Tag Archives: club

Killing Time!

Chilling in the United Airlines Lounge (I got lucky this time), I realized how much the world has transformed.


First off, as I sit in the lounge — or club as some call it — phone chargers are like vines, everywhere you look. Folks are wheeling and dealing on calls, making the air buzz with business. And the restrooms? They’ve gone gender-neutral – “All-Gender” signs on all three restrooms. Then there’s the tech scene; video calls have taken over, with people chatting away as if they’re in their own private bubbles.

And let’s talk about the grub! I nibbled on some bread and veggies, waiting for my coffee to hit that perfect sipping temp. Meanwhile, the bar appears more expansive than the food spread.

Then, there were the overheard snippets from the tech crowd floating  around:

  • “It’s the team that matters!”
  • “He’s nailing it remotely, so this chat’s only fair.”
  • “Guess it boils down to how you juggle the tasks.”
  • “Got summoned to cool off a hot-headed new manager in Corpus – he’ll settle in a few weeks, no sweat!”
  • “If they pull it together, let’s seal the deal – doubt they’ll kick up a fuss.”
  • “Time to touch base with the stakeholders.”
  • “Just nod along, then we’ll switch it up, keep things smooth.”

Thankfully, the lounge is free from the harsh language that peppered the check-in zone.

Everyone’s on a mission to prove their worth, except yours truly. I’m here penning this blog, pondering its purpose, how to wrap it up, and wondering why I am even observing the scene. Soon, I’ll dive into my paperback books on the Holy Spirit and Sodom. Holding them up might ruffle some feathers – or not.

I’ve already soaked up some Bible verses this morning, but now, my focus is wavering. The buffet’s getting a refill, and I’m torn… More food? My snooze-inducing pill? Or my books? I opted for the latter – the pill can wait until I’m yearning for it on the flight. I’ll grab a bite just before boarding.

To pass the time, I’ll share some gems from my reads – the blog’s theme is “Killing Time!” And hey, sometimes that’s time well spent, like now.


“The Holy Spirit is the ultimate church growth expert. He is not a liability that needs limiting but the only one who can make an eternal impact. We need to let him run our ministries and churches.”

“Without the Holy Spirit, a church is just a club, our preaching is just motivation, and our outreaches are just temporary acts of charity.”

“Let’s say that you are like a mobile phone. You can be plugged into the power outlet and then charged to 100%, but the moment you unplug from the source you begin to lose power. Your charge begins to drop. In order to keep the phone at 100% charge, it has to be charged up and then remain plugged into the power source.” Think Holy Spirit.

“Preacher, what kind of a gospel have we to present to such a self-condemning people? If our message lacks ‘the power of God unto salvation,’ dare, we call it the gospel?” Hmm!

And that’s a wrap! Boarding’s up next…

Bible Verse:

“You will have to live with the consequences of everything you say. What you say can preserve life or destroy it; so you must accept the consequences of your words (Good News Translation).

Proverbs 18:20-21


Dear Lord, Please allow me to watch my tongue, both in what I say and in the attitude in which I say it. Let me honor You in all I say. In Jesus’ Name. Amen


I’m not saying, because some of you might think I’ve gone too charismatic for your liking! Ha.