Pokemon Go: What No One Else Will Tell You [From Email notifications, click the title for best web viewing]
The Pokémon Go phenomenon is everywhere — in the streets, in the malls, and in the news. The following headlines will be outdated by the time this blog posts, but for those unaware of this physically active walking-running game, being aware may be eye opening.
“Cy-Fair fire station dealing with Pokémon Go” Click2Houston
“Florida teens, mistaken for thieves, shot at playing Pokémon Go” BBC News
“Pokémon Go is getting everyone to exercise.” Yahoo News
“Men fall from cliff playing Pokémon Go” CNN
“Pokémon Go crashes and hackers claim responsibility.” money.cnn.com
“Pokémon Go; Sex offender caught playing game with child.” BBC News
“Gump: How one game is bringing everyone together” Montgomery Advertiser
“Man in New Zealand quits his job to play Pokémon Go full-time.” BBC News
“Crazy right-winger believes that Pokémon Go was created by Satan to locate and kill Christians.” Daily KOS
“Drug dealers selling Pokémon ecstasy pills to target youngsters and cash in on computer game craze.” Mirror News-UK
“Pokemon Go T&Cs [Terms and Conditions] trip users of legal rights.” Drudge Report
Janissa Delzo at CNN defines Pokémon Go as, “a free-to-play app that gets users up and moving in the real world to capture fictional ‘pocket monsters’ known as Pokémon. The goal is to capture as many of the more than hundred species of animated Pokémon as we can.” ¹ In terms a little easier to understand, Pokémon Go meshes real life and virtual life together to create a game where Pokémon are captured and used to fight other Pokémon held by other players. Many are calling it fun technology at its best while others believe it is just creating a bunch of people walking all around looking at their phones like zombies.
Since the “fad” has only been around for a few weeks, I am not here to go either way on the spectrum as to its greatness or insignificance. However, informing my readers about how to react to ANYTHING that distracts us from the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit is my goal. Spending too much of our time on anything can become an idol in our life. As we seek God’s will, ask him how we should be spending our time and do not get suckered into a life of chasing things of the world. Set limits and be obedient to God.
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Hebrews 3:12
As in other cultural idols or distractions, Nintendo’s Pokémon Go may distract people from what really is important in life – taking care of our families, creating distractions at work, and/or filling our time with hours of meaningless activities.
Satan’s goal is to distract us from walking in the Spirit. It happens every day. We sit down to read our Bible and the phone rings or a bill needs to be paid, taking us away from staying in God’s Word. Satan wants to steal our time. The bottom line is that Satan wants to distract us from trusting in Him, spending time with Him, and having a relationship with him. Those distractions are idols.
King Solomon’s claim to fame in history involves his reputation for possessing Godly wisdom. He honored God and built a magnificent house for the Lord. However, when he became older, he gave into his worldly desires and married women who worshipped idols and he succumbed to the same idol worship. This idol worship distracted him from worshipping the most-high God whom he served so faithfully for God in his younger years.
Anything that distracts us from God can become idol-worship. That includes spending an inordinate amount of time on anything — including Pokémon.
What Does the Bible Say About Idol Worship?
- Idol worshipers boast about their idols. Psalm 97:7
- Idols are the work of human hands. Psalm 135:15-18
- God will punish his people for worshiping other Gods. Jeremiah 1:16
- Flee from idolatry. 1 Corinthians 10:14
What Does the Bible say About Satan?
- Satan is the deceiver of the whole world. Revelation 12:9
- Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7
- Give no opportunity to the devil. Ephesians 4:27
- Do not lose your soul. Mark 8:36
If we find that Pokémon is distracting us or taking up too much of our time, there are Bible verses to help keep us focused on what is important.
Time for God
- Understand that we may fall into temptation. 1 Corinthians 10:12
- Think about all you do from God’s point of view, not from a human point of view. Matthew 16:23
- Spend time praying. Ephesians 6:18
- Submit yourselves to God. James 4:7
Distracting us from God’s will is Satan’s job. Just remember that however Satan “steals” our time away from God, he is not going to show up fashioning a pitchfork, wearing a little red outfit, and sporting a “twist and bend craft tie” tail.
Moreover, as of this moment, I do not know what to think about these little Pokémon characters. The phenomenon is too new. The fact that people are exercising and having fun together “outside” is not debatable. However, we must be aware of our safety and the possibility that the game might become a ‘time distraction’ for us.
Whatever we do . . .
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil. It will be a healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones. Proverbs 3:5-8
After reading this article, do you think you are spending too much time playing Pokémon Go?
All things considered, Pokémon Go Plus will be launched soon, so if you think you might be tempted to spend even MORE time on the upcoming game, start now asking God if its involvement will be a wise use of your time AND YOUR MONEY!!!
God Bless,
Bible Verses: See above.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to make the best use of my time. Give me wisdom. Do not let anything distract me from giving you the time you desire from me. I want to serve You. I do not want to be “addicted” to any idols. Guide me to always acknowledge You in everything I do. As I read your Word, bring your words alive. If I am spending too much time doing anything that draws me away from You, give me the strength and courage to change my ways. I love You LORD. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
¹ Delzo, Janissa. Men fall from cliff playing Pokémon Go. 16 July 2016. Web. 16 July 2016.
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