Category Archives: God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit

This is the Life for Me!

If you receive this blog through an email subscription, you can click on the title to see the full version of this post.

A shorter article on the same topic can be found  in The Baptist Standard article titled, “Voices: Choose to follow God’s path of life.”


Do you feel that you are on the right path of life, following the Lord as closely as you know how? Or are you slowly slipping down the wrong path? 

God has a path for believers in Jesus Christ. The Bible calls it the Path of Life.

As a child, I used to grab 10 to 15 Little Golden Books at a time and read one after another. But one which always attracted me, and still draws me to this day, is Scuffy the Tugboat by Gertrude Crampton.

Amazon’s book description mentions that Scuffy was an adventurous little tugboat who believed he was meant for bigger things. He leaves his home, the man with the polka-dot tie, and the little boy who cared for him and sets off to explore the world. After his daring and treacherous adventure down a brook and then a raging river, Scuffy realizes that home is where he’d rather be.

After traveling through dangerous situations, his life became more complicated. Eventually, Scuffy arrives home to the man with the polka-dot tie and his little boy, and he proclaims, “This is the life for me.”

Our goal should be to reach the point where we say, “This is the life for me,” right where we are on the path God has provided us. Scuffy used the quoted phrase twice: once in leaving the reasonable, sensible path of his prior life to seek adventure, and again when he realized he had already been right where he needed to be all along—at home, safe in the arms of the man and boy who love him.

God wants us to understand that we can know our path. And hopefully, it is the one He has set apart for us, but we must choose it.

Life Choices

In Psalm 16, King David declares that he wants refuge in the Lord. In his communion with the Lord, he writes:

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.  (Ps. 16:11 ESV).

What path does God want us to be on for Him?

The late British Old Testament scholar Derek Kidner defined a person on the right path of life as “someone who takes refuge in God and knows life and joy.” This person finds satisfaction in God’s ways and does not pursue other gods. God’s protection and instruction bless him.

As believers, we have two major choices  to make in life:

  1. We must decide whether to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and then

2. We must follow God’s path, which leads us to joy in His presence.

We know we have eternal life, but sometimes we experience struggles. Jesus is the light of the world, but He always uses our struggles and sufferings for His good. There is a purpose for all He does. Suffering causes us to depend on Him in ways we never have done before. David trusted that the Lord would show him the righteous path of life.

Some call the path of life a journey or route. David knew that he would find total joy by following God’s directions. His suffering led him to heed God’s instruction. 

God’s Instructions for Us

  1. Stay in communication with our heavenly Father,
  2. Read His word daily and let His principles and examples saturate our minds,
  3. Be obedient to what you read in the Bible,
  4. Confess sins and ask the Lord to help you in both your thoughts and actions so that those sins will not have a stronghold in your life,
  5. Decide not to visit places that lead you into temptation,
  6. Believe the Lord will guide us to Biblical principles and Scripture so we can know the right things to do, and
  7. Seek His kingdom above all others.

Following the instructions above is easier said than done. I have been there, working through each and every instruction listed above. I also know it takes longer to heed God’s instructions than He or I would like sometimes. However, God has always been available to hear my concerns, thoughts, struggles, and desires. I have also learned it is best to converse with God about our plans before depending on or requesting guidance from others. It is in Him we must confide our deepest longings.

He is on the path of life who heeds instruction,
But he who ignores reproof goes astray (Prov. 10:17 NASB95).

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; (2 Tim. 3:16).

Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matt. 26:41).

If you obey the Lord your God and keep his commands and decrees that are written in this Book of the Law and turn to the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.  Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach (Deut. 30:10-11 NIV).

Righteousness and Unrighteousness

“Wrong”, “Right” and question marks, Canva.

We will encounter testing and temptation on our path, but when we saturate our lives with God’s word and principles, we can be satisfied that we are following the right track. Even as believers, though, we must continually choose between righteousness and unrighteousness.

We want to walk in victory, but sometimes, we desire things God has proclaimed unsuitable for us. We have that struggle between our flesh and the spirit, so we must ponder the path our feet are on.

We cannot experience God’s true purpose for life when we travel the destructive path. We may find ourselves in a continuous cycle of sinning and confessing. To break that cycle, we must deny ourselves, take up Jesus’ cross, and follow Him.

And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me (Luke 9:23).

The hope of the righteous is gladness,
But the expectation of the wicked perishes (Prov.10:28).

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

Results of Living Right—Joy and Heaven

Woman in poppy field, Canva.

Psalm 16:11 concludes by saying if we follow God’s path, we will have complete joy and pleasures forever.

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore (Ps.16:11 ESV).

When the temple restoration began in Jerusalem during the time of the prophet Ezra, we can understand the joy and what kind of joy God has in store for us. The builders had laid the foundation of the temple.

They sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the Lord, saying, For He is good, for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever toward Israel. And all the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid! Ezra 3:11 AMP).

When we lay a Godly foundation in our lives, we can experience joy in the presence of the LORD. God cares about the path of life we choose. And when we strive to be on his team, we can live joyfully in his presence. We can also experience everlasting pleasures in this life and the next as we lift our eyes to Jesus. 

It is a beautiful gift from the Lord that we can experience pleasures forever when our lives are over here. Living with our Lord and Savior in heaven is a deep gratification and satisfaction we can look forward to.

In this earthly life, we fail often, but God is always willing to pick us up and reroute and redirect our path.

Reroute and Redirect

307 Redirect, Canva

What is the purpose of a navigation system? A navigation system is an instrument that determines the position of a vehicle and the route to a particular place. The car’s navigation system tells the driver to turn left or right at a specific junction. The navigation system uses GPS signals to determine the vehicle’s location and direction.

It is a valuable tool with many benefits, such as helping people reach their destination, tracking packages, locating vehicles, and more. It guides the cars by directing the drivers through congested areas.

It is similar to the way God directs us in our lives.

  1. He shows us which way to turn—to the right or the left.
  2. He signals us on which way to proceed or not proceed.
  3. He helps us to reach the destination and call of our lives, and
  4. God guides us continually through the rough times in our lives.

However, our navigation system must take its orders from the Lord. He will reroute and redirect our thoughts or actions if we genuinely want to follow His path.

I love the story about how God rerouted one young boy. In sharing with another, one older man said:


It’s true. I have had some terrible disappointments in my day, but none stands out like the one that came to me as a boy.

And what was that?

That was the night I crawled under a tent to see a circus—and found myself at a revival meeting!


God continually tries to woo us back to him.  Relief may be found in a Bible verse that comes alive to us. It may be a friend directing us back to a godly life. It may come about after agonizing prayers to remove wishes or desires that are not beneficial to our spiritual health. But, no matter how God chooses to get our attention, it is up to us to choose His path.

We need to listen and obey Him. Live in His righteousness. Get on the path he has prepared for us. And if surrendering areas of our lives to His will seems complicated, remember to talk to the Lord about everything. We can ask for His help and protection to rid ourselves of untimely thoughts or actions.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him,  and He will make your paths straight (Prov. 3:5-6 NASB95).

A person’s mind plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps (Prov. 16:9).

This is the Life for Me!

After Scuffy’s journey away from his home, he says, “I wish I could find the man with the polka dot tie and little boy.” And soon, the man with the polka-dot tie reached out, picked him up, and brought him safely home. Scuffy learned that the grass wasn’t greener on the other side of the fence.

Scuffy’s path in life allowed him to experience adventures he initially enjoyed but became dangerous. He enjoyed some of life’s simple pleasures, but as he kept traveling along the river, he was jammed with logs and became scared of the river moving faster and faster. Then, the flood waters came until the little tugboat desired the warmth and safety of home.

And just like the man with the polka-dot tie who scooped Scuffy out of the water after his journey away and brought him home, God does the same for us when we choose to live for Him, decide against following unrighteous living, and allow him to reroute us when we stumble or get ahead of His will.

Let us live victoriously in his presence, along the paths He has prepared for us, because “this is the life for us!”

God bless you.


Dear Jesus, thank you for loving me so much that I can be confident that You have a plan for my life. Thank you that I can trust that You will show me that plan in Your timing and in a way that honors You. Please give me the wisdom to acknowledge and follow Your plan quickly, without hesitation, so You can use me for Your glory before I meet You face-to-face. Why? Because Your way is the only life for me. Amen.

Bible Verses are located within this article.



Bible verses come from the New American Standard Bible 95, The English Standard Version, The New International Version, and The Amplified Bible.

Barry, John D., et al., Faithful Study Bible, Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016.

Chinemerem, Barabas Iwuala. “How to Stop Navigation Using Google Assistant,  Feb. 3, 2023.

Crampton, Gertrude. Scuffy the Tugboat and His Adventures Down the River. New York: A Golden Book, 1946, 1983.

The Speaker’s Desk Book, ed. Lawrence Hembree and the staff of Quote. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1967.

All photos:

Edited by E. Johnson


Books by Patti




Sacred Snippet: Lost But Found!

If you receive this blog through an email subscription, you can click on the title to see the full version of this snippet.

As a result of the February 2021 winter freeze, while my husband and I were out of town, our home was drastically damaged by an unattended pipe, which froze and burst. Movers had to come quickly to salvage what they could, resulting in things being thrown in any old box and brought to storage in whatever condition it was found.

Now that school is over for me, and it is two years later, I am finally trying to locate, unpack, and organize what wild and reckless packing looks like.

I thought I had lost everything in the picture above but I found disarrayed boxes in our new home’s garage. [Yes, we moved after seeing all our home’s destruction.]

In unpacking boxes, I found essential certificates, house deeds, my childhood stamp collection album, MANY articles I have written and published, blogs started but not finished, multiple rejection letters, and more that I have yet to discover.  But I rejoice because I thought I had lost all these things, but this week I found them.

Odds and Ends

Honestly, I have been distraught thinking I lost all my writing and compilations over forty years!!!

However, now that my most precious items (except for my wedding dress) have been found, the time has come to sort through, throw away, salvage, and/or reorganize what I have valued and sunk my heart into for years.

Going through these piles is NOT my cup of tea, but I am excited to see what I thought was lost is now found – maybe mildewed and torn but found.

Just like I found boxes of my stuff, Jesus Christ finds us—possibly finding us mildewed, torn, and disarrayed, and He wants us to become aware of His love for us and make us part of His kingdom. He will not disregard us or throw us away. He wants to salvage us and reorganize our lives.

God allows us to choose between Him and the world.

He truly loves us and wants us to call upon His son Jesus Christ by asking Him to forgive our sins and place our faith and trust in Him. That, my friend, is called salvation with the promise of the Holy Spirit’s presence coming to abide in us forever.

A parable in Luke 15:24 says, “This son of mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found. And they began to celebrate.”

Let’s celebrate your newfound salvation.

God bless.

Patti Greene is a Baylor University and Dallas Baptist University graduate, a Second Baptist Church -1463 member of Houston/Katy,  TX, and the author of seven books. The views expressed are those of the author.

Sacred Snippet: My New Friend


I started out yesterday with my list of things to do. My list consisted of a doctor’s appointment at 9:00 am, picking up my new eyeglasses, and meeting my retired teacher friends for lunch.

I arrived for my doctor’s appointment at 9:00 am, and it was over at 9:15, if you can believe that, so I had two hours to kill. I couldn’t go home because our home was 45 minutes away, and everything was in the same part of town as where I was for my doctor’s appointment.

So, I went to an HEB grocery store parking lot, sat in my car, and read for an hour. I like to read. A lot, actually! In fact, I was reading about how much illustrations add when preparing a message—little did I know an illustration opportunity was about to be bestowed on me.

When I got bored sitting in the HEB parking lot, I decided to go and sit in front of Visionworks until they opened. But God had different plans.

As I was leaving the HEB parking lot, I saw a Denny’s and decided to grab a takeout cup of coffee. While in Denny’s, I noticed an elderly lady with her walking cane propped up beside her. She was sitting alone. When my coffee was ready, I felt the holy nudge to talk to her, so I walked up to her table and said, “Are you alone? Would you like some company?” She graciously said, “Yes, of course.” Her name was Joanne.

We had a wonderful time chatting. I heard about her life, and she heard about mine. A lot of talking happened in 30 minutes. She was a widow. Her husband passed away about 15 years ago, and she comes to Denny’s about 2 or 3 times a week to get out. When I said goodbye, my heart was full! We were both blessed by this divine appointment.

And I still made it to Visionworks and lunch with my friends!


Today in Bible study, we were talking about how to hear God. We discussed the usual things—prayer, Bible reading, talking to wise counselors, and more. But, sometimes, you just know what to do at the moment.

Pondering Thoughts

Little did I know when I walked into Denny’s that God had an assignment for me. When I saw JoAnne all alone, my mind raced back to the many times I took my elderly mother and her friends to IHOP or Denny’s, and when I saw this lady alone, my heart knew what I was supposed to do.

God knew I needed to be out of my doctor’s appointment quickly; He knew I needed to sit in the HEB parking lot for precisely an hour; He knew I needed to leave the parking lot to see Denny’s right in front of me; He gave me the desire to go in and get some coffee. The rest is history.

And who knew that God would combine a doctor’s office visit, an HEB parking lot, a trip to Visionworks, and a glance-over to Denny’s to create a divine appointment?

As you go along your daily life, God may present small opportunities for service and kindness. Don’t pass them by. Today, if you feel that holy nudge, don’t be afraid. Act on it. It may be just what you and the other person need at that exact moment.

God bless.

Bible Verse and Quote:

Random Quote: Kindness is more than a word; it is a choice to act with love, compassion, generosity,and service towards others and oneself.”

 “We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9 (NLT)

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things, there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 (KJV)


Dear God, thanks for so much in my life. Thank You for giving me time to pray. Thank You for the pleasure of reading Your Word. And thank You for the small things You put in my life—the things that bless me and the revelations You show me. But, even thank You for the things You have not revealed to me yet, for I know Your plans are the best for me. Give me patience and contentment until Your timing is shown to me. I love You.



This article may not be reproduced except for written permission from the author. 


Books by Patti



Spiritual Gifts, Part 3

Welcome back.

To read Spiritual Gifts,  Part 1, click here.

To read Spiritual Gifts, Part 2, click here.

Distribution of Gifts

           In the Old Testament, God’s children would receive a direct revelation of God through the agency of God’s Spirit. When this revelatory facet occurred, it became a central feature of the late Second Temple Jewish understanding of God’s Spirit. In the New Testament, God’s Spirit is seen in the ministry of Jesus Christ. Then proceeds when the Holy Spirit is sent to the disciples at Pentecost. While this Spirit helps in conversion, it is also this same Spirit that helps to discern what spiritual gifts the Lord has given to individuals. The Lord is the one who distributes the gifts. Often it takes some experimentation with various ministries to find the fit that the Lord has called a person to do. Not knowing one’s gift should not excuse a lack of ministry involvement. People can recognize their gifts by trying out assorted opportunities, receiving input from others, or taking spiritual gift inventory and survey tests, which can be found online, in churches, or multiple books. Contrarily, DeVries does not like spiritual gift inventory assessments as much as he uses the Bible to discover your spiritual gifts. He believes the Bible gives two testing criteria for discovering one’s spiritual gifts: The fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23 and the spiritual qualities of godliness noted in 2 Peter 1. Either way, one should take responsibility and pursue one’s spiritual gifts, leaving the results in the Holy Spirit’s direction.

           Confusion, conflicts, and questions arise when evaluating spiritual gifts. The primary topic causing the most confusion involves charismatic gifts, including the gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues. Charismatic gifts (sign gifts) include tongues, interpretation of tongues, healing, miracles, and prophecy. Some charismatic groups also consider laying on hands, fasting, faith, and prayer in this category. 

      The Book of Acts deals with the custom of speaking in and interpreting tongues in three places. When the disciples were baptized in the Spirit at Pentecost, they began to speak in tongues. In Acts 10, Simon was preaching. When the Spirit fell upon the assembly, the Gentiles spoke in tongues showing the Jews that they had received the Holy Spirit. Lastly, when Paul encountered some disciples of John, they began to speak in other languages and to prophesy. Scholars use the word glossolalia when referring to tongues. In each of these instances, tongues are introduced to a different group of people: Jews, Samaritans (possibly), and Gentiles. Brand says, “[Paul] also noted that unless tongues speech is interpreted, it ought not to be employed in public worship since the purpose of spiritual gifts is the edification of the body” (1 Cor. 14:3, 6).

     The question is whether the sign gifts (including tongues) were delegated to the early church or does it continue today. The terms coined are cessationists and continuationist. Most cessationists believe that God can heal and do miracles, but they reject the idea that Christians can heal, prophesy, and speak in tongues. Cessationist Thomas R. Schreiner says, “As a cessationist, I believe God still heals and does miracles today, though I think such events are relatively rare. Still, I pray for the healing of the sick and believe God can do so miraculously. My argument is not that miracles and healings never occur. Instead, I claim that believers today [do not] have the gifts of doing miracles and healing.” Conrsely, a continuationist believes all the sign gifts are valid and operable today. As one can see, sign gifts can cause confusion, misunderstanding, and divisiveness in a church. C. Douglas Weaver says, “A growing number [of] Baptists are also continuationists. . . But plenty of Baptists also contend that some or all of the miraculous gifts [sign] are invalid for today, or they differ considerably from continuationists’ understanding of those gifts.” There has also been plenty of Baptist-continuationist rivalries since the first wave of Pentecostals began speaking in tongues and prophesying in the opening years of the twentieth century.

     Conflicts also occur when discussing the Holy Spirit and its role in our lives, including the holiness movement, gender, and racial egalitarianism. There is difficulty separating other issues from one another when speaking of the Holy Spirit, including how spiritual gifts are used.

Reasons for Personal Perspective

           God’s Holy Spirit has been functioning in lives for over six thousand years—through the Old Testament and New Testament times and even today. The Holy Spirit guided Jesus’s ministry and likewise in our ministry.

     First, God designed us to be used for Him. Psalm 139:13-16 states, “For Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to Thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Thy works, and my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from Thee, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth. Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance and in Thy book they were all written, all the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them. God ordained our days. Moreover, He wants to equip us to use us for His service.”

      Second, John 16:13 mentions that the Spirit of truth will guide us into all the truth, and when He does, he wants to equip us for His service as mentioned in 1 Peter 4:10-11, which says, “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Whoever speaks, let him speak, as it were, the utterances of God; whoever serves, let him do so as by the strength which God supplies. so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to who belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.”

     Third, the Lord wants us to meet the needs of others. One of the ways He accomplishes this purpose is by providing believers with spiritual gifts to be used powerfully for His intentions. Christians possess gifts to be used locally and universally within the body of Christ to serve others. In other words, we can be the hands and feet of Jesus (1 Cor. 12).

     Ephesians 4:11-14  speaks of our privilege to build up the body of Christ—for unity and to grow to become more Christlike. We should strive for the whole body to fit together, where every person is involved in the building up the church in love.


           Charles Stanley sums it up best when he says, “Time is a gift from God, and He has allotted each of us a measure in which to live and accomplish His purposes. We have only two options—to spend it temporally on our own interests or invest it eternally. Since time can never be retrieved or reversed, it’s critical that we make the most of every opportunity the Lord provides.” Just like the fudge cake mentioned earlier, where all the ingredients combine for the best results, we need all members of the body of Christ to employ their best selves. This can occur when one uses their spiritual gifts, in the supernatural power of Christ, within the body of Christ in love and unity.

God bless.

Prayer:  Dear Jesus, I love you and desire to know and use the gifts you have given me. Confirm what they are in my mind. May others see them in me. Lord, you are my God, and I give my entire life to you and desire Your presence every moment. Keep me from temptation and deliver me from evil. In Your blessed name, Amen,


This article may not be reproduced except for written permission from the author. 

Sources not included.


Books by Patti



Bible Word Search Puzzles by Patti Greene

Announcing my NEW Book Series!
Last-minute shoppers! I’m overjoyed that my Bible Word Search Puzzles books are out for Christmas! All 3 volumes include words from each chapter of the New Testament.
It has been a wild and crazy ride putting these together—-not anything I had on my radar this year, but God did. They are great for all ages from 8 and above. Seniors love them! Links to order are below for your convenience, and they are delivered QUICKLY to your home or a loved one’s residence. They are available for order from Amazon now. But you might ask, “Why should I buy word search puzzles for others or myself?”
Here’s why. They can be used as
– a learning strategy,
– to improve spelling,
– to improve concentration,
– to teach patience and persistence,
– to keep the brain active,
– to help develop problem-solving skills,
– to relax, and
– to provide an excellent opportunity for kids and adults to bond.
Below are the links to order today. Thanks.
Click to order Bible Word Search Puzzles: The Gospels, Volume 1 by Patti Greene
Click to order Bible Word Search Puzzles: Acts and Epistles, Volume 2 by Patti Greene
Click to order Bible Word Search Puzzles: Epistles and Revelation, Volume 3 by Patti Greene
Please share or forward, and Merry Christmas to y’all!

Contact Form


Church Pondering & My New Books

My Church Ponderings

Today I have been pondering all the special churches, ministries, and church staff members who have grown our family in one way or another, so I want to thank them publicly! Each one has been special in its own kind of way.

University Baptist Church, Ft. Worth, Texas
Houston’s First Baptist Church, Houston, Texas
Autumn Creek Baptist Church, Houston, Texas
Calvary Community Church, Houston, Texas
First Baptist Church, Humble, Texas
First Baptist Church, O’Fallon, Missouri
Bear Creek Church, Katy, Texas
Lively Christian Fellowship, Lagos, Nigeria
*Second Baptist-1463, Katy, Texas

Special Churches

Then, there are those special churches our three children have attended and grown in their faith–after they left home! I am so grateful for them as well!

Second Baptist-West, Katy, Texas; *Houston’s First Baptist Church; Second Baptist, Levelland, Texas; First Baptist Church, Lubbock; Hyde Park Baptist Church, Austin, Texas; Redeemer Church, Babson Park, Massachusetts; Prestonwood Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas; Oak Hills Church, San Antonio Texas; Experience Life Church, Lubbock, Texas; *Kingsland Baptist Church, Katy, Texas; and *City Church, Lubbock, Texas!

If you are one of those churches, THANK YOU! Church members come and go from congregation to congregation, but they all leave a mark on our lives. I am so grateful for solid Bible-believing churches that have been a part of my husband, John, and our lives.

If you don’t have a church, take this as an ENCOURAGEMENT POST to seek one out next Sunday. Yoking together with others IS all it is made up to be.

*Currently Attending

God bless you.

My New Books – Just Published

Bible Word Search Puzzles: The Gospels, Volume 1

Bible Word Search Puzzles; Acts and Epistles, Volume 2

Bible Word Search Puzzles: Epistles and Revelation, Volume 3

A Book Review: Eternity Now: The New Testament Series

Eternity Now: The New Testament Series. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2022.

In August 2022, I received a complimentary copy of Eternity Now: The New Testament Series from Thomas Nelson publishers because I am a Bible Gateway Blogger Grid member who promised to read the books and publish an honest review of the series. My analysis is below.

The Series

This series consists of five books titled with a content description.

Volume 1: The Legacy—Matthew, Hebrews, James, Jude

Volume 2: No Going Back—Mark, 1-2 Peter

Volume 3: Grand Tour—Books of Luke: Luke, Acts

Volume 4: Death to Life—Books of Paul: Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, Galatians,

Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy,

Titus, Philemon.

Volume 5: Now But Not Yet—Books of John: John, 1-3 John, Revelation



The books are formatted presentations of the New Testament using the New English Translation. The editors describe the series as books that reveal “the history shaping story of how Jesus Christ changed the world and what that means to you. The reader-friendly format presents the New Testament books across five paperback volumes, making it easy to carry anywhere and read anytime.”

Design Décor Description

The books arrived in a beautiful display box—so attractive that one would be proud to place the boxed set on any bookshelf as a lovely décor addition. All five books have coordinated covers using blue, orange, black, and two shades of green. When put together, the spines of the books create an attractive design when placed in the series box. Each cover describes the book as coming “From the #1 Bestselling Book of All Times” (a.k.a. The Bible) along with a title, subtitle, quotation, and an acknowledgment that what is inside comes from the New English Translation Bible (NET). When I first received the books, I had no idea the publishers were using a unique concept in designing them to make them look like small fiction or non-fiction books—great to fit into one’s purse or briefcase.

The Positives

  1. The books are easy to pick up and browse through, easy enough for any late elementary or junior high student to read.
  2. The “ministry-first” concept is impressive, meaning there are no restrictions regarding quoting or sharing any of the Scriptures when using them in books, magazines, newspaper articles, and more. One does not have to gain permission to use as much of the translation as desired.
  3. Its simple format is excellent for seniors who might have problems holding a large, heavy Bible.
  4. I enjoyed how the layout shows the chapter headings and accurate subtopics.
  5. Another positive is that the books bold all prophecies from the Old Testament.
  6. This innovative approach to Bible reading seems accurate compared to my usually read Bible—the New American Standard Bible.

The Drawbacks

The drawbacks listed below are all due to “my personal preferences,” which may or may not affect other readers.

  1. All five books lack verse numbers while representing their story format. I understand that by not including verse numbers, one will experience more ease in reading. However for me, many times, as I was reading, I wanted to look up the Bible verse but could not find “the address” to do so.
  2. The books did not create that sacred feeling of reading the Bible. While the editor’s intent is to read each book like a novel, reading them as a novel was bothersome.
  3. Words referring to Jesus were in lowercase letters. My preference would have been to use the names of Jesus as He, Him, and Himself. Other words like scripture are also noted in lowercase.
  4. I missed the red lettering of Jesus’ words prevalent in many Bible versions.

Book’s Purpose

The book’s primary purpose is obvious. It is to get the Bible into the hands of those who might never pick up a Bible themselves, making this set a lovely gift for any occasion for boys, girls, men, and women. Not everyone will appreciate the novel format, but many will find it the most enjoyable way to read the Bible. Therefore I recommend this book series.

God Bless,

New English Translation Bible Verses:

Every scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16 NET

Jesus answered them, “You are deceived, because you don’t know the scriptures or the power of God. Matthew 22:29 NET

For these things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled, “Not a bone of his will be broken.” John 19:36 NET

Then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures. Luke 24:45 NET


Lord, give me wisdom as I approach my Bible reading. Lead me to Bible verses You want me to read and learn from. Allow me to obey all Your sacred principles, which You have made available through Your Holy Scriptures. You are a mighty God, and I love You. Amen

Books by Patti Greene



Sacred Snippet: Tests and Trials

[Email followers: Click the title to see this article in its web version.]

Tests and Trials

You look okay on the outside. Everything looks great to others, but privately you feel threats, encounter significant problems, or experience suffering that people can’t see. The Bible calls these tests and trials.

When people start seeing through you, it’s tough. You don’t want to feel weak in front of other people. You don’t want them to see the difficulties you might be facing, the threats you might be encountering, or the internal turmoil you are going through. However, you know they are there.

My Test and Trial

One day, I opened my blog website and discovered it was no longer there. Panic engulfed me. Also, emails were being sent to my blog subscribers, which I did not send. I panicked–fearful some obscene image or article might show up on my site sent by an intruder. I tried to fix the problem on my own. But the backend software (the hidden infrastructure of the website) was in complete disarray. I went to my paid subscription sources and hosting site and got partial help. But internally, the data inside my blog was corrupt. There were severe problems–five, to be exact. “Hacked” was a word I never wanted to hear, but hackers were precisely who infiltrated my site. [However, if you are reading this now, no worries, it has all been fixed, my dear friends.]

God is our Source

In our lives today, personal pressures and problems consume our thoughts, and nobody but us know they are there. They destroy our thinking. We even go to trusted websites or self-help books to help to no avail. When we face inner struggles, our heavenly Father is the one to approach first. He knows what is going on in our minds, personal ruminations, and physical selves. God is there not only to help us with these difficulties but to walk alongside us until the time is right for Him to show us His purposes. 

Children, take your intimate struggles to the Lord and ask Jesus to plead with your heavenly Father to show His purpose. 

Sit before Your Heavenly Father

The Bible says we will have struggles and trials. Being a believer does not alleviate living in this fallen world. Before reaching out to friends, family, or Internet sources, go first to God, sit before him, rest, and ask Him to handle your threats, problems, struggles, and concealed thoughts. He is there for you. 

James 1: 2-5 says, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of our faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”

Then wait in prayer, meditation, and Bible reading for an answer. Sometimes God answers quickly, but oftentimes, we are left waiting, yearning, and seeking His response for even years. As we wait, let us be growing in an abundance of love for our Lord and Savior. Live in joy and service until the time comes when we have “been approved” for our dedication and undefiled obedience, whether in this life or the next.

James says, “Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial, for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him” (James 1:12).

How to Handle Tests and Trials

  • Recognize that tests and trials come to all people,
  • Realize our adverse circumstances allow us to reach greater maturity in Him,
  • Pray for guidance,
  • Seek His wisdom,
  • Obey God’s principles and precepts,
  • Understand that our trials are opportunities to honor the Lord,
  • Be joyful through testing and trials,
  • Trust that God knows what He is doing,
  • Know that when the trials cease, our faith will be stronger,
  • Stand firm no matter how long our testing or preparation takes, and
  • Know that the ‘Crown of Life’ awaits us when we have stood the test and our trials are over.

Just as it took time to fix my website, commit to journeying with the Lord during your wait time and love Him with your entire being, no matter what!

God Bless,




Books by Patti Greene


Love Your Enemies

[Email followers: Click the title to see this article in its web version.]


In 2018, a horrible accident occurred in Dallas, Texas. Amber Guyger, a Dallas police officer, was given ten years in prison. Amber fatally killed Botham Jean, an innocent man, as he sat in his apartment eating ice cream when she entered an apartment mistakenly thinking it was her apartment. Instead, she entered the man’s apartment, who lived one floor down from her. If Botham’s family had a right to hate this woman, it would be understandable.

Luke 6:27-38 (New American Standard Bible) tells how people are to love their enemies and do good to those who curse and mistreat others. These verses mirror Matthew 5:43-48, where Jesus says, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”Along with being told whom one is supposed to love, the Bible states how to love these purported enemies. In outlining Luke 6:27-38, a person can see how Jesus wants His children to act toward their enemies. This passage unfolds from start to finish by giving instructions on loving enemies, how to act toward them, and the results of acting in a godly fashion toward foes.

  • Loving one’s enemies (Luke 6:27-28)
  • Handling physical abuse and giving to those who ask (Luke 6:29-30)
  • Treating people equally (Luke 6:31)
  • Crediting, loving, and lending (Luke 32-34)
  • Loving one’s enemies and being merciful (Luke 6:35-36)
  • Giving, condemning, and pardoning others (Luke 6:37)
  • Measuring others (Luke 6:38)

However, one must ask, “Who is the enemy mankind is supposed to love?” In the Bible, three enemies, also called foes or adversaries, can be seen—the world, the flesh, and Satan. This paper will discuss each verse in Luke 6:27-38, emphasizing loving one’s enemy and what responsibilities believers have in dealing with enemies Biblically.


One must look at the historical-cultural context of Luke to gain a complete understanding of the Book of Luke, Luke as a man, and the audience he addressed. Through the eyes of Luke, one gains a better understanding and perspective of his writings.

In The New Testament in Antiquities by Gary M. Burge and Gene L. Green, the authors discuss the relationship between The Gospel of Luke and The Book of Acts as a “two-volume” set with many overlapping themes. Luke’s main emphasis revolves around salvation, which he deems is for both Jews and Gentiles. Most scholars believe that Luke was penned in Rome between 60-61 A.D., and most also agree that he was the author of this book. Luke is a cultured, organized writer, also known as the beloved physician, whose sources come from eyewitnesses and multiple servants.

Luke wrote much of this Gospel about how individuals are either in need or how they conduct themselves through God’s Spirit. This Gospel can be seen in some of Luke’s most famous stories, i.e., the great catch of fish on the Lake of Gennesaret, the parable of the good Samaritan, Jesus, and the robbers as they were dying on their crosses.

Luke wrote his Gospel from Rome. Readers of Luke should know that many believe Luke was an early gentile convert to Christianity. Who’s Who in the New Testament states, “He became the loyal and indefatigable secretary, doctor, and companion of the Apostle Paul.” Luke accompanied Paul on his second and third missionary journeys and his fourth and final missionary journeys, which are not mentioned in Acts. Luke traveled the Aegean from Troas in Asia Minor to Philippi in Greece . . .then he accompanied Paul on his final journey from Caesarea, the seat of the procurator of Judea, all the way to Rome. There he loyally remained with Paul throughout his captivity. From Luke’s writing style, one can observe that Luke was a sophisticated and knowledgeable man whose writings in Luke became one of the three synoptic gospels, along with Matthew and Mark. Luke’s writing shows a more generous spirit to the Roman authorities than the Gospel of Matthew and John did.

Luke’s gospel was written to Theophilus, a man of high status who shared it with people everywhere. John Martin notes that Theophilus (lit., lover of God) was a common name during the first century. Luke wrote this gospel to Theophilus to show him the reality of Jesus Christ. From the 1st century to this present age anyone can receive Jesus. Many of the intended audience in early Christianity (Jews and Gentiles) were ready to learn truths about relating to people—including how to love their enemies.

Although there is debate on the literary genre of Luke, it appears that it is a combination of both history and biography The author of this paper believes it was written more from a historical perspective. Luke’s objective in writing this book comes first when he unveils his purpose—emphasizing the “fulfillment of God’s plan.” The writing style is simple to understand and his logical organization becomes evident as one reads from Jesus’ birth to ending with Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, always emphasizing salvation in every personal situation he finds himself in such as in Luke 17:19 and Luke 7:49-50. The casual reader may not notice that in the latter part of the book, Luke shifts from third person to first person in the latter part of the book. This shift is known as the “we” section of the book. Many scholars believe this could have been written when Luke accompanied Paul face to face.

Luke, an investigative and orderly writer, created an easy-to-follow line of thinking. This continuity is seen in Luke 6:27-38 when he goes from loving one’s enemies to doing good to those who hate you. Luke informs people how Jesus wants them to act from loving enemies to not judging others. These verses involve how to treat people, including those who are an enemy. The Beatitudes, which are a basis for the blessings and woes of living precede this section and create a natural flow into how to act toward others. The verses following Luke 6:27-28 are a beautiful display of Jesus’ illustrating how one should live through a parable along with statements and questions teaching believers how to live, i.e., understanding that a pupil is not above their teachers, a good man out of good treasure brings what is good. As one ponders how to treat their enemies, one should consider their heart and desire to follow the principles outlined in the Bible.


Luke’s Sermon on the Plain and Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount are similar.  In each sermon, Luke 6:27-38 and Matthew 5:43-48, one verse has been debated and examined over the years. This debate revolves around the command to love one another and how loving neighbors and enemies should be conducted. William Barclay says, while both pericopes start with “a series of beatitudes, there are differences between the versions of Matthew and Luke, but this one thing is clear—they are a series of bombshells” on how Jesus wants believers in Him to act. Barclay notes these debated sermons use different verbiage than a typical person of those days would talk.

Some scholars do not include verses 37 and 38 in their content analysis. This paper includes these verses to complete the flow and thought of this section. While many verses in the Bible discuss principles of love and loving one’s enemies, this paper points men and women to Jesus’ way to love both neighbors and enemies.

The general population shows an interest in the topics of love, hate, and enemies. It is evident because of what appears in grocery stores. Most checkout lines are filled with publications enticing readers to understand why they hate each other, such as

  • “My Neighbor, My Enemy” (New York Time­s)
  • “Hate in America” (Time Magazine)
  • “It’s a Thin Line between Love and Hate” (Psychology Today)
  • “And They Will Know We are Christians by our Hate” (The Christian Post)
  • “The Secret to Loving Your Enemies” (Today’s Christian Women)

When people read the Bible addressing love, hate, and enemies, understanding the Christian definition of certain words will help.

Table 1: Definitions—Luke 26:27-38

Word Definition Bible Verse Reference (NASB) Strong’s Concordance Reference Number
love To care for Luke 6:27,32, 35 25
enemies Adversary, foe, one who dislikes or hates another and seeks to harm another Luke 6: 1, 35 2190
hate Detest Luke 6:1 3404
“do good” [to exhibit] a fine moral character Luke 6:1, 33 2573
reward Recompense for good or evil, most often it suggests a benefit or favorable compensation 35 3635

As one delves into the so-called Golden Rule verses, it is helpful to fully understand what Luke 6:27-28 is saying as they are imperative in grasping verses 29-38, which follow. In Luke 6:27-28, there are four instructions for believers to follow:

  • Love your enemies,
  • Be good to those who hate you,
  • Bless those who curse you, and
  • Pray for those who mistreat you.

There has been debate on the actual meaning of what “love one’s enemy” means. The word here means the agape kind of love, distinguishing it from passionate love and love for only those who love them back! William Barclay describes this kind of love as “an active feeling of benevolence toward the other person; it means that no matter what that person does to us we will never allow ourselves to desire anything but his highest good, and we will deliberately and of set purpose go out of our way to be good and kind to him.” Enemies today are viewed as people who want to hurt or betray—they may even gossip or tell lies about us, still as believers, and with the power of the Holy Spirit, one can trust in God’s ability for mankind to love with this agape kind of love. Moving beyond these two verses, there are two more Biblical verses that continue to train Christians on how to act.

People are innately inclined to hate their enemies because of their sinful nature, which originated in the story of Adam and Eve. Despite this, Jesus continues to give more instructions on how to treat enemies in Luke 6:29-30. Jesus tells us that “whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other cheek, and whoever takes away your coat, do not withhold your shirt from him either.” Jesus does not want us to pick and choose who we are to love even if there is physical violence—in this case, the turning the other cheek reference. Leon Morris says that cheek is siagon, which means, “a punch to the side of the jaw rather than a light slap on the face.”As one would expect, most people would want to fight back, but Jesus tells believers to turn the other cheek and accept the same treatment again. Warren Wiersbe says it is our inner disposition that the glory of God is seeking.

Regarding accepting a strike from an enemy, Wiersbe says, “we must have the wisdom to know when to turn the other cheek and when to claim our right. Christian love must exercise discernment.” In this illustration and in the example where Jesus tells of not withholding one’s shirt if it is taken away, verse 30 says to give to everyone who asks and not demand it back. The ethics behind these two verses revolve around the ability to do good—TO EVERYONE!

It is a complex concept to understand that we are to love everyone and give to everyone regardless of how one feels. But, in Luke 31, Jesus tells us that people are to treat others the way they want to be treated. But, how can hurt brothers and sisters treat others with love and kindness? It is impossible without the Holy Spirit helping Christians to show Christ’s humility.

Robert H. Gundry shares how Jesus mingled and socialized with all sorts of people. As in ancient times, people today mingle and socialize with all types of people. Wherever Christians are, and whatever sort of people they encounter, Jesus tells us to treat each other with the same kind of treatment one wishes to receive themselves. Romans 12:10 says, “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor.” Regarding a more inwardly way to act, Philippians 2:3 says, “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind, let each of you regard one another as more important than himself.” It takes God’s Holy Spirit to love the way Jesus did.

Jesus did not want or demand credit for his works; He followed the Lord’s path established for him in humility and with integrity. In Luke 6:32-4, one question is asked in all three verses. Jesus asks, “What credit is that to you?”

Many serve to obtain accolades for their service to the Lord. Christ is more concerned with the character of our heart than He is that people receive congratulations, fist bumps, or flattery for service. These accolades are in the following verses.

And if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. And if you lend [with interest] to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, in order to receive back the same amount (Luke 6:32-4).

First, it does not take much to love a mother, father, son, or daughter. Second, it does not take much to love those who love us. And last, it does not take much to lend to those who will pay us back. But, from Jesus’ perspective, it is better to love one’s neighbor, love those who hate, and help others without knowing if they will pay back a loan or not. If one only does their works and service to be seen, they are doing nothing more than a sinner would do. David Guzik says, “Though we will have enemies, yet we are to respond to them in love, trusting that God will protect our cause and destroy are enemies in the best way possible, by transforming them into our friends.”

As Luke 6 progresses, Luke tells us in verses 35 and 36 that believers are to love enemies and be merciful toward them. Regarding loving neighbors, much is written about the ways to resolve hate. They are:

  • Use conflict resolution techniques
  • Kill someone with kindness
  • Come to a healthy comprise, and
  • Create boundaries between each other.

The Bible wants people to initiate love towards enemies, first with a clean heart, before the four actions afore-mentioned above. In Psalm 51:10, King David addresses God desiring a clean heart. Believers in Christ should start by cleansing themselves as David did in the referenced psalm. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” After loving someone with a clean heart, believers are better equipped to show mercy to others. Author Andrew Herbert mentions one can extend mercy to others only when they have received sympathy, compassion, and forgiveness themselves, but “we do not have what it takes, but Jesus does, so we come to Him in brokenness and humility, hungering to be filled with what only He can give.”

Not judging and giving to others conclude this pericope in Luke 6:37-38. The Bible is ready to address judging others. Jesus clarifies in verse 37 what believers will gain. Christians should not judge or condemn others, believing that when they follow His instructions, they will gain. Leon Morris says the verse is not clear on whether it means gain in this present judgment or the future judgment of God or both. He states, “If we are harsh with our judgments on other people we generally find that they return the compliment and we ourselves are widely rewarded.”


When Christ and His Holy Spirit work significantly to where individuals understand the need to forgive and love our enemies, the fruit of the spirit of love becomes evident by giving of oneself. Because the Lord has given of Himself, those who have turned their life over to Christ through the forgiveness of sin and repentance can love their enemies; thus, being a reflection of Jesus Christ.

Luke 6:27 tells believers to love enemies. The Bible commands individuals to do that, but it is not easy. As ambassadors of the Lord, the desire to love like Jesus is there, but when one is offended, hurt, gossiped about, and betrayed, the human heart does not think of kindness as one’s first choice of action. Learning to love and not to hate is a process. Sometimes it is slow and lengthy, but the process to become more as Christ must commence in obedience to the Lord’s command. When facing hate, the following points will help people from all age groups to acknowledge their hate and move towards love.

  • Pray with passion.
  • Pray for the offender. Pray for yourself.
  • Pray to be a forgiving person.
  • Repent if needed.
  • Pray for an attitude change.
  • Trust deeply in God for a resolution.
  • Trust the Holy Spirit for an understanding of the incident or developing angst.
  • Put oneself in the offender’s shoes and seek perspective.
  • Ask God to address any issues springing from both parties.
  • Plead for forgiveness. Sometimes this means addressing the person or organization involved. Sometimes not.
  • Read Bible verses on love, hate, bitterness, cruelty, offenses, and behavior of believers.
  • Recognize that God may be using this incident for good.
  • Understanding making boundaries or moving on might be His solution.
  • Keep praying with passion.


Returning to the 2018 accident in Dallas, Texas, where Amber Guyger fatally killed Botham Jean, an innocent man, as he sat in his apartment eating ice cream. Guyger was sentenced to a ten-year sentence. On the witness stand during sentencing, Brandt Jean, the victim’s eighteen-year-old brother, turned to Guyger, and said, “I know if you go to God and ask him, he will forgive you.” Botham’s family had every right to hate Guyger. However, in an act of kindness, the victim’s brother Brandt continued to speak directly to Guyger. He said, ‘I love you like anyone else,’ and later hugged her in the courtroom before being led to her ten-year prison sentence by the bailiff. That is loving one’s enemy in action! The conclusion reached in Luke 6:27-38 is that God commands believers to love one’s enemies, and by following and obeying God’s Biblical instructions, it is possible to live in a godly fashion toward foes.

God Bless,


Dear Lord, Please let us rest in Your peace indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Let us look at all people with love and acceptance, even those who have hurt us terribly. Pour Your holy power upon us to live a life of forgiveness, acceptance, and reconciliation–no matter what it might be. You love us. You hear our prayers and cries. You want to help us through all the attitudes and difficulties we face. I call upon You to touch my heart. Give me a heart of love. Let my soul be like Your soul. Transform me into Your image. In Christ, I pray.

This article may not be reproduced except for written permission from the author. For the full annotated paper and bibliography, please contact me through the comment section of this article. [This paper was written for a college, academic, research class by Patti Greene.]

Books by Patti Greene




The Left Engine

[Email followers: Click the title to see this article in its web version.]

The Pilot and Passengers

The airplane pilot calmly addressed the passengers.

 “We are experiencing trouble with the left engine. We are currently talking to Chicago about the problem. Maintenance will be arriving soon. We will try to start the plane again, wait for a period of time, and try to start the engine again. Please sit tight while we address this problem.”

I sat in seat 14F on the tarmac for two and a half hours when the pilot addressed the issue. I wondered why they did not get all the passengers off this plane and onto another plane. Why stress us all out wondering if it were our last day on earth or whether angels intervened to make us safe? At this juncture, all the passengers and I could do was trust the pilot.

The Left Engine

But why all the concern with the left engine? I get it now that I am off the plane and can indulge in mindless research. The left engine is the engine that, if it fails, will have the most adverse effect on the control and performance of the aircraft. To understand why the left engine is critical, one must also understand the right engine. The right engine’s slipstream does not strike the rudder and does not affect the aircraft’s control. Still, if the right engine were to fail, the left engine’s slipstream would counteract the airplane’s instability and deviation toward the dead engine, assisting in aircraft control. [1] However, this same positive counteraction does not occur if the left engine encounters trouble.

Trusting God in our Spiritual Life

I compare the left engine to our spiritual life. In life, we sometimes have trust issues—some rational, some not! Regardless of our problems and issues, we have a heavenly Father to support us in our time of need. When Jesus’ disciples thought they would perish in the storm, Jesus came to the rescue calming the storm. He can do the same for us today because sometimes we veer off in the wrong direction (Mark 4:35-41).

On that day, when evening came, He said to them, “Let’s go over to the other side.” After dismissing the crowd, they took Him along with them in the boat, just as He was; and other boats were with Him. And a fierce gale of wind developed, and the waves were breaking over the boat so much that the boat was already filling with water. And yet Jesus Himself was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” And He got up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Hush, be still.” And the wind died down and it became perfectly calm. And He said to them, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” They became very much afraid and said to one another, “Who, then, is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?”

So, how is your “left engine?” Just like how the pilot kept reassuring us that all would be okay, God, the creator of heaven and earth, reassures us continually that He has everything under control.

Let us all be diligent in maintaining our spiritual life—our left engine. We must keep our leverage firmly planted in Jesus Christ, His Word, and in prayer because it will be critical if our left engine fails!

God bless.

Bible Verses:

They rose early in the morning and went out to the wilderness of Tekoa; and when they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Listen to me, Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem: Put your trust in the Lord your God and you will endure. Put your trust in His prophets, and succeed” (2 Chronicles 20:20).

Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, And trust in the Lord (Psalm 4:5).

I will raise my eyes to the mountains; From where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; He who watches over you will not slumber (Psalm 121:1-3).

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Trust in the Lord forever, For in God the Lord, we have an everlasting Rock  (Isaiah 26:4).


Lord, give me your guidance at all times. Let Your Holy Spirit lead me through conviction, other people, the Bible, and prayer. Allow me to see where I am veering away from You, so that I may fix it before my left engine—my spiritual compass— gets off track. Gently allow me to recognize Your plan for my life and give me the trust I need in You to believe wholeheartedly that You are where my trust needs to be—always. Amen.


[1] “The Critical Engine.” Accessed May 26, 2022. www.thebackseatpilot/critical engine

All verses are taken from the NASB.

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Books by Patti Greene