Tag Archives: bench

Sacred Snippet: Queen Mary’s Garden

Sacred Snippet: Queen Mary’s Garden by Patti Greene
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Twelve years ago, John and I traveled to London, and while he worked during the day, I had the wonderful opportunity to explore on my own. One day, I courageously took a bus (yes, all by myself) to Queen Mary’s Garden. After figuring out the bus route, I arrived and found myself enchanted by the charming shops lining the streets before locating the garden. As I wandered through the garden, admiring the vibrant flowers and beautiful greenery, I was drawn to a special bench.
I sat down and entered a deep prayer time, surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation. On that bench, I felt the Lord speak to me: “Patti, I will always give you the strength and courage you need whenever you need it.” That message has stayed with me, as vivid as the day I received it.
Since then, I’ve encountered similar benches in other places, like one in Canada, where I sat and was again reminded of God’s promise. Each time I see a bench like that, whether on TV or in a park, I am grateful for God’s unwavering love that gives me His strength and courage when I need it.
I hope you have found a special place where God has touched your heart. If you haven’t found one yet, I encourage you to pause, pray, and listen for His voice no matter where you are. He is always present and ready to speak with words meant just for you.
God Bless,