Tag Archives: hair color

Change Happens. Period!

Whether we like it or not, change is a constant in our life!

Moving on . . .

Here’s a deep theological question for you today? Do blondes really have more fun?

The reason I ask is that I am about to find out. You see, I have very dark brown hair. I inherited my brown hair from my Italian mother and my Jewish father! But recently, I noticed that I was having to dye my hair much more frequently because of the OBVIOUS GRAY skunk-like stripe showing up on both sides of my part and in the front of my temples.

So since early 2018, I have been in the process of switching from a dark brown head of hair to a blonde head of hair. This change is a gradual change for me, but for others who see me infrequently, it is quite dramatic.

Some changes are not that important. This is probably one of them. Whether it will be a good decision on my part or not is yet to be known. I love my dark brown hair! By going blonde—no matter what the reason—I am losing part of me and part of my identity and past. And that is how change is!

The fact is that change happens. Period. 

We change clothes. We change jobs. We change positions. We change partners. We change our mood. We change the channel. We change our spiritual condition. We change our name. We change our minds. We change our homes. We change churches. We change our nail polish. We change our recipes. We change our weight. And most recently, King Mswati III, the leader of a small African nation, has changed the name of his country from “Swaziland” to the “Kingdom of eSwatini.”

Some changes are inconsequential. Some changes are easy. Some changes are hard. And, some changes are VERY hard.

One thing is certain—change is inevitable in our lives and how we handle it is just as important as the change is.

Change may be:

  • Necessary
  • Unexpected
  • Unavoidable
  • Negative
  • Positive
  • Well-thought-out
  • Totally absurd, or
  • Quite frankly, insignificant

There is a growing industry on how to plan for change—or as some might say—there are models to manipulate people for a transformation. NOT COOL! Most people do not like having change imposed upon them through manipulation or without their approval.

John Kotter’s 8-step model educates organizations on planning for change by looking at data, communicating that data, monitoring data, managing the process, managing the budget, managing the resistance to change, and more.

Change—Positive or Negative

What we experience in life can modify our way of thinking. Change can create a new ministry, a new outlook, even a new you! I have just finished reading a book in which the author gave me a new, deeper perspective about my Christian faith. I call it a “life-changing” book.

However, our experiences can be absolutely devastating as well. Losing one’s family through death or divorce, losing your job, or being convicted of a crime can wipe out one’s emotions, finances, or reputation.

But sometimes our negative change can turn into a positive change. What if you lose your job only to get a job that is so much better and fits your job skills to the tee? Then, does what was perceived as detrimental become positive?

Sadly though, a positive change can turn into a negative change. What if the book I just read turns out to be authored by a false prophet and I lose my faith in God?

This is where leaders, authors, podcasters, and pastors must take care in how they are leading their flock or followers. Within Christian ministries, there is a fine line that requires leaders to carefully consider all matters that might affect their flock ranging from “seekers” to “babes in Christ” to the “spiritually mature.”

How Can Christ-Followers Evaluate Change in Their Life?

Many changes require deep, concentrated prayer—maybe even for years. Agonizing changes require some type of modification or a new direction. In secular life, we might change locations, change medical treatments, or change churches. In the Old Testament, Joseph changed from a shepherd boy to a mighty man of God in Egypt. In the New Testament, Saul changed from a Jewish persecutor to a dynamic believer.

Prayer, Bible Study, and Counsel

As a believer, important and controversial changes require much prayer and Bible seeking regarding one’s personal life, church life, or work life.

Crying out to God for His wisdom and direction is imperative because most changes reap benefits or consequences. When we immerse ourselves in the Bible for a special word from Him, we are opening ourselves up to hear how He wants us to handle a change. This goes for the ones making the changes and for the ones required to accept change.

Counseling may be advisable, but it should only occur from Christians who are spiritually mature and committed to God’s best possible plan.


All change creates a challenge. With the Lord’s guidance and wisdom, we can confront those challenges in a way that honors Him. I hope that is what you plan on doing next time you encounter an important change or decision.

Let’s conclude by looking at some Bible verses that voice the most important change we should consider in our lives.

Bible Verses:

1. We change. Things change. But, God does not change.

“For I, the LORD, does not change; therefore you, O Sons of Jacob, are not consumed.” (Malachi 3:6)

2. Let’s not sweat the small stuff, but consider the biggest change of all.

“Behold, I tell you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet with sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.” (1 Corinthians 15:51)

3. Accepting Jesus is the biggest and most important change in our life.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

God Bless,

Member Inspirational Writers Alive #IWA; Bible Gateway Blogger Grid Member #bgbg2

Bible verses are taken from the NASB if not noted otherwise.

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