you will discover spiritual truth and direction in your life or in the lives of others.


Read 2 Samuel 11:1-27 and 2 Samuel 12:1-25 for background information about King David’s sin and Nathan’s rebuke of him. This will enhance your understanding of the Bible study lesson.

A few years ago, a man wrote to Dear Abby needing help. The article titled, “Dear Abby, Guilt over affair leaves husband thinking of suicide.” This man had been married for 19 years and had two children. He fooled around, convincing himself that the women knew what they were doing and that he never promised them anything. His affairs became public, and his reputation was in ruins. He asked “Dear Abby” to provide a solution. He signed off calling himself Shattered in Louisiana. ¹

We find a similar real-life story in the fourth and most well-known penitential psalm, Psalm 51. Penitential psalms are psalms that express deep sorrow leading to a person’s true repentance of sin. Most scholars claim that King David wrote this psalm, or if not, by someone who knew the extent of the deep suffering he experienced. This prayer psalm was written after Nathan, the prophet, confronted David about his sin of adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband, Uriah. King David was on his palace rooftop when many say he should have been with his men in battle. He looks out and sees Bathsheba bathing. He asks his men to fetch her and bring her back to the palace, where he has sex with her. She becomes pregnant. David arranges for her husband to come home from battle, anticipating that he will sleep with her and then he would take the responsibility of fatherhood. However, being an honorable man, Uriah does not go into Bathsheba and camps in tents away from her presence. David arranges for Uriah to be killed in battle. [1]

  1. As a married woman, what do these two stories speak to you about being faithful in marriage?


The King James Version uses the word mercy to describe what David wants from God. He is crying out to God for help. David’s goal is for God to blot out his sin, so he can be cleansed and resume fellowship with Him. To grasp how the Bible looks at blotting, cleansing, and washing away sins, refer to Isaiah 43:25, Leviticus 11:32, and Isaiah 1:18, respectively. He is aware that he willfully rebelled against God and is grieved. David is ready to confess his sin and have fellowship with God again. Today, our sins are covered by Jesus’ death on the cross.

  1. Describe a time you reached a breaking point, and you called out to God for forgiveness?

RECOGNITION OF SIN. Read Psalm 51:3-6.

David begins to openly concede he has sinned. In verse 3, David acknowledges that his sin is “ever before me.” Although he knows his sin was towards Bathsheba, Uriah, and the entire nation of Israel, he is addressing his grave sin toward God. His sin against the LORD was the most offensive. David shows his seriousness when talking of his sin by calling it EVIL.

  1. What does David’s example teach us about the seriousness of sin?

In verse 5, David is now ready to accept whatever judgment God may choose for him. David recognizes that he was born in sin in verse 5. He is not using that as an excuse for his sin, but he acknowledges that he is human. All humankind has a sinful nature within them. Here it is important that one mustn’t think David is criticizing conception or birth, but that he is just conversing with God regarding what he understands about human nature. Moving to verse 6, we find David wanting God’s truth to be within his innermost being.

In the Compact Bible Commentary, the inward parts are described as “a rare word in the Hebrew Bible, indicating something clouded over, difficult for anyone to see but God.” ² David trusted God so much that he does not mind God searching for his innermost being. These verses conclude with David desiring wisdom—God’s wisdom. [2][3]

  1. In James 1:5, what does James say we should do if we lack wisdom?


These verses contain the phrases, “purify me, wash me, make me hear joy and gladness, let my broken bones rejoice, and hide thy face from my sins.” David is pleading for cleansing from his sin. Verse 7 mentions hyssop. Hyssop was a bush whose stems were dipped in blood or water and then sprinkled on people who needed cleansing. See Leviticus 14:4 and Numbers 19:6. Ceremonial hyssop was used on lepers and others during this period. Today, we receive our cleansing from the mighty blood of Jesus Christ. David desires true repentance and pleads for a clean heart—one that will wash him, make him joyful, and heal him. He wants his life to be as white as snow. When a person accepts Christ, there are testimonies of how they feel so clean and pure inside. That is David’s desire to have his life like that again. He also wants his sins hidden from the LORD. Verse 8 is intriguing. David declares how his sin has affected his eyes and bones. It is easy to deduce that more had been affected as well. Keep in mind that when we sin, our sin does affect us. We can become depressed, ill, and even suicidal. We should take a special interest in caring for our friends and loved ones if we see their destructive behavior. Verse 9 circles back around to David desiring God to blot out his sin. (See Psalm 51:1) This repetition shows that David really is serious about repenting of all his sin.

  1. What matters most in David’s life at this point is God’s forgiveness. What matters most in your life, and how is God intertwined in the matter?


The central verse (theological principle) in this Bible study comes in Psalm 51:10 when David says, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” David desires to be renewed, restored, and transformed. In verse 10, the word create is the same word used in Genesis 1:1, which states, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” God in His power called the world into being, and God in his power can cleanse David from his agonizing sin. David wants a new heart and a new spirit. He recognizes that he cannot do this by himself. It is up to God. We see God cleansing Israel and giving Israel a new heart and spirit in Ezekiel 36:25-27. This concept is very similar to Psalm 51 where it speaks of sprinkling water on the Israelites for cleansing, giving them a new heart and a new spirit, and allowing them to walk in His ways again. David wants to be in God’s presence again when he says he does not want to be cast from God’s presence in verse 11. He wants God’s Spirit, and he is ready to do the Lord’s will. In our life, we do not want to quench the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19). Striving to keep ourselves clean from sin is necessary for God’s Holy Spirit to move in our lives and keep us from temptation. Compare to Acts 15:8-9.

  1. While the LORD did forgive David, there were still consequences to his sin, one being the death of his son when he was 7-days old. (2 Samuel 12:18) What outcomes have you seen in your or other peoples’ lives due to sin?

Verse 12 speaks of regaining the joy of one’s salvation. David wants that “feeling” of purity and love for God back into his life. He wants it to be a sustainable feeling as well. He does not want to lose fellowship with his LORD again.

  1. Describe a time you or someone you know lost fellowship with God but then had it restored.


In verses 13-15, David expresses his desire to be of service to God. He wants to teach others (sinners) and take what he has experienced and learned to help others. He wants to see people restored as he had been. It is a glorious event when we see others offering themselves up to serve God. Romans 5:20b eloquently states, “but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.” David recognized his sin, and now that he has experienced restoration, he wanted to share God’s righteousness with others. Verse 14 speaks, delivering David from bloodguiltiness. Scholars believe this refers to Uriah’s blood. David experienced forgiveness for all his sins. He got right with God.

  1. What does God call David in Psalm 51:14?
  2. Have you ever experienced God’s gift of salvation? Would you like to share your salvation testimony with the class?

DELIGHT IN GOD. Read Psalm 51: 18-19.

When we look at verses 18 and 19, David is longing for God’s security. This is what he is referring to when he says, “Build the walls of Jerusalem” The walls were to be a security to God’s holy city, and that is how he wants his heart to be—secure in His LORD and to delight in Him. David gave God the sacrifice He desired, his heart. He is ready to be “the man after God’s own heart” that many call him today.

  1. Where can we find our security in God?


· God is gracious and compassionate; therefore, when we repent, He forgives and cleanses us.

· Sin is serious and destructive.

· We must cry out to God to create a clean heart in us.

· God desires a broken and contrite heart from us.

· Once true repentance occurs, we are restored and able to delight in the Lord, our God.


At the beginning of this study, a man asked Dear Abby for advice on dealing with his guilt over affairs, leaving him thinking of suicide. Dear Abby’s answer was purposely not shared. There is only one solution for this man. It is to follow King David’s path calling on the LORD to wash him, cleanse him, and seek repentance in Jesus Christ. Then, in God’s grace, he will become pure. His broken spirit can be healed, and he can face life with a renewed heart and spirit. If not, he will remain Shattered in Louisiana.


Dear Heavenly Father.

Thank you for washing me clean when I transgress against You. Lead me away from sin. Give me wisdom so that I can live with a pure heart. Keep my spirit steadfast in You. Lord, I want to be in Your presence always. Let me sing Your praises. Give me a broken and contrite heart so that I can praise You always.

In Christ Alone, Amen.

God bless,


Carson, D.A., R.T. France, J.A. Motyer, and G.J. Wenham, eds. New Bible Commentary. Downsers
Grove: Intervarsity, 1994.

Hays, J. Daniel and J. Scott Duvall, eds. The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook. Grand Rapids: Baker
Books, 2011.

Hill, Andrew E. and John H. Walton, A Survey of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002.

Pfeiffer, Charles F. and Everett F. Harrison, eds. The Wycliffe Bible Commentary. Chicago: Moody
Press, 1962.

Radmacher, Earl, Ron Allen, H. Wayne House. Compact Bible Commentary. Nashville: Thomas Nelson,

Van Buren, Abagail, "Dear Abby: Guilt over affair leaves husband thinking of suicide," Accessed 4
October, 2021.

Wiersbe, Warren. The Bible Exposition Bible: Old Testament, Job—Song of Solomon. Colorado Springs,
David C. Cook, 2004.

[1]Van Buren, Abagail, “Dear Abby: Guilt over affair leaves husband thinking of suicide,” Accessed 4 October, 2021,

[2]Radmacher, Earl, Ron Allen, H. Wayne House, Compact Bible Commentary, Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2004. 378.

Permission: I, Patti Greene, am the copyright owner of the above material titled Psalm 51: Bible Study. I consent to use this material with the expressed purpose of individual or group Bible Study only. Please give credit to the author by including: “Written by Patti Greene @  for use in Bible studies only.”

Subscribe: Join my blog by subscription to ensure you receive an email every time a new blog is posted. You can subscribe to the Greene Pastures blog site in the right-hand corner. You will receive an email to confirm your subscription. Feel free to forward this to your friends and family. I promise you won’t be overloaded with excessive emails — only when I post, which is no more than twice a month!

Books by Patti Greene (Great for Christmas Gifts!)

  • Awaken Me – Devotional Workbook
  • Anchor Me – Devotional Workbook
  • Answer Me – Devotional Workbook
  • Christian Caregiving



Sacred Snippet: Tootsie Pops

I love how God can take the simple things in life and turn them into a blessing.

This morning I stopped at CVS with the intent to purchase only some computer paper. However, I decided to check out the candy row to see if they had a bag of Tootsie Pops. I had searched two other stores previously to no avail. Lo and behold, I discovered CVS had my favorite low-calorie candy—three points per pop for those who know what I mean! ¹

As mostly what happens to us all, we go into a store with good intents and come out with more. I even added some colorful Post-it Page Markers to my other two items. As I left the drug store, I hit the red light under Houston’s Katy Freeway. There I saw a young man. His legs were so skinny—like they were diseased. All I had to give him was a Tootsie Pop. I cannot say I was extremely generous by giving him the entire bag, but I wanted to give him something sweet to eat. I wrestled opening the bag; finally, I had to use my teeth to open the bag. Not cool, but I was afraid the light was going to turn green.

Once the bag was open, I reached in and started to pull out an orange and red pop, but then stopped. It was like the Lord said, “Give him your best.” God knew that red and orange were not my favorites, but chocolate and purple were. So, I quickly reached in, opened my window, and gave him a chocolate and purple Tootsie Pop. It might not seem like a big sacrifice, but when you understand the last two bags of Tootsie Pops I bought had no purples in them, you can understand my “sacrifice” a little better.

Now, here is the best part. I handed this young man the two pops. He saw them and gave me a big old grin through his crooked yellow teeth, looked me straight in the eye, and said, “thank you.” Yes, it was a small gesture on my part, but it started me out on the right foot and started his day out with a little sweetness too!

A Christmas Devotional for You and Your Family!

A Christmas Devotional for You and Your Family!

The devotional below was originally published 17 December 2017 under the title A Christmas Devotional YOU Can Use: For Families

I want to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas. May this Christmas season be filled with joy, gratitude, and a renewed devotion to Jesus Christ.

I want to thank you for reading, commenting, and sometimes challenging me on the blogs I have written this year. I listen to the Holy Spirit’s leading, as carefully as I can, to write what He is leading me to share with you.

This year I have been slacking a little bit for good reason–my dear mom passed away in August. Between caregiving, illness, and selling a home, I have been rather distracted. Let’s see how next year goes.

Knowing that many of you have lost a loved one this year as I have, I pray you are depending on God’s love and strength to get you through this first season without that special person. Jesus knows and cares about EVERYTHING we are going through. Prayers, my friend. I am empathizing with you.

Remembering Christ during this season is what really matters. Not how many material possessions you get or give – not your success or your perceived future achievements – not even your “spiritual knowledge.” What is important is that you honor Jesus Christ!

If you have not accepted Christ into your life, consider starting the new year with Christ as the supreme head of your life.

God’s purpose for us is salvation. But our problem is that we sin. Graciously though, God has provided a Savior in Jesus Christ who died for our iniquities. Our part is to entrust our lives to Him by confessing our sins and giving Him control.

It is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God–not by works, so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Changing the subject, I do want to tell you how much I appreciate those who have subscribed to my blog this year and for the shares with your friends and family. Love y’all for that. If you haven’t subscribed, but would like to, see the link below. It is easy. Just type in your email address, receive an email confirmation, and you will start receiving my blogs and snippets as I write and post them.

To subscribe to the Greene Pastures blog, Click here and locate the “SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG VIA EMAIL BLOCK”

I hope you use the devotional below as a tool to bring Christ into your home this Christmas. Adjust it. Rework it. Do whatever will work for your family regarding the length and age of those involved!

Merry Christmas,

Christmas Family Devotional


And thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins. Matthew 1:21

Preparing for Your Christmas Devotional
– Find a fun Christmas song for the family to listen to.
– Decide on a Christmas song to sing as a family.
– Locate music/instruments as accompaniments.
– Locate a Bible. Family Bibles are fun to use.- Decide on a Devotional Leader.

– Play a favorite Christmas song or hymn.
– Open with a prayer thanking God for the Christmas season and the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
– Read Luke 2:1-20 from the Bible
[Children and teens love the opportunity to read the Bible.]

Responsive Reading:
Leader: For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.

Family: Jesus is the Savior of the World.

Leader: For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Family: Jesus is the Savior of the World.

Leader: I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.

Family: Jesus is the Savior of the World.

Leader: Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.

Family: Jesus is the Savior of the World.

Leader: All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.

Family: Jesus is the Savior of the World.

Leader: Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hears My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him, and he with Me.

Family: Jesus is the Savior of the World.

Leader: I am the light of the world; he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

Family: Jesus is the Savior of the World.

Leader: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.

Family: Jesus is the Savior of the World.

Sing your chosen Christmas song or hymn with optional instruments. Note: Young children can use any noisemaker; i.e. maracas, children’s instruments, guitars, or cooking pots with wooden spoons!

Sharing Time
Leader: As we celebrate the Christmas season, let’s not lose the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas does not rest in finely-trimmed trees, expensive gifts, or in the hustle and bustle that fills the Christmas season. Christmas is about the coming of Jesus Christ into the world. Through Jesus, all mankind can experience forgiveness and freedom.

Leader: Ask family members if they would like to share what Christmas means to them.

Family Prayer

Leader: Pray and thank God for the coming of Christ. Consider your family joining hands and allow each member of the family an opportunity to pray.

A “Christmas Gift” from Me to You!

Love in Christ,


P.S. I would LOVE to see pics of you having a Christmas devotional (either using this devotional or any other devotional). Please post it on my Facebook page for me and others to enjoy! The photo above is of our grandchildren from Christmas 2019; this year there will be ONE MORE! A baby boy born in February 2020.

With Christmas coming up, devotional workbooks are great gifts for your parents, children (any age), and friends. By purchasing one of my books, you will be helping me to maintain and upkeep my Christian blog. Love y’all.

Awaken Me: Growing Deeper in Bible Study and Prayer (Westbow, 2016 Reprint)

Anchor Me: Laying a Foundation in Bible Study and Prayer (Westbow, 2016 Reprint)

Answer Me: Developing a Heart for Prayer (Westbow, 2016)

Christian Caregiving: Practical Advice for a Happy Ending (Awesome Librarian, 2018)

Dear God Letters: Communicating with God

I have been writing Dear God letters for many decades. A few letters are penmanship perfect, but most of the time they are a jumbled long-hand script of thoughts to God.

Communicating with God

What a privilege it is to be able to look back and see how my prayers and communications with my heavenly Father are so raw and honest!

As I’ve learned more about God and His ways, I know it’s not popular to say, “God told me . . .” so I rarely say that. I am human and I know that, in my humanness, I can easily be mistaken in messages I perceive to be from God. Therefore, I prefer to say, “I feel impressed that. . .” We are imperfect beings and prone to interpret things incorrectly. I can accept that.

But what I can’t accept is that some people say God does not have the power to reveal Himself to us. With me, God most often uses the Bible to show me His will, His desires, and His love. I love spending time studying and meditating upon words, phrases, or chapters in the Bible seeking His wisdom and direction. The Bible is God’s love letter to us. Through His Word, He shares Himself with us.

Equally important, there are the special times when His sweet words calmly enter my mind and the holy presence of God is impressed upon me.  The joy and peace I feel foreshadow a breath-taking encounter between God and me. Just sitting and spending time with my Lord—reveling in His love towards me—is sweeter than a cool glass of water on a hot summer day!

When we bask in His love and get into His presence, we are placing ourselves in a position where God can “speak to us” or shall I say “impress Himself on us”. The beauty of wallowing in His rest and glory will astound us every time. Moreover, we leave that place of sweet and satisfying fellowship with a spark in our eyes, a love in our heart, and a desire to give Him all of ourselves. It is in these moments the Holy Spirit may impart and reveal His thoughts to us. Interconnecting with our Lord and Savior at these times fosters our faith and develops our spiritual growth.

The Challenge

I challenge you this week to ask God to let you see EVERYTHING through the eyes of His precious son Jesus.

When we let God be God and listen to Him through prayer or the Bible, the peace which passes all understanding falls upon us (see Philippians 4:7). It’s like what I imagine Heaven on Earth to be like.

Find What Works for You

Below is just a sampling of a “Letter to God.” You may not like to express yourself in words and writing as I do, but the Lord wants to communicate with you. By the same token, there is no right or wrong way to communicate with the Lord. Find out what works for you and just love being loved by Him.

Dear God Letter and God’s Reply

Dear God,

We’ve been together for a long time. Over the years, we have been learning more and more about each other—or should I say, I’ve been learning so much about You! As the years have gone by, my love for You is getting stronger and stronger. You are my everything. Sometimes, I don’t know why You love me so much. All those times I have left You behind You have stayed alongside of me. I want to love You as much as You love me. You listen to me—even answering me even when I don’t want an answer. Open my ears to hear Your wisdom. Let me have an increasing understand of Your ways every day. Thank you, Lord.



My Dear Loved One,

Oh, how I cherish My time with you, but today I want you to listen to Me.

I know your thoughts and I am right here with you. All healing comes from My sovereignty. I keep secrets and I don’t share my thoughts about you with others—just as I don’t share other people’s thoughts with you unless I need to. I am God. Therefore, I can do with you and others as I please, but it’s all for your protection and growth.

The waiting—the being patient—is so you will trust in My will more and more. Whenever I am ready to share with you, I will. And, I do the same for others. I hold on to what you aren’t ready to accept until My perfect timing is complete.

Be strong; be enlightened; confess sins. Ask and continue to ask for My help. I know you are confused about your thoughts and your future.  Again, I say, “Be strong,” Follow my commandments. Love Me. I want you “to want to want what I want.” ¹ That’s the goal. I love you. My hand and My Spirit are upon you. I know what you are going through, and I am with you every step of the way—safeguarding you and others until the day where you can rejoice either in heaven or on Earth. Let My will be done in My timing.


Different and Unique

It’s so simple to converse with God. Use your words, your colloquialisms, and your expressions. Be yourself. Also, be honest. Don’t be concerned if you don’t pray as others pray. God created us—we are different and unique. We pray differently. Furthermore, we write, listen and read differently. Our uniqueness is what makes us who we are. Embrace it. Just be yourself.

The important thing is to just start communicating with your heavenly Father and let Him communicate with you. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines communication as:

  • A personal rapport
  • Information transmitted or conveyed [through] a verbal or written message, or
  • A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior. ²

Whether you are talking to God in prayer or writing to God, He desires our hearts to be open to Him.

Whenever I write my Dear God letters, I am cognizant of the fact that writing a letter to God is a very personal experience. Sometimes I write to praise Him; other times I write to thank Him; and even other times, I write to address an issue. No matter why one writes a letter to the Lord, we should approach our communication with an honest and sincere heart.  God desires all our communication to be more than eloquent words, a penmanship-perfect letter, a jumbled note, or a conglomerate of misplaced typing errors on a piece of computer paper! He wants us to come as we are, with all the honesty and sincerity we can muster.

God Bless,

Bible Gateway Blogger Member – Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG²) is an international network of independent bloggers who meaningfully blog—and who are serious—about matters relating to the Bible. Follow the members on Twitter using the BG² List; Inspirational Writers Alive Member (IWA) – Central Houston Location; Baylor University, B.A.

Bible Verses:

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

They read from the book, from the law of God, translating to give the sense so that they understood the reading. (Nehemiah 8:8)

Let my meditation be pleasing to Him; As for me, I shall be glad in the Lord. (Psalm 104:34)

Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and whoever loves the Father loves the child born of Him. (1 John 5:1)


God, thank You for all the love You have bestowed upon me. In addition, I thank You with my whole heart that You have made known to me Christ’s love and for filling me with the fullness of You. May my prayers, meditations and reading always guide me into the spirit of truth. Likewise, challenge me to be dwell in Your presence every single day. I love You.

Works Cited

¹ In a recent sermon, my pastor used the expression, “I want to want what God wants.” I added one more want here.

² “Communication.” Merriam-Webster, 2019. Web. 5 Feb 2019.

Bible verses are taken from the New American Standard Bible.

Edited by E. Johnson

Books by Patti Greene

Christian Caregiving: Practical Advice for a Happy Ending

Devotional Prayer Journals

Answer Me: Developing a Heart for Prayer

Anchor Me: Laying a Foundation in Bible Study and Prayer

Awaken Me: Growing Deeper in Bible Study and Prayer


Plan Your Bible Studies For 2019

Over the past 47 years, participation in various Bible studies was a no-brainer. Reading, studying, and meditating on the Bible has been one of the most rewarding adventures of my life. Whether the studies were from pastors, discipleship leaders or workbooks, the effect they have had on my life has been profound.

Ever since I accepted Jesus Christ, I have participated in various Bible studies

Being a reader, and one who enjoys any kind of paper-pen-pencil combination, Bible study workbooks became my favorite method of reading, studying and meditating on the Word of God. Through them, I have grown in my faith, learned Biblical principles and wrestled with spiritual issues. These studies grew me from a “baby believer”, who knew nothing about the Bible, Bible doctrine or theology, into a “baby believer” who became armed with the Word of God—ready to tackle whatever was in store for me in my faith journey.

Along with these Bible study workbooks, I have partaken in topical Bible studies, Bible-based book studies and personal Bible studies (those done solely on my own). Choosing which Bible study I utilize depends on my interests, the authors, what studies are going on at my church, and/or what the Lord leads me to study for purposes such as teaching me, teaching others, or pursuing ministries He has for me.

Shortly after becoming a believer, some profound Bible studies helped me in my early walk with the Lord. They were:

  • The Ten Basic Steps to Christian Maturity by Campus Crusade
  • The Be Series by Warren Wiersbe
  • The Joy of Living Bible study
  • David Wilkerson’s Jesus Person Maturity Manual, and later
  • Experiencing God by Henry T. Blackaby and Richard Blackaby

Searching for Good Bible Studies

While it is not popular to say this, I have been involved in Bible studies that I later realized contained false doctrine and flat-out false teaching. [And yes, they are in Christian bookstores.]

As I grew, the Lord began to give me His discernment into which studies honored Him and which studies did not. It has become a challenge for me to find studies when I browse through Amazon or bookstores. I am diligent to read the author’s background, what they believe, and what their ministry stands for. If it makes you feel better, I am a “certified Texas librarian” so this kind of research and analysis comes easy—even expected—for me!

In January 2018, I walked into a Christian bookstore intending to find a Bible study to pursue at home. I looked and looked, but I couldn’t find one among the extensive shelves containing books from various authors from A-Z! I even looked at the $4.00 and under book carts. I’ve learned that some of the deeper books I enjoy end up on those carts. I’m not sure if it is because people like different studies than I do or if God is giving this retired gal a monetary break!

My Personal Journey

Because I own so many books, studies, literature, and Bibles, I periodically do some spring cleaning of my bookshelves—not so much to discard older ones but to make room for new selections. Since my books cover so many topics and authors, I even have a framed sign on my downstairs bookcases that say,

“Just because I own it and have read it, it doesn’t mean I believe it!”

Plan Your Bible Studies For 2019 by Patti Greene
Just because I own it and read it, does not mean I believe it!

You see, I keep some of my questionable books for comparison purposes for writing or speaking in ministry.

As I’ve grown in the Lord, I realize that reading the Bible semi-exclusively has become my forte (at least for now). While I enjoy other studies, I get more satisfaction out of studying God’s Word for myself than out of reading other people’s thoughts and their personal stories. Interestingly enough, the Bible resonates more with me now than when I first started my faith journey.

A Place for Bible Studies

Don’t get me wrong there is a place for Bible studies, but in all honesty, some stories or illustrations seem as if the author has stretched his imagination to make them fit a given verse and/or topic.

But hey, count me in that group! I am guilty of that myself. Many times, I have looked up topics in illustration books (usually ones written by well-known religious leaders or celebrities) when I am trying to write or speak to groups. Sometimes they work well—other times not.

But now in my journey, I love finding little nuggets about the lives of Biblical characters. I enjoy using them as my illustrations when writing or teaching. I have come to a point in my journey where I love God speaking to me directly from His Word.

13 Reasons to Read, Study and Meditate on the Bible

God’s Word . . .

  1. Convicts us of sin.

And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment. (John 16:8)

  1. Gives us His promises to depend on.

For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust. (2 Peter 1:4)

  1. Gives us strength and peace.

The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace. (Psalm 29:11)

  1. Guides us in the moral and ethical decisions we face.

Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness, and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, love. (2 Peter 1:5-7)

  1. Guides us into wise thinking and behavior.

But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. (James 1:5)

  1. Is powerful and true.

For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

  1. Keeps us from being swayed by false teachings, teachers and incorrect doctrinal errors.

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. (2 Peter 2:1)

  1. Keeps us from temptations.

No temptation has overtaken you, but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

  1. Leads us and others to salvation and eternal life.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

  1. Leads us to consistency in our walk with God.

He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you? But, to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)

  1. Remains close to our heart to guide and influence us.

Make your ear attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding; (Psalm 23:3)

  1. Shows us how Christ lives so we can emulate His lifestyle as we grow and minister to others.

The one who says, “I have come to know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him; but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him:  the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked. (1 John 2:4-6)

  1. Shows us how to minister to others.

Treat others the same way you want them to treat you. (Luke 6:31)

In all love I can give you, I want to encourage you to block out time for reading, studying and meditating on God’s Word, to commit to reading more of the Bible (as opposed to the writings of others),  to spend more time reading the unadulterated, pure Word of God, and find a plan that works for you.

Bible Study Plans

Bible study plans are a great way to keep your Bible study consistent. Plans will vary in . . .

  • Length;
  • Time duration;
  • The number of days per week; [I love the plans that give me the weekend off to pursue other things of importance to me.]
  • Topic;
  • Money; [For example, if you choose to read the Bible through chronologically, you might need to purchase a chronological Bible.]
  • Ease, and more.

While I could link you to various plans, I have decided to let you do your own search for a plan that will work for you. Many plans provide you will a scheduled list you can print out, download digitally or have emailed to you daily. Some plans want you to sign up for their emails before providing a plan. My suggestion is for you to make those kinds of decisions yourself and follow through. However, please take special caution to make sure your source comes from true Bible-centered organizations!

13 Types of Bible-Reading Plans Available for Studying, Reading and Meditating

  1. A read-through-the entire Bible plan (reading straight through from Genesis to Revelation);
  2. An Old Testament plan;
  3. A New Testament plan;
  4. A Bible chronological plan;
  5. A Bible historical plan;
  6. A Gospel plan;
  7. A 90-day challenge plan; a 180-day reading plan; a 365-day reading plan;
  8. A thematic Bible plan;
  9. A “Bible book at a time” plan;
  10. A blended plan—reading some Old Testament and some New Testament simultaneously;
  11. A Jesus’ Words plan;
  12. A short-term commitment plan;
  13. A personalized plan, and more.

As for me, my Bible study plan for 2019, so far, looks like this. It’s a personalized plan written down on plain old notebook paper!*

  • Finish the Bible study plan I am currently doing; [Okay—it’s the read-through-the-Bible plan I intended to finish in 2018 but didn’t quite finish!]
  • Read all the Words of Jesus in the KJV;
  • Read, study and meditate on the Old Testament Book of Habakkuk;
  • Read, study and meditate on the New Testament Book of John through the Joy of Living series;
  • Read, study and meditate on the New Testament Book of Mark;
  • Read, study and meditate on the Old Testament during my quiet time;
  • Read, study and meditate on the New Testament during my quiet time; then
  • Pursue whatever the Lord leads me to –  Maybe a quick study on the Old Testament prophet Nehemiah.


I’d love to hear from you to see how you decide to hear from God this year—be it a programmed study, scheduled Bible study plan, or a personal plan.

Back in January, as I left that Christian bookstore empty-handed after a vain search for a Bible study, I heard a voice within me saying, “Patti, don’t be discouraged.” I smiled, started my car, and drove home pondering what was my yearly plan to be. It came to me in a still, small voice. “Patti, read through the Bible in 2018.” And while I didn’t quite reach that goal, I’m almost there!

The important thing is to MAKE A PLAN AND GET STARTED!

Bible Verses:

Old Testament prophet Joshua said, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it . . . “ (Joshua 1:8)

New Testament prophet John said, “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.” (Revelation 1:3)


My gracious heavenly Father. I come to You as I start 2019 looking for ways to please You. I need You in my life for so many reasons. I am committing myself right now to be more immersed Your Word this year. I need Your Holy Spirit to guide me into a study that I can finish—one that I won’t give up on by the end of January. Being in Your presence is my desire for this new year. Thank You for always being by my side even when my faith is weak and my heart is faint. I truly love You.

In Jesus’ holy name, Amen.

God Bless,

Member of IWA-Inspirational Writers Alive!

Member of Biblegateway Bloggers #bgbg2

Bible Gateway Bloggers
Bible Gateway Bloggers

Edited by E. Johnson

*Commentaries are often used when studying the Bible.

Bible Links are from the NASB.

Valentine's Day

Books by Patti Greene


A Christmas Devotional YOU Can Use: For Families

A Christmas Devotional YOU Can Use: For Families 

I want to take this opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas. May this Christmas season be filled with joy, gratitude, and a dependence upon the Lord for everything.

This year I decided to write a “Christmas Devotional” that my friends can use year after year with their family. Sharing it with you is my pleasure. All you need to do is copy and paste, print it, follow the instructions, and you are ready to lead a Christ-centered devotional for your family. It can be adjusted to your family needs and time allotments. My prayer is that you will enjoy it, share it, and save it! [Scroll down to devotional.]

In case you missed my last few blogs, see below. Always know you can share any of my blogs with your friends and family.

How Prayer and Bible Study Will Revolutionize Your Life
It’s the Inconveniences that Get to Me
What is a Hoarding Disorder? 
When God says, “Enough is Enough”

As always, remember you can find my devotional prayer journals for the New Year on Amazon. Click here.

Order soon so you or a loved one can use them at the beginning of the NEW year.

God Bless and I would love to hear from you sometime.


Christmas Family Devotional


And thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins. Matthew 1:21

Preparing for Your Christmas Devotional
– Find a fun Christmas song for the family to listen to.
– Decide on a Christmas song to sing as a family.
– Locate music/instruments as accompaniments.
– Locate a Bible. Family Bibles are fun to use.
– Decide on a Devotional Leader.

– Play a favorite Christmas song or hymn.
– Open with a prayer thanking God for the Christmas season and the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
– Read Luke 2:1-20 from the Bible
[Children and teens love the opportunity to read the Bible.]

Responsive Reading:
Leader: For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Family: Jesus is Savior of the World.

Leader: For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Family: Jesus is Savior of the World.

Leader: I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.

Family: Jesus is Savior of the World.

Leader: Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Family: Jesus is Savior of the World.

Leader: All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.

Family: Jesus is Savior of the World.

Leader: Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hears My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.

Family: Jesus is Savior of the World.

Leader: I am the light of the world; he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

Family: Jesus is Savior of the World.

Leader: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Family: Jesus is Savior of the World.

Sing your chosen Christmas song or hymn with optional instruments. Note: Young children can use any noisemaker; i.e. maracas, children’s instruments, guitars.

Sharing Time
Leader: As we celebrate the Christmas season, let’s not lose the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas does not rest in finely-trimmed trees, expensive gifts, or in the hustle and bustle that fills the Christmas season. Christmas is about the coming of Jesus Christ into the world. Through Jesus, all mankind can experience forgiveness, and freedom.

Leader: Ask family members if they would like to share what Christmas means to them.

Family Prayer

Leader: Pray and thank God for the coming of Christ. Consider your family joining hands and allow each member of the family an opportunity to pray.

A “Christmas Gift” from Me to You!

Merry Christmas,
In Christ,

Patti Greene

Adjust to your family needs; approximately 15 minutes.

Five Simple Steps for Making a Devotional Prayer Journal

Five Simple Steps for Making Your Own Devotional Prayer Journal / Patti Greene, Greene Pastures by Patti

[From Email notifications, click the title for best web viewing]

For the past 44 years I have put together a prayer journal of one type or another. During that time, I have improved my journals each year until I felt that I had perfected them. These journals change from year to year depending on my personal and spiritual needs. The photo above shows my personal homemade journal for 2017! It’s easy to make. You can be as creative as you want or not creative at all. As Nike says, “Just Do It.”

Five Simple Steps to Make a Comprehensive Prayer Journal

1. Purchase or find a 3-ring notebook.

2. Purchase some notebook paper, dividers, pens, and/or markers if needed.

3. Come up with several categories and write them on your dividers. A good starter-set of categories might include “Prayer Requests”, “Bible Study Notes”, “Notes from Christian Books”, “Dear God Letters”, “Sermon Notes”.

4. Place the titled dividers and notebook paper in your binder. Put some notebook paper behind each divider. You may need to buy more notebook paper during the year.

5. Then, commit to using it daily with your Bible!

And, VOILÀ! You have a comprehensive devotional prayer journal!

You can add a zippered three-ring pencil holder for pencils, pens, and markers. This year I added a three-ring envelope for cards and special correspondence from friends and family.

And if you don’t like creating your own, I have written three devotional prayer journals that are already formatted and on sale at Amazon. They are Awaken Me: Growing Deeper in Bible Study and Prayer; Anchor Me: Laying a Foundation in Bible Study and Prayer, and Answer Me: Developing a Heart for Prayer. Click here to read more.

The important thing is not what type of prayer and Bible study mechanism you use, just use one. There are different options for keeping track of your prayer requests and Bible Study. Not everyone likes to start from scratch designing and organizing their own journals. But, for those of you who do, go for it! And then, please let me know how the Lord uses it in your walk with Him!

And, I’d love to see photos of your own created devotional prayer journal!

Blessings and have a “Happy New Year!”

Bible Verses:
Besides being wise, the Preacher also taught the people knowledge, weighing and studying and arranging many proverbs with great care.
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Heavenly Father, thank you for all the ups and the downs in 2016. All that happens to me works for good according to your purposes if I allow it. Let me follow your steps in 2017. Show me power in your word and when I pray. Convict me of my sins – both big and small. Let my studies seep so deep into my soul that I will not fear whatever is put in my path. Allow me to be consistent in my quiet time and please help me to honor you by having daily devotions. In your holy name, Jesus, I pray.

Please share, forward, and/or comment.
Edited by E. Johnson

Choose to Have a Godly Christmas (or Choose to Miss Out)

Choose to Have a Godly Christmas (or Choose to Miss Out) / by Patti Greene, Greene Pastures by Patti

[From Email notifications, click the title for best web viewing]

Christmas is right around the corner. It is a time of fun and family for many people, but a time of sadness and loss for other people. We can choose to have a Godly Christmas or to miss out on all that God wants for us this season.

This Christmas will be our family’s first year without my father. You see, he passed away in February with a sudden diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia. From diagnosis to death was only 3 weeks. My mother, my brothers, spouses, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and myself miss him tremendously, but we decided to continue with the fun family time that he always enjoyed with us.

How can we keep having a great Christmas even when losses or tragedies have zapped our spirits over the past year? It’s tough, but well worth considering.

  1. Get Your Mind Off Yourself and Think of Others

Whether it is within your own family and friends or with getting together through volunteering, thinking of others gets us beyond ourselves. It strengthens our character and gives birth to empathy towards others. Being part of another’s happiness makes us want to be a part of their lives. Think about the children we may encounter during the Christmas season. Make them happy! Think of the homeless men and women who need someone to talk to this Christmas. Make them grateful! Think of those who never receive a word of encouragement. Send a note to lift them up!

  1. Be Pre-Prayed Up

To enjoy the season with a Godly attitude, pray before Christmas that your life will appreciate and enjoy the little niceties of the season. Pray that stress will not get you down. Pray that your family will get along. Pray that Christ will be glorified. Pray for forgiveness for any sins lingering in your mind. Repent of bad attitudes such as being jealous of others, or frequently wanting your own way.

  1. Spend Time in the Bible

Let the Word of God soak deeply in your mind to prepare you to think of Christ and his birth during the days and weeks before December 25th. Ask God to speak to you about your life in 2016. Meditate on Christ’s presence in your life during 2017. Decide to follow God with your whole heart in the new year.

  1. Continue with Family Traditions or Create some New Ones

If you haven’t starting making family traditions, start this year. Some family traditions my immediate family have had over the years are getting new sleepwear every year for all in the family. We open them before we open our gifts and wear them the rest of the evening. This tradition has developed from just plain pajamas to creating a secret theme each year for our pajamas. The kids love guessing, but I never tell ahead of time. A recent tradition that I started when grandchildren arrived was to wrap their gifts in different wrapping papers. Camren might have reindeer gift-wrap, Kinley might have peppermints, Crew might have Christmas trees, Chandler might have snowmen, and Harper might have candy cane paper. This is so fun for the kids. They scout out their gifts and they experience so much jubilee when they find one of their cousins’ gifts deep in the pile and hand (or throw) it to them. There are many other traditions you might be interested in.

Click here to read more Christmas family traditions.

  1. Read the Christmas Story

Read the Christmas Story aloud in Luke 2 while the family listens. It is a big deal in our family because we take the huge heavy family Bible and drag that out for its annual trek to the family circle. The kids love seeing a BIBLE that big. This is an awesome experience in teaching everyone that the real meaning of Christmas belongs to Jesus Christ. Also, saying a blessing before the Christmas meal encourages all to honor our Lord and Savior. Giving everyone a chance to show gratitude for their food, provisions, and health is cleansing to our souls.

Click here for a Christmas Devotional to use with your family.

  1. Put a Smile on Your Face and Be Grateful

Grin and be thankful for any gifts or compliments you receive. When our children and grandchildren observe us being thankful, they will hopefully model our behavior and be thankful this year and years to come. Try chatting with the kids before-hand and show them how to show gratitude for their gifts and meal even when it isn’t exactly what they want. This could come in a “thankful yell” across the room or getting up to give the person a hug or a kiss. And, after the fact, writing a thank-you note is a lovely gesture even for children. They can draw a picture of their gifts or even scribble. It is a great opportunity to teach our children how to write notes and address envelopes too.

  1. Plan Ahead

When we plan in our shopping, in our food preparations, in our travels, and in our time, it helps ease the stress many of us experience during the Christmas season.thank

Using food as an example, if there is any food you can prepare ahead of time, do that. Preparing a huge Christmas or Christmas Eve meal is difficult. But having the host in the kitchen the entire gathering time is disconcerting to guests or family members. It is possible their Christmas celebration isn’t what they want when they never see the host or their grandmother because the kitchen and the dishes are her focus.

  1. Put Christ in Christmas by Talking about Him

Model Christ in your behavior. Go to a Christmas Eve service. Have a manger scene available – kids love the adults in the family to play with the manager characters; watch Christian Christmas movies, and more.

No matter what your situation is during the Christmas season, let your light shine. Be a blessing to someone else. Enjoy the season and remember it is because Christ was born that we have the hope of salvation and eternal life through him.

It’s our choice whether we choose to have a Godly Christmas or to miss out. Choose today!

God Bless and Merry Christmas.

Bible Verse:

And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LordJoshua 24:15


Jesus, thank you for this year. You know all I have experienced. Please let me choose today to have a Godly Christmas. I need to share you with my friends and family. I need your presence in my life. I need to be the example of how a believer should act. Let your Holy Spirit help me to be what you want me to be this Christmas. Thank you Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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My Books – Available on Amazon or can be ordered at any retail book store. You may order an autographed copy by clicking on ‘Shop-Books by Patti Greene’ on this site.

Books by Patti Greene
Books by Patti Greene

Answer Me: Developing a Heart for Prayer has just been released by WestBow Press. I am so excited about this new book. If you or anyone you know is interested in developing a life of prayer, this 90-day prayer journal is perfect. NEW RELEASE

Answer Me includes:

  • An Undated Dateline
  • Topic on Prayer
  • Scripture Verse
  • Suggested Reading
  • Daily Thought
  • Prayer Request Section
  • Personal Reflection Section
  • Prayer

To Order from Amazon:

Answer Me: Developing a Heart for Prayer (A Devotional Prayer Journal) by Patti Greene, click here

A 90-day devotional prayer journal for all ages; This informative and how-to book on prayer is for seekers, new believers, and mature believers. It encourages a commitment and devotion to the art of prayer. Learn how God reveals himself through Bible study and prayer. ISBN: 978-1512760453 (Paperback) $11.95 on Amazon.

Other Books by Patti Greene:

Awaken Me: Growing Deeper in Bible Study and Prayer (A Devotional Prayer Journal) by Patti Greene, click here

A 365-day devotional prayer journal for in-depth Bible study; Fun words or phrases from the Old and New Testaments! Perfect for mature believers. ISBN: 978-1490893181 (Paperback) $27.95 on Amazon.

Anchor Me: Laying a Foundation in Bible Study and Prayer (A Devotional Prayer Journal) by Patti Greene, click here

A 181-day devotional prayer journal for growing individuals; The Bible and social issues. Perfect for new believers. Comes with a group study guide. ISBN: 978-1490893174 (Paperback) $19.95 on Amazon.

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