Tag Archives: ministry

Continuing to serve God while Aging by Patti Greene

Click here to read the article.

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[Reprinted from The Baptist Standard.]

The same article is printed below. If you are anything like my dad, he would not click on any links! So, I posted the article below.


Aging does not have to mean reducing our service to the Lord.

As I recently filled out my health history at my new heart specialist’s office, I reminded myself I have gray hair and crepey skin, and my weight loss program is not cutting it anymore.

Richard Stefanacci defines aging in the Merck Manual as “a gradual, continuous process of natural change that begins in early adulthood.” He believes becoming old is answered by looking at our chronological, biological and psychological age.

But nothing is mentioned about our spiritual age, which I think is a significant matter.

Let’s consider why some believers discontinue working for the Lord as they age, and the importance of renewing a relationship with the Lord until one’s body or cognition completely disappears.

Reasons our service diminishes with age

Multiple factors influence why aging folks cease working heartily, grow weary or drop out of church altogether. Some are physical limitations, such as driving restrictions or change in living location. In other cases, medical reasons such as eyesight, hearing and mobility issues affect one’s ability to serve.

However, some offer frivolous “reasons” for spiritual inactivity. They may believe the pastor isn’t “feeding” them anymore or feel worthless or left out at church. Others lose focus and fall away from the one true path, instead enjoying a sinful lifestyle or becoming distracted by golfing, lake houses and stock investments.

These circumstances and interferences can make serving the Lord challenging. This is understandable.

Fortunately, many still can experience a godly presence where they are.

Hope and renewal

If you fit into the category of one who has lost the joy of your salvation but wants to experience God again, there is hope.

In Experiencing the Presence of God, the late pastor A.W. Tozer states, “When we lift our inward eyes to gaze upon God, we are sure to meet friendly eyes gazing back at us” (p. 58).

Praise God if you have served him faithfully your entire Christian life and continue to do so by serving, studying the Bible, meditating and seeking him.

But if you have been a “pew sitter” for most of your Christian life, or one who has strayed or drifted from the Lord, understand there is no age limit where you can’t seek God again.

Death is inevitable. One never knows when that final day will come upon us.

A few years ago, on the day a new season was to start in my life, I fell headfirst down 13 wooden stairs. A trip to the emergency room confirmed a concussion. I had read enough to know many such falls are fatal.

Deep in my spirit during my recovery period, the Lord revealed the experience was to show me he was not finished with me yet. I needed that word to keep going and not waste my life on triviality.

God is not through with you, either.

You may have messed up. However, the Lord wants you to kindle afresh your life, and it can be done. He will come along and pick you up right where you are. And he can and wants to do it today. It is not too late. Your age is irrelevant to God. He wants you to return to the fold.

How to renew your relationship with the Lord

Decide, today, you want your life to be pleasing in his sight. Surrender as completely as you can to the Lord. Decide to live righteously. Repent and confess specifically the sins you have committed.

Avoid things that seek to take God’s place in your heart. Pursue God in all areas of your life.

Ask God to give you a hunger for his word. Read your Bible, seek his will, and pray daily.

Allow the Lord to speak to you through his word and his Holy Spirit. Thank the Lord for a second, third or fourth chance for allowing his presence in your life.

Here I am, Lord

The prophet Isaiah said to the Lord: “Here am I. Send me” (Isaiah 6:8 NASB).

The Lord used Isaiah powerfully, pleading for repentance and a restored life for the people of Judah.

If God could use Isaiah during a time of profound sinning among the people, he also can use you.

As a restored believer, you may be surprised at the circumstances God may place in your life. Ask God to show them to you, and then act upon his direction.

In my life, I have seen how one act of obedience leads me to the next experience or training I need from him, and the process snowballs year after year. Gradually, you will notice the fruits of the Spirit emerging in your life (Galatians 5:22-23 NASB).

Paul wrote: “Brothers and sisters, I do not regard myself as having taken hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14-15 NASB).

As for me, I will continue using my age-renewing crepe-corrector body lotion, because the tube says it will visibly improve my skin, but that is for the external “me.” But I am more concerned with the internal, and I pray you will be, too.

Patti Greene is a graduate of Baylor University and Dallas Baptist University, a member of Second Baptist Church in Houston, and the author of seven books. The views are those of the author.


A Book Review: Christ at the Center of Pastoral Ministry by Dr. Richard Thomas Vann, Jr.

If you receive this blog through an email subscription, you can click on the title to see the full version of this review.

Practical and Valuable

So much practical and valuable information can be found in Christ at the Center of Pastoral Ministry by Dr. Richard Vann, currently a professor at Dallas Baptist University. Every chapter takes a different aspect of pastoral ministry. Each section is broken down into an easy-to-read discussion of many topics, such as gifted Christians in ministry, the pastor’s home life, leadership, ministerial ethics, and more. Even issues not mentioned in most religious books are noted, such as child dedication, etiquette, and the need for breath mints! The author’s humble spirit and love for Christian ministry shine through as Vann graciously teaches and describes what pastoral theology, spiritual leadership, and ministry practices are all about.

Who is the Reading Audience?

This book is for pastors, those preparing for ministry, pastors’ wives, and even lay people who would be wise to understand the many hats a pastor wears. By combining historical views, contemporary thoughts, and tried-and-true applications, the reader can best decide how to view pastoral ministry. This book is also a great gift for those considering a calling in Christian ministry. I highly recommend Dr. Vann’s book. You will be glad you purchased it.

Bible Verse:

Timothy, protect what has been entrusted to you, avoiding worldly, empty chatter and the opposing arguments of what is falsely called “knowledge”—  which some have professed and thereby have gone astray from the faith (1 Timothy 6:20-21 NASB).

Click here to order Christ at the Center of Pastoral Ministry by Dr. Richard Thomas Vann, Jr.

How to Increase Church Attendance

Our youngest son Jimmy, always the adventurous type, decided to leave the safety and comfort of the Lone Star State (Texas) to continue his education after high school at Babson College—a private, but well-known business college founded in 1919 in Wellesley, Massachusetts, a town west of Boston.

So, it did not surprise his father or me that as an adult, he decided to collect the antique book versions written by the founder of his college—Roger W. Babson.

As most parents would be, we were grateful he did not want to start a collection of weird things like banana stickers, toenail clippings, or super-soakers! So, books were a great choice since I could find and give these rare books for birthday and Christmas gifts—if I could find them.

Babson was an American entrepreneur, economist, and business theorist. He predicted the Wall Street Crash of 1929, was the Prohibition Party’s candidate for President of the United States in 1940 although the election was won by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He was also a religious man.

Babson authored over 40+ books on various topics—mainly business-related topics, but one book that he wrote, with the help of others, is titled How to Increase Church Attendance. It is this rare book that I found for Jimmy’s recent birthday present from a source I will not disclose to anyone.

Before wrapping Jimmy’s birthday gift, I read the book and took notes. Being a book published in 1936, it was fascinating to see how religious men from over 80 years ago perceived church attendance.

I desire that the following quotes from Babson’s book will make you laugh, ponder, and/or possibly change how you do church today!

Ministers, Leaders, and the Church

The personality and the pastoral work of the minister [is] very important. [It] is fundamental to a successful church.

If a church [cannot] afford a decent plant, it should consider consolidating with another church. In such cases, the churches with the poorer plants should sell their property and use the funds for renovating and extending [with] some other church in the community.

Trained teachers who are willing to give their services in the Sunday School should be exempt from making contributions.

All in the community, whether or not they attend church, should contribute to some church.

A Sunday should never go by without the minister making a public appeal for those who wish to give their hearts to Jesus.

The church is like a muscle—the more we use it, the stronger it becomes, while the less we use it, the weaker it becomes.

There are twice as many churches as there should be.

It is an outworn custom to count only those at the Sunday morning preaching service. We should also count the number who come to the church each week for any service of worship.

We should attend church . . .  to show our colors—to show the community and our family where we stand.

Every layman should go to church, irrespective of [the] preacher, music, ventilation, or cushions.

“Here [are] my suggestions for a church membership pledge,” exclaimed Roger Babson.


To the ………………………………. Church,

I desire to develop my spiritual life and the spiritual life of others. As one means of doing this, I desire to join the ………………………………. Church.

I shall endeavor to bring my family or friends to your church, or to some other church if I am away, every Sunday.

I ask that you get in touch with me any week that you do not see or hear from me. I have checked the two lists on the reverse of this sheet showing the specific help which I most need, and also the line of work in which I may perhaps be most helpful to you.

Date ……………………………….            (S) ………………………………..



Learning to pray

Courage and Faith


Help with my family

Better health

Economic assistance

New friends

General guidance


Service of Worship

Teaching in Sunday School

Helping on the music

Leading young people

Caring for little children

Adult educational work

Boys’ Club Projects

Calling on the sick

Supplying flowers


Causes for the Decline in Church Attendance

  1. Many seem to fear neither God nor man.
  2. Secondary motives for attending church, i.e. to help a man’s business or better his political prospects.
  3. Competing calls—competition; movies, reading newspapers.
  4. “The Waiting Mood”—People have ceased to seek. They wait to be sought.
  5. Indifference—church people are tremendously interested in many things. We must present the advantages of church attendance.
  6. Dissatisfaction with the tenets and teachings of the church. [Basically, the church does not seem to meet their needs and the needs of the age.]

The church should work for the well-being of the people.

Vitalizing the Sermon and Worship

  1. [There] must be an essential truth to the sermon. People want spiritual food they can understand.
  2. Holy zeal is necessary.
  3. Better craftsmanship is needed.
  4. Use other materials when necessary.
  5. Use the Bible.
  6. Sermons should be practical.
  7. Add news value to sermons. The use of such living materials … imparts a new freshness and impressiveness to the church service.
  8. Select “pulling subjects”—good topics and titles.
  9. Personal character—the personal life of the preacher must be a living example of Christianity.

Improving the Church Structure

  1. Ugly, badly arranged churches, if continued in use, will become more detrimental to church attendance.
  2. The equipment is very important.
  3. What, essentially, is required in order that a room be made effective as a place of worship? When one enters the room from the majestic out-of-doors, does he feel, upon coming within the building, a sense of uplifting and enlargement, even though the building may be small? Proportions [matter].
  4. Remove distractions—old chandeliers; Pleasant lanterns suspended from the ceiling will add much to the appearance and churchliness.
  5. Remove bad art glass.
  6. Good acoustics.
  7. Little things count for much.
  8. Eliminate all ugliness, barrenness, and things that divert attention from the holy exercise of divine worship.
  9. Cloakrooms will enable people to enter the sanctuary unencumbered without wraps, hats, and overshoes.

The Home and Church Attendance

  1. Regarding birth control, we do not have enough children in our church homes today to replenish our ranks in the next generation.
  2. The key individual to interest boys and girls in attending church is, of course, the minister. In the first place, he must be fond of children.
  3. The minister’s wife sets the example with herself and 5 children, and oftentimes four or five other children, [by] all sitting together in the fourth pew from the front.

Public Records on Church Attendance

Finance and attendance are both matters about which is the duty of all members to be informed.

Church Attendance and Theological Education

  1. A divinity school is a place for study. Its chief purpose is to train men in the major disciplines of theological education, not to equip students with a bag of tricks for drawing crowds.

Making the Community Church-Minded

  1. To have a great church, there must be two very essential factors; first-numbers; and second-loyalty.
  2. Two things impress the visitor—the height and central location of the pulpit.

Week-Day Religious Education

  1. For children and youth, religious education teachers should mostly be college or university graduates who have specialized in Bible and education.
  2. There is no need, however, for a church [to] lower its dignity by using the competitive methods of secular institutions, to draw people to its programs.
  3. [There needs to be] a firm belief that the church has something to offer.


  1. The finest kind of advertising for any community, industry, merchandise, or even a church is the personal words [in] which one customer passes on to another.
  2. The great reason for non-church attendance among so-called Christians is the unregenerate conditions of their hearts.

Church Attendance and Prayer

  1. The heart of the church is prayer. If there is no place of prayer, or if the place of prayer is inadequate and weak, then no matter how enormous the church building might be, no matter how large the church membership, the church is a dying church.
  2. We cannot return to the old-fashioned testimonial meeting. It is as defunct as the old one-horse shay. (I had to look up the definition of a one-horse shay. It is a light, covered, two-wheeled carriage for two persons, drawn by a single horse.)
  3. But when we discarded the old shay, we did not leave our barn empty, we then filled it with a new automobile.

Six classes of people who attend church

  1. Those present every Sunday
  2. Others attending generally
  3. Others frequently
  4. Others occasionally
  5. Others rarely, and
  6. Others annually (on Easter)

Church Loyalty Projects

  1. Have a project.
  2. These works because they present specific achievements and friendly contests.

What about the Future?

  1. While the movies, the radio, comic supplements, and the automobile…have great power for good, they today are to too great an extent, undermining the character, health, and success of our children. Yet, we tacitly show our approval of these inroads by attending questionable movies and listening to everything on the radio.
  2. Before the development of modern advertising, motion pictures, and radio, many more of us spent our Sundays attending church services and reading good books.
  3. Today we are reading the sports and stock market pages, attending the movies, and listening to cheap radio patter.
  4. Hence, it behooves us to withhold a proper proportion of our time and money from these less important things and to devote the same to personally attending and financially supporting the churches.
  5. [To] help our children recognize the importance of character and the spiritual life, we must have them know that we put church attendance above the Sunday newspaper, the movie, and listening to the radio.
  6. [The most] efficient and inexpensive method of developing character among children and the community, in general, is to have them see us and their neighbors attend church.
  7. In conclusion, our studies would seem to indicate that the Protestant churches of America are today suffering from inertia, from lack of sufficient interest. Hence it would be time well spent if our clergymen and laymen would seriously consider an “over-hauling” and thorough examination.
  8. Statistics show that all institutions go downhill, which [does] not keep abreast or ahead of the times.


  1. Go through the list of church members with the thoroughness that a business organization would apply and prepare a list of those who do not go to church.
  2. Some may need to be dropped from the church roll.
  3. Others can be transplanted to other churches.
  4. But some will be quickened to resume their interest in the local church.

I hope you liked these quotes as much as I did. And, after reading this book, I am glad Jimmy no longer collects baseball cards, sneakers, or sunglasses! Books are good. And rare books are even better!

Bible Verses:

I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. Matthew 16:18

Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 1 Timothy 6:10


Jesus, let me love my church as You did. Let me honor and respect the holy place You have provided for me to worship in. Give me a love for the people in the church—no matter our differences, personalities, or Bible knowledge. May all I do within the church body be pleasing and acceptable to You. In the precious name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

God Bless.


Central Houston Inspirational Writers Alive! Associate Member; BibleGateway Blogger, Member; SBC, Church Member

Works Cited

Babson, Roger. How to Increase Church Attendance: The Commission on Church Attendance. New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1936.

[Roger W. Babson, Rev. Edwin H. Byington, Rev. Hudson E. Fiebiger, Winslow L. Webber, Rev. Gail Cleland, Elbert M. Conover, Rev. Clement F. Hahn, Rev. George L. Thurlow, Rev. Edwin B. Robinson, Rev. Vaughan Dabney, Rev. John L. Keedy, Rev. Robert W. Gammon, James B. McKendry, Rev. Daniel Bliss, Rev. Arthur L. Kingsolving; and Rev. Herbert D. Rugg.]

Bible verses are from the New American Standard Bible.

Change Happens. Period!

Whether we like it or not, change is a constant in our life!

Moving on . . .

Here’s a deep theological question for you today? Do blondes really have more fun?

The reason I ask is that I am about to find out. You see, I have very dark brown hair. I inherited my brown hair from my Italian mother and my Jewish father! But recently, I noticed that I was having to dye my hair much more frequently because of the OBVIOUS GRAY skunk-like stripe showing up on both sides of my part and in the front of my temples.

So since early 2018, I have been in the process of switching from a dark brown head of hair to a blonde head of hair. This change is a gradual change for me, but for others who see me infrequently, it is quite dramatic.

Some changes are not that important. This is probably one of them. Whether it will be a good decision on my part or not is yet to be known. I love my dark brown hair! By going blonde—no matter what the reason—I am losing part of me and part of my identity and past. And that is how change is!

The fact is that change happens. Period. 

We change clothes. We change jobs. We change positions. We change partners. We change our mood. We change the channel. We change our spiritual condition. We change our name. We change our minds. We change our homes. We change churches. We change our nail polish. We change our recipes. We change our weight. And most recently, King Mswati III, the leader of a small African nation, has changed the name of his country from “Swaziland” to the “Kingdom of eSwatini.”

Some changes are inconsequential. Some changes are easy. Some changes are hard. And, some changes are VERY hard.

One thing is certain—change is inevitable in our lives and how we handle it is just as important as the change is.

Change may be:

  • Necessary
  • Unexpected
  • Unavoidable
  • Negative
  • Positive
  • Well-thought-out
  • Totally absurd, or
  • Quite frankly, insignificant

There is a growing industry on how to plan for change—or as some might say—there are models to manipulate people for a transformation. NOT COOL! Most people do not like having change imposed upon them through manipulation or without their approval.

John Kotter’s 8-step model educates organizations on planning for change by looking at data, communicating that data, monitoring data, managing the process, managing the budget, managing the resistance to change, and more.

Change—Positive or Negative

What we experience in life can modify our way of thinking. Change can create a new ministry, a new outlook, even a new you! I have just finished reading a book in which the author gave me a new, deeper perspective about my Christian faith. I call it a “life-changing” book.

However, our experiences can be absolutely devastating as well. Losing one’s family through death or divorce, losing your job, or being convicted of a crime can wipe out one’s emotions, finances, or reputation.

But sometimes our negative change can turn into a positive change. What if you lose your job only to get a job that is so much better and fits your job skills to the tee? Then, does what was perceived as detrimental become positive?

Sadly though, a positive change can turn into a negative change. What if the book I just read turns out to be authored by a false prophet and I lose my faith in God?

This is where leaders, authors, podcasters, and pastors must take care in how they are leading their flock or followers. Within Christian ministries, there is a fine line that requires leaders to carefully consider all matters that might affect their flock ranging from “seekers” to “babes in Christ” to the “spiritually mature.”

How Can Christ-Followers Evaluate Change in Their Life?

Many changes require deep, concentrated prayer—maybe even for years. Agonizing changes require some type of modification or a new direction. In secular life, we might change locations, change medical treatments, or change churches. In the Old Testament, Joseph changed from a shepherd boy to a mighty man of God in Egypt. In the New Testament, Saul changed from a Jewish persecutor to a dynamic believer.

Prayer, Bible Study, and Counsel

As a believer, important and controversial changes require much prayer and Bible seeking regarding one’s personal life, church life, or work life.

Crying out to God for His wisdom and direction is imperative because most changes reap benefits or consequences. When we immerse ourselves in the Bible for a special word from Him, we are opening ourselves up to hear how He wants us to handle a change. This goes for the ones making the changes and for the ones required to accept change.

Counseling may be advisable, but it should only occur from Christians who are spiritually mature and committed to God’s best possible plan.


All change creates a challenge. With the Lord’s guidance and wisdom, we can confront those challenges in a way that honors Him. I hope that is what you plan on doing next time you encounter an important change or decision.

Let’s conclude by looking at some Bible verses that voice the most important change we should consider in our lives.

Bible Verses:

1. We change. Things change. But, God does not change.

“For I, the LORD, does not change; therefore you, O Sons of Jacob, are not consumed.” (Malachi 3:6)

2. Let’s not sweat the small stuff, but consider the biggest change of all.

“Behold, I tell you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet with sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.” (1 Corinthians 15:51)

3. Accepting Jesus is the biggest and most important change in our life.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

God Bless,

Member Inspirational Writers Alive #IWA; Bible Gateway Blogger Grid Member #bgbg2

Bible verses are taken from the NASB if not noted otherwise.

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Amos: An Ordinary Man

There are many men and women who feel ordinary! Being ordinary is synonymous with being average. They might go to an average school, live in an average neighborhood, or be uneducated. One of the worse sentiments one might feel about being ordinary is presuming there is no purpose or calling in life. In today’s culture, we are impressed with wealth, beauty, popularity, being accomplished, and fame. But, let’s look at Amos — an ordinary man with a passion for God who was called to proclaim God’s message of judgment to Israel and other nations due to their sin and disobedience.


Amos, an Old Testament minor prophet, was considered to be an ordinary man. In Amos 7:14-15, he says, “I’m not one of your professional prophets. I certainly never trained to be one. I’m just a shepherd and I take care of fig trees. But the Lord called me away from my flock and told me, ‘Go prophesy to my people in Israel.’” [NLT]  Amos might have even been a seasonal worker due to the fact that he lived in Tekoa, a town 16 miles from the Dead Sea, where sycamore trees are not cultivated due to the altitude and climate. Thus, implying he might have had to leave Tekoa during certain months of the year to care for and cultivate the sycamore fig trees. Many commentaries believe Amos did not have any formal training, but he was learned in the ways of God. During Amos’ lifetime, Israel was a nation filled with pride, beauty, elegance, and riches. As Amos went about living “the ordinary life” God gave him, he was called by his heavenly Father for a particular task. He lived during the reign of Jeroboam II around 786-746 BC. It was during this time, he recognized his calling from God to proclaim the message the Lord gave him. He did not arrive on the scene to tickle anybody’s ears. He arrived able, prepared, and willing to work passionately on the assignment God gave him. You will find in the Book of Amos that Amos speaks little of himself; he is there to pronounce the judgment God sent him to do. Speaking God’s word throughout the Book of Amos, he became known for his repetitively saying, “Thus says the LORD” before many of his proclamations. He spoke God’s word throughout the Book of Amos.

As I read the Book of Amos, I became aware of some of the characteristics Amos possessed both prior to and during him announcing the destruction of Israel.


  • He sought the Lord;
  • He had a deep-rooted faith;
  • He was being prepared by God;
  • He walked with God;
  • He accepted his lot in life;
  • He was wise in the ways of God;
  • He was close enough to God to know what the Lord said;
  • He spoke only what the Lord said;
  • He was confident in what he said;
  • He was not fearful in bringing bad news to others;
  • He was not fearful in talking to others outside of his class;
  • He sought good and not evil;


The Lord used other “ordinary” men throughout history. David, Eliab, Gideon, Peter, James, and John were used mightily. Even Jesus was a simple man that God called to be the most important influence in all civilizations. And, God can use you!

Someday God may ask you to step out of your comfort zone. We carry around barriers in our life. We don’t take the steps needed to be used by God. God is going to use those who are already steeped in His word and those willing to walk His ways. He will choose us and seek us as we prepare ourselves to expand our influence for him. With Amos, it is most likely he was called for a particular assignment at a particular time. Maybe he went back to tending sheep and sycamore trees after this assignment was accomplished – we just don’t know as there is no record. But, we do know that when God wanted to use him, he was available and willing. In our lives, we should remember that God is able to do whatever He wants to and he will equip anyone willing to carry out his plans. You may not be an educated person; you may not have been born into an elite family, but God can use you. 1 Corinthians 1:26-29 states, “Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things — and the things that are not — to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before Him. God will give you strength to do what He is calling you to do. God desires to use us to our fullest. He knows if we are unprepared and He wants to prepare us. He knows if we are imperfect, but he sees the potential we have to pursue His purposes. You may have a dream or a vision, but feel unable achieve it. Don’t give up. Water and prune your vision, and wait for God’s appointed time. But, while waiting, follow his leadings, as small and/or as insignificant as they might seem, as this is part of his preparation for you. Just trust that His Spirit is working and perfecting you until the time He calls you like he did Amos. Then, when He shows you He is ready, you will be ready to act.


  • Seek the Lord;
  • Develop a deep-rooted faith;
  • Allow God to prepare you;
  • Walk with God;
  • Accept your lot in life;
  • Be wise;
  • Develop a deep closeness to God through Bible study and prayer;
  • Speak only what is Godly;
  • Be confident in God’s words and whispers;
  • Develop a fearless spirit in speaking for God;
  • Understand that God can use you with anyone — regardless of social class, intellect, race, or religion;
  • Seek good, not evil.

Notice that our preparations mirror Amos’ characteristics.


FBPG-(1)-Profile-Pic-of-Pat Original

Looking back at my life, I can see how God had been preparing me for my current ministry of writing devotional prayer journals and blogging. When I was around 7 or 8 years old, I loved the Science projects where I had to find leaves, label them, and glue them on cardboard. I call that gathering information and presenting it. As a senior in high school, I had an English assignment where we had to find poems and quotes, put them together in booklet form, and find pictures from newspapers or magazines that related to the poems or quotes. Again, I was gathering information and presenting it. I loved it. Imagine my distress when I received my first college essay back with a big, fat, red F on it. I thought I was an awful writer for years. But, God kept giving me little assignments along the way, i.e. writing Table Talks for Wednesday night church dinners, making educational bulletin boards, becoming a librarian.  One time I was given the assignment by our church planner to research an apartment complex where the church wanted to start a ministry. It was awesome. I used my detective skills; took notes on the bumper stickers in the parking lot; noticed the ages of the children in the complex; spoke to the apartment manager, and of course, put together a booklet with the results. Following God is fun and adventurous. My suggestion is for you to look over your life, see what you have enjoyed, and give your talents to the Lord and ask him to show you how he can use you in the small things. All God’s assignments are profitable, so as we go from one to the next, keep preparing yourself for the next one.


God can use the most unlikely people in life to do a job for him. In God Uses Ordinary People, Mark Hiehle tells the following story of a man God used to meet a woman’s needs and how the recipient viewed it.

I once heard of a woman who had locked her keys in her car at a mall. Not having the funds to call a locksmith, she prayed and asked God to help her. Shortly after, a rough looking man came up to her and asked if she needed any help. She told him that her keys were locked in her car; and in no time, the man used a wire and lifted the lock. The woman thanked him and said that he was an answer to prayer and an angel. The man said, “Oh, I am not an angel, ma’am. I just got out of prison.” The woman looked to heaven and said, “Oh Lord, You are so good! You sent me an expert.” ¹

I love it!

The Lord is consistently calling his children to do His work. We have the choice whether to answer him or not. Our problem is the world in which we live in allows us to questions whether we have enough desire, time, money, and intellect to follow through in His calling(s). We need to make time to listen to the Lord; seek out His will; follow His leading: and let him supply all that is needed to accomplish his purposes through us. Let’s seek out our reasons for not moving forward. Is it because we don’t feel spiritual enough? Then work on that through prayer and Bible study. Is it because you need money to start the ministry God is calling you to? Start with what you have and allow God to find what you need to move on. It is not our strength that gets God’s work done, but our willingness and trust in Him to accomplish the calling and ministries He puts on our hearts.

As the former governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee, says,

“It’s when ordinary people rise above the expectations and seize the opportunity that milestones truly are reached.”²

And, we do this by not depending on our abilities and intellect; we do this by depending on God as our source to achieve mighty things for him – even though we might be ordinary.

What does God have in store for you in 2016? Pray, Read, Listen, and then Act.

Blessings and feel free to share this article with your friends and family!


Bible Verses:

He that is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much: and he that is unrighteous in a very little is unrighteous also in much. Luke 16:10 NABS

If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness. 2 Corinthians 11:30 ESV

Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning, and be like men who are waiting for their master to come home from the wedding feast, so that they may open the door to him at once when he comes and knocks. Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes. Truly, I say to you, he will dress himself for service and have them recline at the table, and he will come and serve them. If he comes in the second watch, or in the third, and finds them awake, blessed are those servants! Luke 12:35-38 ESV


Lord, I want you. I want to be used by you. I am asking you today to make me faithful in all the little things that honor you. I confess my sins to you knowing that you will forgive me. I may feel ordinary in the world’s eyes, but I know I am the apple of your eye. Give me the ability to discern each and every step you have for me in my life. Let me obey you and accomplish your purposes for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

¹ Hiehle, Mark. “God Uses Ordinary People.” http://atcmag.com. January 2010.  Web. 2 January 2016.

² Huckabee, Mike. www.brainquote.com. n.d. Web. January 2, 2016.

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