Category Archives: Life Issues


We all have done something STUPID in our lives. I have. It can be that we haven’t thought through a situation, it can be that our emotions or thinking processes have been compromised due to drugs or alcohol or it can be we are influenced by others to participate in an unwise activity. Regardless, looming consequences for our actions may be just around the corner. But, even after our “s_ _ _ _ d” actions, we can turn to God, trust Him, and depend on Him to see us through.

I don’t like to use the word s_ _ _ _d, but in the case below, there is no other synonym that fits! Merriam-Webster’s thesaurus uses other words like airheaded, birdbrained, dim-witted, empty-headed, half-witted, and more, but honestly, sometimes s_ _ _ _ d is the only word that works. But so as not to offend anyone, I will substitute the word half-witted in this blog.

In the January 12, 2016 edition, USA TODAY posted an article about an Ohio fugitive who texted a photo of himself to the police to use after seeing a mugshot they posted he found unflattering.

“Here’s a better photo that one is terrible,” Donald “Chip” Pugh, 45 said in the text. He attached a selfie with him wearing a blazer and gold-rimmed sunglasses sitting in a car.

The police have a warrant out for him and his new photo is now posted on the police department’s Facebook page.

I don’t know about you, but I would call that half-witted.  As for me, every so often I have been known to do something half-witted too.

My Story

One Thursday, this past December, I was scrambling to get to the Olive Garden Restaurant to meet Dee for our annual Christmas gift exchange luncheon. Unfortunately, I got carried away with time causing me to leave home later than I anticipated. I deplore being late — even a little late. So, I reached for my cell phone to call Dee to notify her that I would late but realized in my rush to leave the house, I also left my cell phone at home. Not being able to call her made me doubly anxious about being late.

As I drove up to Cheddar’s, I absent-mindedly drove right passed the restaurant’s one and only entrance. To remedy the situation, I would have had to drive all the way down the service road to the next exit; make a U-turn and go under the freeway; drive all the way down to the correct exit; make a U-turn under the freeway; quickly veer to the right; and pray I didn’t miss the entrance the second time around. However, I decided not to do that. I turned quickly into the Olive Garden restaurant that was next to Cheddar’s. I pulled into a parking space that faced Cheddar’s. While I originally thought I could just walk over to Cheddar’s, there was a problem — a major problem! Between the two restaurants was a great big, deep overgrown drainage ditch that sloped at least 15 feet down.

No problem, I thought. Confident I could handle crossing the ditch; I took the plunge with my purse and a Christmas gift bag in tow and began my adventure down the ditch. I must admit, I was a little nervous as the grass became thicker and taller on my way down. I thought of withering snakes making contact with my feet in the grass, but I was too far down to turn back.

When I became closer to the center of the ditch, I felt a swampy wet sensation on my feet. Yes, I was wearing “my favorite, black, wedge-heeled flip-flop fastened to my foot by only a small strap”. And, before I knew it, when I was at the bottom of the ditch, my right foot slipped into muddy “quicksand” and I was being sucked in.  Within seconds, my right leg became entrapped all the way to my thigh by swampy, murky mud. I knew that I was in trouble and it would be awfully dangerous and hard to escape if I didn’t act quickly. I fell to the left, quickly dragging my right leg out of the muddy, putrid water and pulled myself to a wobbly standing position. My right flip-flop was entrapped in the murky sludge over three feet down; I looked back, like Lot’s wife, and saw my left flip-flop a few feet away. Scared to retrieve the left flip-flop, I ran up the other side of the drainage ditch like a mad woman.

Miraculously, at the top of the ditch, I pulled myself together and proceeded to walk into Cheddar’s, barefoot and all. As soon as I arrived, I saw Dee. After sharing the short version of what just happened, we checked in at the reception desk and the host brought us to our table. I hoped no one would see my soaking wet bare feet and my muddy jeans and ask me to leave. If anyone saw them, they didn’t say anything. From the waist down, I was freezing. It didn’t help that the restaurant’s AC was in full force right on our table either.

God works in mysterious ways! Dee happened to have a few bags of clothes in her car that she was going to drop off at the recycling center after our lunch, so she went to fetch them for me. I felt like the poor Samaritan who was being helped by the kind-hearted person passing by. I took a few pairs of socks, a pair of overalls 6 sizes smaller than I am, and a sweatshirt. I proceeded to the restroom to change. I had to walk all the way to the other side of the restaurant, pass by a ton of waiters and waitresses, just to get to the restroom where I could change. Mind you, no one mentioned my condition or bare feet or my smell. I was fortunate — I was able to put the tight overalls up to my waist when I unbuttoned all the buttons; I let the bib and straps hang down, and I put the sweatshirt over me.

Then, Dee and I had a lovely Christmas lunch!

The Secular Moral of this Story

Sixty-one-year-old females should never run down a 15-foot drainage ditch without expecting some kind of trouble. It’s just plain half-witted.

In my secular story, I was lucky — all I lost was “my favorite, black, wedge-heeled flip-flop fastened to my foot by only a small strap.”

But, when dealing in the spiritual realm, sometimes the consequences of our actions can be a lot more catastrophic.

The Spiritual Moral of this Story: Dealing with Consequences

If an individual decides to wander away from the right path, they might lose their virginity, their reputation, their license, their family, and/or more. But, as believers sometimes we do mess up. Temptations will always be upon us and our choices lead to consequences. However, there are some things we should all understand when we have done something half-wittingly.

We need to understand that . . .

  • God isn’t surprised when we do something unwise or sin.
  • If we sin, God will forgive us.
  • There are consequences to our actions.
  • God is compassionate.
  • We need to trust the Lord when we mess up.
  • God will help us out of our difficult situations, but we must let Him.
  • God knows we can make a bigger mess of our lives if we don’t let Him help us.
  • God knows why we do what we do or did what we did. He understands our poor judgment.
  • God sees the big picture of our lives.
  • God can use our mess-ups to develop our character.
  • God wants us to learn from our mistakes and become closer to Him by depending on Him for everything.
  • The Bible advises us to obtain wise counsel from people who can help us.

And please, whatever you do, try not to lose more than a pair of shoes like I did. It’s NOT worth it!

God bless you.



Bible Verses

For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Romans 7:15

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23

For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” Isaiah 41:10


Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to always honor you in all I do. I can try on my own to be a good person, but I find myself failing so often. Teach me to think like you. Help me to behave like you Jesus. I need your wisdom and your mind to be all you want me to be. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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Social Media and God

Dealing with social media and time for God?

It is tough to blog, tweet, Facetime, Facebook, Goodreads, e-mail, Skype, post, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. and etc., when all you want to do is sit down, study your Bible, pray, and get going doing other things. Now, it isn’t that I don’t like all the Social Media sites. I love them, but WOW, they can be way too time-consuming.

God, It's Me and Awaken Me

Coming Soon – Summer, 2014

[These books are being reprinted in 2016 under the following titles respectively]:

Awaken Me: Growing Deeper in Bible Study and Prayer / Anchor Me: Laying a Foundation in Bible Study and Prayer

On this journey of SOCIAL MEDIAing, where do you begin without wiping out anything else of importance in your life? If you have any ideas, please email me here.

As you can see, I am basically just trying to figure out how to have time to do everything in my life. I have been involved in social media for a while, but I never really took the plunge to really expand. I want to expand, but I just want it to happen on its own! I am learning that isn’t going to happen. There are techniques, research, emails, friends, new friends, and connections that have to be made. Add in the time spent reading books so you can post on Goodreads, writing a new book, keeping up with new media, searching Pinterest, and for those who have an outside job, OH MY! How do you do it?

But, as I have pondered all this, I have realized that God is the one right beside me when I am writing books and guiding me along the way, so why shouldn’t I use that same “Holy Spirit” strength in guiding me with my new hobby of SOCIAL MEDIAing!

Today, I have decided to let Him go on this journey with me. I don’t have the wisdom, knowledge, or time to do it on my own. Every tip shared with me, I am going to look at as a prodding from Him. I will evaluate it, maybe act on it, or maybe put it aside for another day. And, I will listen for His still small voice telling me “Enough is enough for today.”

Honestly, it can be overwhelming. Why would I want to please God in every other area of my life, but leave Him out of my Social MEDIAing?

So, starting TODAY…Hear me friends, I am making a commitment to follow His leads, His promptings, His suggestions, and His will regarding how much time I spend each day Social MEDIAing. I will put God first in my life and pray for His will in all I do – including the daunting and fun task of social MEDIAing.

NOTE: I am putting this in writing, so please help me to be accountable to my new found SOCIAL MEDIA commitment

Bible Verses:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33


Lord, please let me responsible with all my social media sites. Let me glorify you. Show me how to follow you more closely in everything I do. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG²) is an international network of independent bloggers who meaningfully blog—and who are serious—about matters relating to the Bible. Follow the members on Twitter using our BG² List.

What is God’s Purpose for You?

What is God’s purpose for YOU?

I can’t say it any better than Gus Yepiz!!!

“…I will use you according to your designed purpose.”  This is profound and one area that God had to work on in my life. When we become Christians, Satan comes along and gives us this horrible assumption that God will turn us into “supermen”, able to leap tall building with a single bounce so to speak. We assume He will change our personality, give us new giftings, and replace our old talents with new ones. God never intended or promised any such thing! He never intended to take our broken pot made of clay and turn us into a vessel of gold, he only promised to take the pieces of the broken pot, turn them back into clay, and then remake the same pot using the same clay. The difference is that He has removed the dross and contaminants that caused the pot’s uselessness in the first place. It is like the master craftsman who cuts down the big oak tree on his land and makes from it a beautiful chair. Everyone is in awe of the woodwork and carvings of such a beautiful chair. Old women now sit on the chair and rest their weary feet, young men stand on it to reach the fruit from the orchard, a mother rocks and feeds her baby from the comfort of that chair. Such magnificent beauty, strength, and usefulness are now that oak chair’s portion! And that, of course, is exactly the point…, it is still by its very nature oak! The gifts and calling of God are without repentance. God doesn’t give us new gifts and personalities when we become Christians. He won’t turn our clay to gold or our oak to ebony in order to perform His work…, rather He says, “Stand back and watch what I can do with clay and oak!”

By Gus Yepiz
(Reproduction permission given by Glory Odemenene)

God, It's Me and Awaken Me

Awaken Me on and
    God, It’s Me – Coming Soon!

Depression by Glory C. Odemene / Dedicated to Robin McLaurin Williams

Have you ever met someone and you instantly knew you liked that person. You just clicked! That happened to me not long ago – I met Glory and we instantly bonded. We have a lot in common, but we also knew we had a lot of differences. But, what’s this got to do with depression? Let’s see!
As I was putting the final touches on my recently released devotional book, God, It’s Me: 181 Days for Young Adults to Become Passionate About Prayer and Bible Study, I prepared myself to ask Glory if I could use some of her poetry excerpts in my own book. I made up a folder showing her exactly how her poetry would be used in the book along with her excerpts that I matched to my already chosen pictures. You know, after 18 years of being a librarian, I felt like I knew how possessive writers/authors/poets could be about their work, so I was understandably nervous when I asked her that one Sunday morning at church at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Lagos, Nigeria. While I was anticipating a possible “No” or a “Let me think about it,” I remember Glory’s big, brown eyes opening as wide as a raccoon. She was amazed that I was even asking her at all. She immediately said, “YES!” I was thrilled.
You see, Glory is the type of person who writes for the Lord. She gives him the credit and all the “glory.” She even encourages people to share her God-inspired poems.
It is in this spirit, I am sharing Glory’s most recent poem titled Depression. It is written for all who have or will ever encounter depression in their lives. As you read this poem you will see that the catalyst for this poem was the recent passing away of the well-loved comedian Robin Williams.
by Glory C. Odemene
Dedicated to Robin McLaurin Williams
Out there, it’s labeled bane of geniuses, cross of the consummate
Price for being bequeathed with exceptional talents: folks jump
As judges on the reckless wagon driven by this accomplished
Fellow who should know enough to be a role model but that also
Is an affliction; perpetual pressure to always smile, act nice and right
But hello this is reality not Broadway! Yet he contends crushing guilt
In lonesome cell whose innards scream, “Turkey!” at a dignitary.
Drained of joys for stellar feats, the global champion is whipped
A wimp in his own universe and unknown to the all-knowing world
The remote control is beyond his reach: he can’t predict how
His channels switch; no idea when dark days descend or duration
Of his sentence in that gloomy jail where struggle and strive all he
May, it seems he never can wear out that awful, unwanted skin.
Triggers range from tragedies to nothing, the sun suddenly goes south
In the middle of his day and like rag, the jewel is tossed into a hole.
He may appear surrounded and smiling but within he’s achingly alone
Flailing like a drowning man whose gasps show up as deviations on
The chart of trendy expectations. He grapples whatever his hands
Can find, seeking a reason, a means, to hope or not. A kind word
Could be the lifeline that keeps his head above, respiring when he
Would have been expiring, if aid’s arrival proves timely.
A bland-cold stare, mere rebuff that ignores his silent cries
Of desperation are sharp enough to cut that rope of hope.
It is not about privileges, positions, and possessions
It is a dreadful suit he wears all his life. Though glamor shields it
He yet feels it in those places where no other can see or tell.
Desperate for escape, he courts drugs, marries alcohol
Even changing locations appeal but fleeting thrills wane too soon
And he wakes to the revulsion of complicated addictions.
Experts and the ignorant diagnose and prescribe, tagging it
With tongue twisting labels that promise him no ease so alone
He either silently battles the monsters until end pays him a visit
Or he goes the way of bizarre and the world is shocked, more
By its perennial indifference than the fruits of his queerness.
The least to do today is exit the judges’ hub, extend kindness
To all you meet: you don’t know the monsters they are battling:
Just one word, one move, can make that difference between life
And death: everyone you meet is in warfare, your vote counts.
© Glory C. Odemene, 2014
(Dedicated to Robin McLaurin Williams)
Glory’s Comments:
I remember growing up. I used to have dark days. It carried labels like, “Melancholy,” “Depression,” among others. It is considered the blight of the talented and a norm. You didn’t have much choice but to live with it. And I did for many years until the LORD broke through and delivered me. Sometimes, it just happens and down you sink. At others, it may be just a look you are not comfortable with, an unkind comment, or even being ignored, that triggers it. You have no control over when it descends and how long it lasts. Until you wake up one day and the sun is up, and following that lead, you crawl out to discover that all around is cheery once again.
Recently, I went through tragedies and instead of the typical accusers that make you feel wretched despite your achievements or tend to strangle you with guilt for errors, I was invaded and besieged by fears. They showed up in everything, every time, and everywhere I turned. I looked like I do every day, smiled as usual but deep down were cries no ears could hear. My world was crumbling but to everyone else, I was the same. God helped me walk through without hitting that dreaded bottom. It has been 14 years now and counting and I have never set my foot in that pit of a prison.
We are often so consumed by our personal pursuits that we become inured to the travails of those around us. Just like love and encouragement have helped many conquer their battles, our indifference and insensitivity can complicate matters for the weak. If only we can learn to stop and think again before we shoot. Imagine how much difference that will make in a world where the broken are trampled on every day? From experience, I know of only one cure that delivers without side effects, no relapse, and not at bank-breaking cost: Jesus: And whoever the Son sets free, is free indeed.
Please feel free to forward/share this blog with your friends and family. And, we would love you to comment!
To read more of Glory’s poetry excerpts, check out . . .
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Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG²) is an international network of independent bloggers who meaningfully blog—and who are serious—about matters relating to the Bible. Follow the members on Twitter using our BG² List.

A Bitter-Sweet Moment

When I drove up to the house, I saw “the package” on the doorstep. I knew it was the “long-awaited” Fed-Ex package from my publisher CrossBooks. After months and months of working so hard on my first book ‘Awaken Me: A Devotional Prayer Journal’ I just wanted to spend time treasuring and savoring the first glance through my first published book. So, I quickly took the groceries out of the car, and put them on the counter. The last thing I was expecting was a bitter-sweet moment!

So with a skip in my step, I turned the corner to go to the front door to get my “treasured” package. It was then I encountered a horrific scene – a scene so horrific that instantly I felt a big ‘ol Texas pit right in the middle of my abdomen and I found myself immediately doubled over in pain.

In the hallway, I found that my knick-knack curio shelf had fallen down. And there, shattered in the hallway, was my grandmother’s entire shoe collection, my especially treasured cup and saucer sets given to me by Aunt Mary, and the only treasured gift recently given to me when my Aunt Terry passed away. Along with all those memories were the shoe collection my husband, parents, and children, had given me over the years – cute shoes – gifts I have loved.

Items on this shelf had to be special to make the cut to the shelf. Lovely heirlooms –ALL SHATTERED. I wanted to cry. But, between being shocked and not feeling well, I just found the closest couch and sat down for a few minutes still holding my abdomen.

As I gained composure, I tip-toed over the sacred mess and I opened the door to get the Fed Ex package. The mature, sensible thought that ran briefly through my mind was “out with the old, and in with the new” – basically, the “things happen mentality!”

I stumbled back to the old gray couch with my box in hand. I wasn’t feeling the way I thought I would be when I visualized this moment. It wasn’t even close. After all the hard work on the book, I anticipated a jittery, glow from above, Holy Spirit type moment. Instead, I experienced a dull, flat sensation along with only a slight sliver of anticipation.

When I opened the package, the cover was gorgeous. A smile crossed my face. I browsed though the book, and then decided to take some photos and do a little writing about the conflicting life scenario I just encountered.

On the one hand, I am experiencing sadness, but then on the other hand, I am experiencing happiness. Honestly though – right now I don’t think I have the strength to clean up and sift through the memory mess. Maybe one or two or even three memories will make the cut as to remaining a heirloom. I hope so.

I think I am in the midst of what people call a “bittersweet” moment! I am not sure I have had such a vivid, contrasting dichotomy packed in such a short period of time before.

I don’t have a bucket list. But, if I did, I would be crossing off “bittersweet moment” now. But, since no such list exists, I think I should go and put my groceries away, take a nap, and sort through the rubble later.

Who knows maybe GOD just wrote my first blog. He is good, isn’t He?

September 14th, 2014

For almost a year and a half, I kept all my broken pieces in a nice, little gift bag. I put the bag on the same bookshelf that I keep my most treasured stack of Shutterfly memory albums. But, one day, I was browsing my neighborhood’s newly created site that post things for sale, and low and behold I saw an ad that intrigued me.

A lady named “Mary” was offering to make designer crosses for people.

I promptly contacted Mary to see if she had ever made crosses using china pieces. She hadn’t, but she said she would try. And try she did. She worked meticulously creating a cross to preserve my family memories. I really had no idea what to expect. And, Mary admitted that she was a little nervous and worried that  I might not like what she had done.

But yesterday, I was working at a craft fair in Cy-Fair where she brought me a box with my cross in it. Mary had wrapped the cross in some beautiful purplish-violet tissue paper. As I contemplated pushing the tissue paper aside, I pre-decided to act excited no matter what because I did not want to hurt Mary’s feelings. I was very apprehensive but hopeful.

But, WOW! As soon as I saw Mary’s creation, I loved it. I started pointing out things, i.e. “This was my Aunt Mary’s dish.” “This was my grandmother Jess’ shoe. It just brought back so many fond memories of people that the Lord had placed in my life over the years.

While I am only talking about broken china and glass memory pieces, sometimes our lives take an unexpected turn, i.e. a tragic event occurs, our health deteriorates, or our family breaks up. When these things happen, it is time to reflect and discern what to do next. It may mean “sitting on a shelf” for a while; it may mean actively rearranging your spiritual life; or it may mean deciding to do the next best thing.

Mary took my broken memories and eventually turned them into a beautiful mosaic cross. God will take the shattered and sharp pieces of our lives and mold them and us into a beautiful creation if we allow Him to. It may take time, but don’t throw away or despise your life experiences. Let God take whatever they are and allow Him to mold you through those experiences into the person He wants you to be.

Now, I can not only look back and be grateful, but I can also  look forward and trust that the next time I feel broken and shattered, like my knick-knack pieces, I can trust that the Lord sees the big picture and that in His time, those pieces can be molded together to make something beautiful for His purpose.

Thanks Mary for letting God use you to bless me!

If you have any jewelry or cross needs, let Mary know. She is awesome. You can contact her below or see some of her wares at her Etsy Store DEJAVU143!

The LORD gave another message to Jeremiah. He said, “Go down to the potter’s shop, and I will speak to you there.” So I did as he told me and found the potter working at his wheel. But the jar he was making did not turn out as he had hoped, so he crushed it into a lump of clay again and started over. Then the LORD gave me this message: “O Israel, can I not do to you as this potter has done to his clay? As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand.
Jeremiah 18:1-6 (New Living Translation)

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Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG²) is an international network of independent bloggers who meaningfully blog—and who are serious—about matters relating to the Bible. Follow the members on Twitter using our BG² List.

Dealing with a Crisis

Many country crisis situations occur in Nigeria. One is a crisis going on right now at the Lagos Airport Cargo Terminal. Last week, custom clearing agents, who worked in the cargo section of the Muhammed International Airport, assaulted officials of the Nigeria Customs Service who came for an inspection of their warehouse.

Armored personnel were called in and many were severely injured during this violent clash. The end result was that cargo terminals have been closed while terminal security management figures out how to handle random people entering the cargo area, violence, inadequate national security issues, and how to clear the terminal of “unwanted” elements. The bottom line is that airport security at the terminal needs to be improved, but many are furious that the terminal buildings have been shut affecting  both revenues and companies that have their cargo currently locked up affecting goods purchased for their Christmas sales – including perishable items.  With criminals jumping fences and illegal access to gates that are not policed, this crisis has become a totally chaotic situation.

A newspaper article in This Day Live entitled Taming the Crisis at Lagos Airport Cargo Terminal says the main concerns with this crisis are:

–          A Porous Facility

–          An Inadequate Security, and

–          A Lasting Solution

That is exactly what happens in our lives when we are dealing with an insurmountable crisis that has become chaotic and uncontrollable.  When a crisis reaches that level, we need to check where the holes are, find the full-proof security, and come up with a lasting solution.

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First, you need to analyze what is coming into your life porously causing the instability and confusion. Are ungodly influences in your life? Have you been involved in any sinful behavior? Are your attitudes towards people or your circumstances entering your mind causing disruption in how you see your crisis? Second, where is your security? Is your solution to the crisis based on Jesus Christ? Have you confessed your sins and placed your security in the arms of your blessed Lord and Savior? Doing this will fill the inadequate security problem in our lives. When Jesus Christ is leading our lives, our security creates stability and assurance that God will take over and handle our problem. Finally, the lasting solution is in trusting God and seeking His will and His way out. It may involve making changes, require apologies, and/or disassociating from undesirable individuals. Reading the Bible and asking God to speak to you about your problem will bring you peace and a lasting solution to your crisis, but you must obey His Word and His leading as it is shown to you.

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Plugging up the holes that create porosity, finding the appropriate security in Jesus Christ, and trusting that God can provide a long-lasting solution is the means your crisis can be overcome and maintained.

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Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5-6

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Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG²) is an international network of independent bloggers who meaningfully blog—and who are serious—about matters relating to the Bible. Follow the members on Twitter using our BG² List.


Saying Goodbye

I just spent the final 30 minutes saying goodbye to my driver Lucky. Today we are leaving our expat assignment in Nigeria to move back to the United States. Yes, almost all expats in Lagos, Nigeria must have drivers for safety reasons. Lucky and I sat in the hotel lobby chatting. I shared how much I appreciated his service and love towards us. You see, Lucky is a believer. He is also a pastor. He was also our driver. We both needed each other for the time we had together. Going above and beyond his job description was Lucky’s forte. He would lay out Christian books and magazines for me to read on the backseat of the car. He would play Christian music for me as we drove around if I requested it. He would answer my deep theological questions. Lucky was not only our driver, but a brother in Christ. He shared that when we first came to Lagos my husband became like a father to him. His father died when he was 10 years old. He had no uncles or cousins to fill his father’s void. Per Lucky, my husband became that father figure to him. Have you ever noticed that it is in the final moments with someone, we tend to share our deepest thoughts? It could be the last minutes before you leave your child at college for the first time, it could be during the mother-son wedding dance, and it could be your final moments with a loved one before they pass away. In our final moments, Lucky and I encouraged each other by expressing our love and gratitude for each other. We both confirmed why God drew our families together. We also agreed that The Lord knows why we are being separated. Our most honest thoughts were shared in this final meeting. Now, let’s look at three of Jesus’ last earthly “cry outs” on earth. What did he share before his earthly separation from the people God created Him to serve and be an example to? First, before Jesus’ arrest, Jesus cried out with a loud voice saying, “Eli Eli, lema sabachthani? That is, My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46) Secondly, at his crucifixion, Jesus said, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:45) Finally, at his death, Jesus called out with a loud voice saying, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” (Luke 23:46) Whenever we depart from friends, families, jobs, let’s “pretend” that those moments might be our last moments with them. Let’s use our words wisely and follow Jesus’ example by saying only words and phrases that are heartfelt, meaningful, and Godly.

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Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG²) is an international network of independent bloggers who meaningfully blog—and who are serious—about matters relating to the Bible. Follow the members on Twitter using our BG² List.

Rescue Me

I became aware of a new tool today titled Rescue Me. It is a computer tool that gives “an accurate picture of how you spend your time to help you become more productive every day.”  The program (which you pay for) works “by noting how long you spend on your computer.” It monitors how much time you spend browsing certain websites,” i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Fox News, Pinterest.

I am sure it is a very productive tool and can help us see areas where we need to lessen our online time. This would allow us to get busy and going on things that are more beneficial to our goals – if we have some goals.

The Bible is like that too. When we read the Bible and allow God to search our hearts, He will show us what to do and what not to do. And for all those gray areas in-between, the Holy Spirit will enlighten us to his guidance and direction. Then, we won’t need to spend the valuable time He has given us trying to figure out what path to take. He will have already shown us or given us the peace not to fret over the worries and cares of life.

When our life is too busy, too cluttered, and/or we need rescuing, turn to God. He can “rescue us” and get us on the path He has strewn out for us.

That is absolutely amazing when you think about it.

Rise up and help us; rescue us because of your unfailing love.
Psalm 44:26 NIV

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Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG²) is an international network of independent bloggers who meaningfully blog—and who are serious—about matters relating to the Bible. Follow the members on Twitter using our BG² List.


State of Emergency

I read a lot of news articles – many involving a particular state of emergency I have them sent directly to my iPhone. I use Google Alerts so I will be notified immediately on certain topics. I read many online newspapers. And I subscribe to “real” magazines.

One day one of the articles that came through one of my sources and printed in the Star Tribune was entitled More than 40 people killed by 2 female suicide bombers in northeastern Nigeria. The article was about two teenage girls that entered the busy marketplace in Maiduguri, a provincial capital in NE Nigerian state of Borno. In their vests were explosives hidden beneath their full hijabs. The first girl detonated her bomb killing 3 women. As rescuers rushed in, the second girl screamed and set off her explosives, killing many more.

While bombings and killings like this occur frequently in Nigeria, I wondered if we are getting desensitized hearing about it. The answer is probably YES. But, with this article, I wondered if the two girls were being used by the Islamic Extremist group Boko Haram who were immediately suspected to be the insurgents responsible for the attack. Were the girls forced to carry the bombs? And were these girls from the group of the 200+ girls kidnapped from Chibok (78 miles southwest of Maiduguri) in April, 2014 that are still missing? Then, my mind wondered if people are really “suicide bombers” if they are forced to carry out a task such as this. I also placed my heart into the minds of those 200 girls’ parents still missing – wondering if they were all now concerned that these two girls might have been their daughters. There must be nothing like losing a child, double that with your child being kidnapped, double that with thinking that your child might be used by an Islamic militant group to carry bombs, and double that with not knowing if your child is dead or alive.

Maiduguri is the largest city in Borno state. The city had already been placed under a state of emergency because of the extreme violence there.

But what happens when a city has been declared in “a state of emergency?” The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English states a state of emergency is, “when a government gives itself special powers in order to try to control an unusually difficult or dangerous situation, especially when this involves limiting people’s freedom.”

No matter what your ‘State of Emergency’ might be, God is the only one that can come to your rescue, answer your questions, and get you to a place of safety. He can do that, but you must first place your trust in Him as your Lord and Savior. With your relationship secure in Him, He has provided you with His Holy Spirit who can guide you in prayer and help you to understand the Bible in new and exciting ways. Look to Him, read His Word, and believe He will touch you and guide you.

While cities and countries depend on the government to help them during these states of emergencies, we must depend on God through our Lord Jesus Christ to get us through our own personal emergencies.

Ephesians 4:19 – And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. ESV

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Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG²) is an international network of independent bloggers who meaningfully blog—and who are serious—about matters relating to the Bible. Follow the members on Twitter using our BG² List.


Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines moving as “changing [a] place or position as relating to the activity or process of moving to a different place to live or work.”

Have you ever had to move in one way or another? Most of us will answer an astounding “YES” to that question. Maybe you have moved to a new house, a new job, a new spiritual journey, or a new stage of life.

Just recently, I encountered moving home to the U.S. after living in Nigeria. I am in the process of adjusting. Many days I find myself pondering or exploring how to pick up the pieces left behind; how to console myself when my friends have moved on in my absence; how to not miss the past; and how to basically get back into the swing of Western culture.

It is tough readjusting. While I feel I “deserve” an adjustment phase, it probably doesn’t help that I am holding on to the past as tightly as children hold on to their security blankets. I am still thinking of my Lagos church, my Lagos Bible study, my Lagos apartment, my newly found Lagos friends, The Punch (the best Nigerian newspaper), and even the little Lagos fabric store at the mall. I miss my Lagos driver and my Lagos housekeeper. And, I don’t miss them so much for their service as I do for their camaraderie. And, all this deep stirring in my heart is creating an emotional response that I am not too proud of.

Maybe you are experiencing a loss of some kind: a job loss, a painful divorce, or a death in the family.  I have been sitting on my couch, way more than I should be lately, cradling a pity-party in my heart and mourning my loss. So, I decided to research how two Bible characters dealt with moving on – one who did so the wrong way and one who did it the right way. And, incidentally, both are named SAUL!

In the Old Testament, King Saul was chosen by the prophet Samuel to be Israel’s first king. King Saul started out as a righteous man, but he allowed his jealousy to get the best of him. When David returned from killing Goliath, 1 Samuel 18:7-9 states, “And the women responded as they laughed and frolicked, saying, Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands. And Saul was very angry, for the saying displeased him; and he said, ‘They have ascribed to David ten thousands, but to me they have ascribed only thousands. What more can he have but the kingdom?’ And Saul [jealously] eyed David from that day forward.” Saul’s problem was he foresaw a “JOB LOSS” and he couldn’t accept that he would have to move on. Read 1 Samuel 18-31.

The process King Saul embraced in order NOT TO HAVE TO MOVE ON involved:

–          He harbored ill-feelings and jealousy;

–          He tried to kill [David];

–          He encountered evil spirits;

–          He became angry;

–          He actively sought evil;

–          He lived an inconsistent life towards God;

–          He sought a medium instead of God;

–          He committed suicide.

Wouldn’t it have been a lot easier for King Saul to deal with his ill-feelings and jealousy? He could then have moved on and accepted God’s will and proceeded to the next phase of his life gracefully and with God by his side?

Now, let’s look at someone who had to move on – someone who did it the right way.

In the New Testament, Saul of Tarsus (who later became known as Paul), a die-hard Jew, moved from being a relentless persecutor of believers to a saved follower of Jesus Christ. Saul ravaged the church with threats and actually murdered Christ’s disciples along the way. But one day, on the way to Damascus, a light shone from heaven and Saul came face to face with Jesus’ voice. He became a new man in Christ. After his conversion, Paul was without sight, food, and drink for three days. But as only the Lord can do, He brought Ananias into his life to encourage him in the Lord. He was baptized, ate, and then was strengthened. Paul stayed with Jesus’ disciples being trained in the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ. After his training (and adjustment period), Paul, moved into proclaiming Jesus in the synagogues and beyond. Read Acts 9.

The process Paul used to get him to the place of MOVING ON involved:

–          He embraced his change;

–          He allowed for time of solitude;

–          He accepted encouragement;

–          He strengthened himself by spending time in counseling and training;

–          He actively involved himself in God’s work.

Now, which approach seems best to you – King Saul’s or Saul of Tarsus’ approach?

We all go through transitions in life. Don’t be afraid of the changes in your life. We get hung up on our changes because we are emotional beings. Sometimes we don’t like change, while other times, we do. For you, your transition may involve laughing, smiling, tears, and/or sorrow. We will always have events and circumstances that will confront us. Moving away, moving on, or moving forward brings their own unique challenges, hardships, and/or excitement. Let’s try to use the experiences we face today as a springboard to focus on what is yet to come in God’s eyes. Jeremiah 29:11 states, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

I think that what God is telling me from this study personally is, “Patti, don’t be afraid of the changes in your life. I sent you to Nigeria; and, I just sent you back. I know what I am doing. Follow your own advice, and DON’T REMOVE ME FROM YOUR MOVES.”

And likewise, “Don’t remove God from your moves.” He knows exactly what He is doing.


Moving Away Verse:

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare[a] and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 ESV

Moving On Verse:

Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19 ESV

Moving Forward Verse:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV