Prayer and Bible Ramblings

Prayer and Bible Ramblings by Patti Greene

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The beauty of having your own blog is that you can ramble. That is precisely what I am doing in this blog. I am rambling about prayer and Bible study, my two favorite topics.

Since I accepted Christ 53 years ago, prayer and Bible study have been the foundation that has held me together. Through trials and triumphs, I’ve learned that growth and maturity in the Lord come through these very struggles. Life hasn’t always been easy, but God has faithfully used my challenges to shape my heart and spirit.

Today, I experienced an answer to a concern I’ve had for decades—an answer I longed for. It came through a person I visited with for the very first time! It reminded me that God works in ways we often don’t expect and in His timing. This blessing stirred my heart, reaffirming that waiting upon the Lord’s answers and direction is not passive; it’s active and leads to an exciting prayer life. But timing is everything!

Have you ever felt God’s presence while waiting for God’s answers?

The Struggle and the Call to Wait

I admit that struggling with my heart’s desires tests me. Yet, over the years, I’ve seen God’s faithfulness in answering prayers, sometimes in ways I don’t immediately understand. Even so, in moments of uncertainty, I continue to cry out to God, asking Him to enlighten my thoughts through His Holy Spirit. These times of prayer are vital. Perhaps you’ve felt this, too: the need to seek God’s wisdom when your mind is clouded or uncertain.

Prayer requires dedication and intention. Developing a meaningful prayer time takes effort and time. It isn’t always the same, but the process of prayer is transformative. As we wait for God to answer our prayers, we must also declutter our minds and focus on Him. Worship and adoration invite the Holy Spirit to cultivate His presence, allowing us to align our thoughts and hearts with His will.

Praying for Everything and Everyone

The Bible instructs us to pray about everything. We should pray even when we don’t understand what is happening, especially when our hearts and minds bounce around with different scenarios.

God hears us when we pray, and He will answer. Through prayer, we learn to release our burdens and trust Him fully.

Forgiveness is an essential part of our prayer lives. Repentance/confession brings peace. We are called to meditate on God’s Word, not through emptying our minds but by filling them with His truth. This meditation is an active, vibrant fellowship with God, where His Word becomes our guide and comfort. Interceding for others is another crucial aspect of prayer.

For almost 50 years, I’ve kept a prayer journal, even before prayer journals were popular. Looking back at those entries, I can see how God has guided me, comforted me, and answered countless prayers. It’s an amazing privilege to track the journey of faith and see how God has worked—both in my own life and in the lives of others.

Answered Prayers, Bible, and Transformation

Sometimes, prayers aren’t answered as we hoped, but they are still answered in God’s perfect timing within His will. From our perspective, we sometimes feel God is not moving when our prayers are unanswered. However, all prayers are answered (maybe not to our liking) but in ways that align with God’s more excellent plan. Through all of it, praising and thanking God strengthens our prayer lives and deepens our trust in Him. 

Arnold Cole and Pamela Caudill Ovwighn conducted a study through the Center for Bible Engagement. They discovered that people who read the Bible once, twice, or three times a week experience nominal spiritual growth. According to their research, “If you read the Bible on more days than you don’t read the Bible, your chances for mature Christian behavior go way up.” ¹

When we commit to praying and studying God’s Word more often, we begin to change. The ultimate goal of prayer and Scripture is to be transformed into the image of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18). This process is exciting and fulfilling.

Prayer is not just about asking for what we desire, even though we can ask for that as long as it is not something Scripture has already proven wrong. Prayer allows us to become more like the One we are praying to; thus, His desires also become our desires. We must remember that God knows our hearts. And how exciting it can be when God pours His favor on us!

Holy Bible

Trusting  God in His Timing

Many of us are praying specific prayers right now. I know I am. Waiting can be difficult, but it is in this waiting that our trust in God deepens. The goal is to learn to trust Him fully, and I long for this kind of trust—for myself and you, too.

I hope this blog makes sense since I am just writing and rambling!

God bless.

Bible Verses

If we live by the Spirit, let’s follow the Spirit as well (Galatians 5:17 NASB),

And [Jesus] opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures (Luke 24:45 NKJV).

Show me your favor, God. I go to you for safety. I will find safety in the shadow of your wings (Psalms 57:1 NIRV).


Lord, sometimes I do not know what or how to pray. Teach me what the Holy Spirit is leading me to understand. Remind me daily to get alone with You for prayer and Bible study. Awaken me, and help me to be transformed into Your image. Keep me from temptations because the Spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak. Thank you for loving me and guiding me in Your timing. Give me the patience to wait on You.

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¹ Vaters, Karl. De-Sizing the Church. Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2024. p, 163.