Tag Archives: HEB

Sacred Snippet: My New Friend


I started out yesterday with my list of things to do. My list consisted of a doctor’s appointment at 9:00 am, picking up my new eyeglasses, and meeting my retired teacher friends for lunch.

I arrived for my doctor’s appointment at 9:00 am, and it was over at 9:15, if you can believe that, so I had two hours to kill. I couldn’t go home because our home was 45 minutes away, and everything was in the same part of town as where I was for my doctor’s appointment.

So, I went to an HEB grocery store parking lot, sat in my car, and read for an hour. I like to read. A lot, actually! In fact, I was reading about how much illustrations add when preparing a message—little did I know an illustration opportunity was about to be bestowed on me.

When I got bored sitting in the HEB parking lot, I decided to go and sit in front of Visionworks until they opened. But God had different plans.

As I was leaving the HEB parking lot, I saw a Denny’s and decided to grab a takeout cup of coffee. While in Denny’s, I noticed an elderly lady with her walking cane propped up beside her. She was sitting alone. When my coffee was ready, I felt the holy nudge to talk to her, so I walked up to her table and said, “Are you alone? Would you like some company?” She graciously said, “Yes, of course.” Her name was Joanne.

We had a wonderful time chatting. I heard about her life, and she heard about mine. A lot of talking happened in 30 minutes. She was a widow. Her husband passed away about 15 years ago, and she comes to Denny’s about 2 or 3 times a week to get out. When I said goodbye, my heart was full! We were both blessed by this divine appointment.

And I still made it to Visionworks and lunch with my friends!


Today in Bible study, we were talking about how to hear God. We discussed the usual things—prayer, Bible reading, talking to wise counselors, and more. But, sometimes, you just know what to do at the moment.

Pondering Thoughts

Little did I know when I walked into Denny’s that God had an assignment for me. When I saw JoAnne all alone, my mind raced back to the many times I took my elderly mother and her friends to IHOP or Denny’s, and when I saw this lady alone, my heart knew what I was supposed to do.

God knew I needed to be out of my doctor’s appointment quickly; He knew I needed to sit in the HEB parking lot for precisely an hour; He knew I needed to leave the parking lot to see Denny’s right in front of me; He gave me the desire to go in and get some coffee. The rest is history.

And who knew that God would combine a doctor’s office visit, an HEB parking lot, a trip to Visionworks, and a glance-over to Denny’s to create a divine appointment?

As you go along your daily life, God may present small opportunities for service and kindness. Don’t pass them by. Today, if you feel that holy nudge, don’t be afraid. Act on it. It may be just what you and the other person need at that exact moment.

God bless.

Bible Verse and Quote:

Random Quote: Kindness is more than a word; it is a choice to act with love, compassion, generosity,and service towards others and oneself.”

 “We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9 (NLT)

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things, there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 (KJV)


Dear God, thanks for so much in my life. Thank You for giving me time to pray. Thank You for the pleasure of reading Your Word. And thank You for the small things You put in my life—the things that bless me and the revelations You show me. But, even thank You for the things You have not revealed to me yet, for I know Your plans are the best for me. Give me patience and contentment until Your timing is shown to me. I love You.



This article may not be reproduced except for written permission from the author. 


Books by Patti